Soulfully Aligned Creative Coaching 1:1 Session

Hello My Soulfully Inspired Women!

Welcome! I am so glad you are here.

I believe that you have been guided here by your own spirit team and I hope you will find this information helpful. Please know you can book a 30 minute call with me to ask any questions and see if we are a good fit.

Working in the 4 aspects of evolving into your magnetic magic as a soulfully aligned woman; source, soul, heart and human, you will find that with my methods you will quickly align to the guidance that is available for you.

This may be new for you, or you may already be working with your divine team. Either way, our energy together will expand to a mastermind level so that you can create the life you are desiring in you heart.

Right from our very first session together, you will feel lighter and be given the tools and strategies to begin taking your life to the next level, living fully in alignment with your creative source energy.  Manifesting a life of your dreams is for everyone!

When you open to receive help from the Universe, magic happens and the messages come through loud and clear.

I can’t wait to help bring this through for you.

This is not about me ‘fixing’ you (because there is nothing wrong with you, you are a beautiful light being of this amazing Universe), but it is a co-creative dance between me and my guides connecting with you and your spirit team. You will need to be ready to create the changes you are desiring. You can only receive so much through osmosis of the energy we will create in our meetings. When you are truly ready to commit to you and your life our work together will bring wonderful shifts and inner healing resulting in external changes, all in the direction of your heart’s desires.

Spirit brings messages through me. This is part of my ability. But I am a guide who is to show and support you so that you are able access your spirit team all on your own. The goal is that you step into your own empowered being, and begin this human walk of the divine feminine power. receiving your guidance for each step along the way.

This is the process we will journey through; source, soul, heart and human.

You will quickly learn how to access your I AM presence, listen to your soul, bring it all through your heart and walk in the divine feminine power. When you walk this way, in full alignment, your life around you changes quickly. You become filled with abundance within, and this reflects in your world.

A truly empowered life is when you have the knowledge, tools and strategies to create an internal force that is stronger than the forces that surround us externally, and to continually bring you back to a state of peace where you are intentionally creating in your life.

About Me

If you are reading this, then you have probably become a little familiar with who I am. If not be sure to follow my blog posts on my website, or join me on my social media accounts; Instagram, Facebook or my Soulfully Aligned Women Facebook group.

My journey of becoming a spiritual guide has come from about 30 years of my own personal work, and much growth & learning. As a child I saw and heard spirit but it scared me so I shut it down. In my late 20’s after a life altering event, I began to connect more with spirit and was brought into the world of a beautiful shaman and learned from her for several years. This began my journey back to my truth.  My shamanic teachings brought me into a very small circle of initiates where I learned how to align with my power, feel energy, access my own spirit team and how to channel for others.

This was not something I shared with others until after my training with Gabrielle Bernstein a few years ago. It is then that the channeling began coming through much more powerfully and I was strongly urged by my spirit team to begin giving women Soul Retrievals to help them heal and move forward in their lives more quickly. Women are needed in the world right now!

You can deny your calling for only so long, and everything keeps bringing you back to your truth and your purpose. So I claimed my path. Since then I have also connected to a group of light beings called The Aperture Beings, who bring messages and guidance through for my group programs.

As a channel, my superpower is connecting with my your spirit team and accessing information that you may not be able to hear or see through the fog of your life. This helps me elevate my coaching clients to new levels of releasing fears, old patterns and debris that have been preventing them from creating the joy in their life that they most desire. Through my meditations I bring through new light code frequencies that help you elevate from the fog and heighten your unique energetic frequency.

If you are ready, we can quantum leap your life to a level that may take much longer on your own.

When Women Gather, Energy Radiates!

Gone are the days of the lone wolf, trying to rise up alone. We are in an time of great need for all of us to rise up and create the life of our heart’s desires.

As you commit to your soulful life path, you create a ripple effect for your family and loved ones. They feel the change and this helps them step into their own soulful path.

As you clear the debris on your path, you are the clearing old ancestral patterns, paving the way for your children. You are helping our world rise up to a new level.

There is never anything selfish about this, you are answering the calling, and committing to something your soul decided before you came to this world. And we will rise up together!

What does 1:1 Spiritual Coaching Look Like?

Having a Soulfully Aligned Creative Coach helps you grow, shift and up level faster than on your own. This is important! No more wasted time lingering in repetitive patterns for days, months or even years. And the Universe is at your back more then ever before. All the power is there now for you to take your life to the next level of getting clear on your desires, and manifesting quickly.

Your creative flow opens the gateways of higher frequencies to come through. As we paint together we are consciously inviting in your higher wisdom to guide and inspire. No painting experience is needed as this is a playful process of laying paint on a canvas and allowing the messages to come through. These sessions can be done through zoom so no matter where you are in the world we can have a creative session together!

These Sessions help you change your life by first immersing in the high vibration that we will create together and then help shift the way you think at a deeper level. It is about creating a change to our deep unconscious beliefs so we can let go of old patterns, and/or situations that are not serving us. And this is all about working with your spirit team who is here to help you. You literally have extra energy and power available for you!

As I said above there are 4 aspects that determine what you are attracting in your life:

  • Your deep understandings of your source
  • Your trust in your soul and receiving the guidance from your team
  • Your awakened heart
  • Your walk in your divine feminine energetics as your human self

These 1:1 sessions can be done on zoom from anywhere in the world. We meet for 2-3 hours of painting together, I will guide you through the process. The painting process is the important part rather than the finished product. Although many women find they absolutely love their new energy art as it holds so much meaning and power for them.

Each session is $275

Your first step is to book an introductory call with me for free.

So How Does This Relate to Manifesting My Desires?

Everything in your life begins at an energetic level. We are energetic light beings in a human body.

Nothing in your life will change until you create change at your deepest levels.

So everything you want to create in your life, begins at the energetic frequency levels, receiving new light codes as you release the old codes that have kept where you are.

If you are trying to manifest something into your life, and it isn’t arriving then there is something off in your energetic frequency.

Our work together will include deep energetic work, consciously and unconsciously. I am able to hold sacred space, bring through new light codes and frequencies for you, so that this work can elevate your unique frequency. Your creative flow opens the gateway for your higher wisdom to come through, so your intention is important as it states what you want. We will clarify this together in our sessions.

As you commit to you, your life and your energy, you will become the magnetic magic of a soulfully aligned woman who has access to all her desires.

Some of the ways working with me can help you:

  • First, and importantly, our session together will raise your energy frequency. This opens you up to the flow and anything not serving you will bubble up to the surface to be cleared away for the new.
  • Identify your deep, individual beliefs of how you fit in this world
  • Discover old beliefs that no longer fit and may be blocking you
  • Release old beliefs to make room for what fits now 
  • Clear space to allow new manifestations in
  • Find clarity and determine exactly what you do want to manifest in your life 
  • Find your passion and life purpose
  • Learn how to tap into, & listen to your higher guides
  • Create a daily meditation practice to align with guidance 
  • Determine your next right step
  • Step into leadership roles – access your divine feminine energetics!
  • Set goals and boundaries – personally and/or professionally in business
  • Navigate relationships or life changes
  • Personal Fulfillment
  • And increase your self-love and self-worth!

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