Are You Experiencing a Block or an Invitation to Soar Higher?
Sometimes a block isn’t so much a block but rather an invitation to soar higher.
You know when life gives you that unexpected ending? When the creative wind at your back drops off and the sails droop. Your zest for life has fallen like a kite to the ground and you feel like you are in the black hole of creativity. You feel tamped down. Maybe things have become mundane or perhaps your common thoughts are keeping you from dreaming?
And you think the Universe is conspiring against you and saying, “Ha, ha, nope not this time. I was just kidding with you, you can’t have that.”
We’ve all had it happen and when this happens to me, my initial reaction to my perceived betrayal of the Universe is to retreat and creep back to my safety zone; all I need is my family. I pull a blanket over my head and just do what I know I can do. “No more adventures and risk taking for me, nope not this girl, I’m good right here on my sofa with my blanket and familiar spaces. At least my family loves me and I have my dogs! I’ll be fine right here.”
But what if we are reading the message wrong? Could this be the Universe pushing us forward into new territory? Away from the safety zone and into new adventures and new risks. Being a creative means feeling alive through our creative exploration everyday and not getting stuck in clockwork routines. We need to feel fresh and free to allow these juices to flow. Maybe when things don’t go as we expect it is because the Universe has a bigger and better plan for us and is redirecting our route to one that will help us grow and expand.
Have you been asking for more? More expansion and freedom? What are the keywords that you have been using in your life lately? Are they here now creating space in your life for exactly that?
Expansion, freedom, joy are all part of co-creating with this force, so maybe this event of perceived rejection is the divine guidance saying, “Enough of this, time for you to move on to bigger. You have outgrown this space.” And you need to say “Yes, bring it on!” With all your heart and a clear intention knowing you can handle anything that comes your way.
And when you can allow this possibility, hope will peek out of the box and you will feel your energy rising. And then your creativity begins to really flow!
And then what?
Get quiet and listen closely to hear the divine inspiration and welcome it in when it knocks on the door.
Happy Creating!
Hello ,
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I have subscribed to your newsletter. 🙂
Hope to hear from you soon.
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Jan Zac
Hi Jan, thanks so much! I will check out your site. Good luck with it!
Analytics is good to see the traffic to your site and I’m sure there is much more to it that I have not yet investigated.
Always so busy with creating 🙂
Talk soon
Respect to author, some wonderful information .