Are you ready to create?
Have you made the decision yet?
What will you create?
What are you determined will happen next in your life?
You know that shift that happens when you’ve been thinking and thinking about that new workout plan?
You spend days thinking about starting it.
And then one day you decide. Yes, I’m going to do this. I’m going to start today!
Now all the energy that was being wasting in the thinking about it, is channeled into your decision.
You decided! Now it happens. You committed. And so it is!
We often wait until we are pushed into creating something new in our life. We go through hardship or trauma for so long and then all of a sudden one day we decide, ‘Enough is enough! I’m done with this!’
And you create something new! And your life changes.
But what if we didn’t have to go through the hardship or trauma.
What if we just decided today: I want more.
We waste so many days of our life thinking about it, but not deciding.
What if you could give it your full attention today and decide:
I’m going to find a new job
I’m going to find a new lover
I’m going to find some new friends
I’m going to write my book
I’m going to get back in shape
I’m going to ____________________ (you fill in the blank)
That is the focus that will bring changes to your life.
You’ve heard it before, talking to your girlfriend, “Wow, you are looking so great! What have you been doing?”
And she says, “Oh I just decided I needed to make some changes in my life!”
She decided!
And change happened – all the months of thinking about it, wasting energy on all the wondering was instantly gone – and now more energy is available for creating what you want!
Create from your magic – Decide. Commit to you.
My new Money Mastermind begins June 10th!
Let’s get more money flowing into your hands! You can decide to stop the struggle, to make it easy for money to come to you. Money will become magnetized to you!
Click here now, make the decision to create changes in your financial world: Money Mastermind
Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice
P.S. – If you want one on one coaching I have openings available now. Click here