Women Are Gathering

Hello my friends,

I am visioning a world where women are gathering in circle together all around the world.

Their alignment with their heart, and soul is growing.

Their connection with each other is growing and strengthening.

They are bringing in light to our world. 

I am visioning in a great movement of divine feminine power.

Gather together. Bring your energy together and you will be stronger.

I have been hearing this message since October of 2020.

And the message is getting louder.

So let’s gather together. It is time to anchor in this energy.

When we gather we call in support from the other side. They gather with us – and this expands the energy. They are so excited to gather with purpose and intention. We set the intention and purpose of this gathering and this gathers the perfect beings of the highest truth and compassion.

Our Purpose: To bring healing light through to ground into our lives, and the world: for me, for you, for us, to help us download and integrate the new wisdom of this divine feminine energy and to embody the understanding that we are absorbing.

Our Intention: To align and manifest our heart’s desires so that we can bring even more light to this earth, to vision in a new earth of love, peace and higher guidance. We intend to expand our capacity to hold a bigger energy and learn to walk wit this power with reverence and grace, knowing we are co-creating with a power much greater than us, for a greater purpose.

We will create a sacred space for conversations of desires, intentions, visioning, meditating, channeling, journeying, expanding our energy, accessing the divine feminine energy, healing old wounds, listening, sharing, supporting dreams, and manifesting for you, for me, for the world.

When Women Gather is gatherings together on all of the above.

Each week we will have a guided meditation that is channeled for the group and the conversation will be perfect. It will align with those who come.

It will help each of us feel more peace, clear more space to create in our life, heal our patterns, learn to self-lead, and rise in the power of the divine feminine energy and more. I will channel the message for each week and we will connect with each other for conversations designed to expand all of us into holding a bigger energy.

Let’s create magic together and radiate our energy!

Stay connected to your soul through this year. Become even more soulfully aligned.

Connect to your awakened heart.

Click here to join us:


P.S. have you heard the story of our tipi manifesting for more gatherings? There is a power of women manifesting together and this is how our tipi came to us. Watch this video right to the end. It is so worth it!

Love Janice

The Story of Our Tipi

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