Love Pours Forth

Surrending to the Divine Plan of the Universe
Hello Friend!
This week my focus has been on surrendering, releasing and just allowing myself to be, as you may have seen from my video on Soulfully Aligned Women.
One thing I have been doing is listening to a beautiful song called, “Heart of the Universe” by Peter Kater & Snatam Kaur, and it has been very centering for me. It has brought me back home again.
If you are feeling at all confused, foggy or have that feeling of striving creeping in, or ambitious tension then perhaps you need to take time to sink back into your heart presence in this moment, as I did.
Take a look around you. What is happening externally is feedback for you.
It is a direct reflection of what is going on inside you…
Remember external abundace begins with spiritual abundance.
When I relax into the feeling of the moment, surrender and open to receive, then everything becomes crystal clear again.
What is truly important in my heart comes forward once again.
And when I dwell here everything begins to flow again in the direction of my true heart desires.
Surrendering to the will of the Universe – letting go, releasing…trusting is the place of true empowerment.
The ‘zen mind’ or ‘beginner’s mind’ in Zen Buddhism means we are open to receive – open to learn.
When I think I know how everything needs to unfold and am wanting the Universe to follow my directions, then I am not teachable.
Nothing can flow in. I am blocking the presence of my creative flow.
When I empty my mind, let go of my expectations and make my alignment with my heart my #1 priority, then everything flows and begins to unfold in the direction that is of the highest good for all.
I am stepping back and allowing a higher power within me to lead the way.
This place is where insight and inspirations flow forward.
Dwelling in this space and really sinking into that feeling of complete surrender – that sweet feeling of love and heart centeredness… then instantly love pours forth from the heart of the Universe.
As we recognize that nothing else matters but this feeling of love and peace, and we make this feeling the center of our lives, then everything will flow toward your desires.
And then you become the guiding light in the lives of all your loved ones, shining the way forward.
Affirmation for this week:
Love pours forth from the heart of the Universe and I am held steady in these divine cosmic arms.
Have a beautiful week of love, trust and surrendering.
Love Janice
My newest retreat information is posted below for my Gather Round the Soul weekend in January 2019. You can get more information in the events section of this website.. This will be an amazing and beautiful weekend of soul alignment, connecting and setting our intentions for manifesting in the New Year. I truly hope you are able to join me. I am very excited to bring this to you!
P.S. – If you want one on one coaching I have openings available now. Where are you at in your life? Tell me where you are stuck. Tell me how you think I can help.