What is the Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal?
Welcome my friend! You have landed in the right place if you are wanting to get stronger in your authentic power!
Beginning June 2023 we will gather in a 9 month continuous group to help all of us stay the course in our soulful practice and alignment.
The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal is a monthly sacred practice and global community. Every month you are led in a shamanic painting journey into mystical and natural realms, you will learn from Spirit Guides and Allies and create art to bring you a deeper connection with yourself, Spirit and your creative vision.
This group will help you gain strength to receive guided wisdom and inspiration in your life. Each month the group theme and energy will keep you coming back to your home base again and again.
You will continue to ground and strengthen the spiritual, soulful aspect of you, coming back to your heart center more and more quickly, even when the world around you is spinning too fast.
What Can You Expect?
The energy of group and circles has been recognized for hundreds of years as a source of power for all those involved. And right now we need each other more than ever. No more going it alone. It is time for a collective group energy to create in our lives the beautiful world we are visioning.
At this time, out there in the world there is so much noise, and it is easy to get lost in that noise. It is our responsibility to keep coming back to our home base, replenishing and re-establishing our roots with our true self. Remembering who we are, and re-membering the pieces of energy that get lost in the chaotic energy around you.
With The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal you will:
- heal and transform, becoming stronger in your soul/heart center
- let go of fear and doubt
- regularly connect with Spirit through art, writing and meditations
- create a sacred body of work, and art work for your walls
- learn spiritual tools and techniques through art rituals and transformational art practices
- receive support from a group of like minded spiritual creatives
- access your inner wisdom on demand, and become a clear channel of your higher guides,
When you have a solid creative, soulful practice and community in place, it creates the portal for your creative visions to come through with ease, joy and flow!
Would you like to fill your walls with powerful art?
Would you like to find your home base through your creative flow, open up to a grace of more wisdom,
more guidance to solve problems in your life, and open up to a direct channel of this flow.
You no longer need to seek out this information from anyone else. It is there, within you.
What Will You Receive?
Each month you will receive: (Don’t forget to use the special coupon codes above)
- A live group call that begins with a guided meditation.
- A module for the month’s topic
- Journal prompts to help you dive deeper into the topic
- Creativity/painting prompts
- Channeled messages for the group
- Guided painting and/or drawing activities throughout the weeks
- A shamanic or meditative painting together that goes with the theme
- A private Facebook group that will give you access to share your growth, creativity and ask questions to others or myself.
- Access to reach out to Janice for more personal guidance
- Group card readings
- More guided meditations, prayers, affirmations and mantras
This is a container for a channeled group gathering so it is very fluid, exciting and spirit always caters directly to those who gather together. So if you have found this, there is a reason. The course evolves to the needs of the people who come.
With that being said, here are some of the themes we will journey through:
- Who Are You? What Guides You?
- Your guides, angels and totem animals.
- Living from your true self?
- All the diamond aspects of you.
- Forgiveness & opening up more space for you to create?
- Living, loving & leading from your essence.
- Your success – giving yourself permission to expand.
- Your north star? Where are you headed?
- The four elements – air, fire, water & earth
- Exploring other dimensional realms.

More Details & Frequently Asked Questions:
All modules, videos, information…will be housed on Teachable, so you will have access to every month’s information.
You will have access as long as you are in good standing with The Creation Guild.
You will join our 12 month (option to commit for 6 months at a time) portal of energy for a pay what you choose option of $88, $111 or $144 per month where you will enjoy:
- Unique monthly themes
- A module for each month
- A live group call with Janice
- Guided meditations
- Group channeling
- A monthly shamanic/meditative painting session
- Creative art journal painting prompts & videos
- Journal prompts each month
- Affirmations, Mantras & Prayers
- Private Facebook group for sharing, questions and supporting each other
Question: Do I need painting or art experience? What if I can’t paint?
No. I will guide you through all the painting and creative activities. All you need is an open heart to play and delve into the creative aspect of yourself.
Question: What supplies will I need?
- Each month I will let you know what size of canvas I will be working on, but a variety of canvas sizes. I often use these sizes – 16″x20″, 20″x20″, 18″x24″, 24″x24″, and some long and narrow ones such as 12″x24″ or 15″x30″
- A variety of acrylic paints. My favorites are: Cadmium yellow medium, quinacrodone magenta, phthalo blue, prussian blue, cadmium red, cerulean blue, turquoise, brilliant yellow green, dioxazine purple, prism violet, white, black, burnt umber brown…or any other colors that call out to you. You don’t need all of these. You can begin with a good yellow, blue, red, white and black and mix from there. There are many different brands. I like using Liquitex Basic Acrylics.
- a watercolor palette of colors
- a good mixed media art journal
- a pencil, eraser, pencil crayons (can be watercolor pencil crayons)
- I love watercolor markers for my art journal.
- sharpies and markers of different colors (waterproof)
- you may want a variety of patterned paper, (I love using gold leaf sheets to add sparkle to my paintings)…whatever you have laying around is good too.
Question: What if something happens in my life and I have to cancel my subscription?
This is a 12 month journey however you have the option to commit to 6 months at a time.
And always remember you can reach out to me if things in your life change.
Question: Is there a refund policy?
I do not have a refund policy, however if you decide after the first 30 days you do not want to stay in our group, just email me at [email protected] and I will be happy to cancel your subscription.
Question: When does the trial period begin and end?
This trial period begins on November 15th and will end December 20th. You can join at any time within this period and have full access to everything we have been doing during this time.
Question: When does the monthly group begin?
We begin on January 1st, 2021 and keep going for 12 months. At that time you can choose to stay in our group or opt out.
Questions: If I have been in your groups, courses or workshops, will we be doing any of the same paintings?
No, this will be all new freshly inspired paintings. Remember, I channel the inspiration that is best for the group, so it is energy that is always moving, evolving and current.
Question: What if I can’t make it to the group calls or the painting sessions?
Everything will be recorded for you and placed in Teachable. You will have access to listen or paint at your own convenience. You will also have the opportunity to send me your questions even if you can’t be there to ask them.
Question: What if I am not on Facebook?
Everything you need will be in Teachable. Many people choose not to be on Facebook for their own reasons and I respect this. You can still enjoy everything I am offering each month. However, the Facebook group is a great place to connect with the individual soulfully aligned members. A big part of this journey is the group energy. You can also ask me questions through this group, post your creative work that you are proud of or ask questions to the other members. I would recommend that you create an account and just join our group. You don’t have to be doing anything on Facebook to have access to our group. I can walk you through this if you are unsure or nervous about this step.

Who Am I?
I am Janice Gallant of The Creation Guild. I am an artist. I am a teacher. I am a creative soul guide. I use creativity to help people remember their own inner wisdom & power and transform obstacles in their life into stepping stones that help them create a life of their dreams. I know about obstacles because I’ve had so many in my own life. I’ve used my unique methods of combining spirituality and art to transform myself from feeling like a victim in life to an empowered conscious creator. I have shifted my anger and fear to a deep inner sense of peace and love at my core. And I have changed from a life of pure survival to one of thriving, living my life as an artist and teacher, helping others create their dreams. I guide you to get clear on your own inner essence, your own spiritual path, whatever that looks like for you, and bring your power back to stand strongly in your full energy. Let’s take this fun creative journey together! Get started by clicking the link below.