Communing with my Creative Energy
The word self-centered has such a negative connotation to it. We have been taught to be giving and generous, to think of others before ourselves. Society has made us feel if we spend to much time on ourselves we are being selfish.
And yet read it again - SELF Centered!
Is it not important for us to be centered in our self to create with intention and inspiration. And how can we give sincerely to anyone or anything if we aren't fulfilled ourselves?
So what does being self centered really mean and what does it have to do with inspiration and inspired action? And what does it look like?
This kind of self-centered means healthy self-care. It means making sure you are feeling good every day - physically, emotionally and spiritually. You need to do whatever it is that is going to give you this balance. This is your life!
For me this means I need to make sure I build in time every day for my meditation. I also need to be creative on a regular basis. For me this means writing, painting and drawing. It also means I have to keep up with my exercise routine. I have to take time to go for a run about 2-3 times a week, or else my brain gets sluggish. Maybe I have a slow blood flow, I don't know, but what I do know is aerobic activity is what works for me. And especially after the age of 45, I noticed how quickly my body responded to the lack of exercise! I'm sure I am not alone here. But... if I am short on time, I choose my meditation first.
No one knows better how important it is to make your own self-care a priority, than someone who has been diagnosed with a life-altering or life-threatening illness. Don't wait for that - take care of you now!
What replenishes you? What makes your heart say, "Yes! This feels so good! I need more of this in my life!"
Now be brave! It takes a lot of courage to make yourself the priority in your life. You need to put yourself first, ahead of your kids, spouse, pets, extended family and your work. You need to ignore what others say about you. And you need to learn how to say NO to others. (Or put them off, until it works with your schedule - take control!) You need to mentally shut everything else off and take the time for you.
Learning to meditate will be a skill you will never regret. And taking 15 minutes every day to practice this will begin your journey of replenishing your soul. (At the end I will attach a link to get my meditation for free. I have been using it for about 25 years and it is very powerful for accomplishing the connection to your Creative Energy.)
Be completely and utterly selfish in these moments - don't let anyone intrude! Fill yourself up for your day!
You sleep to replenish your physical body so why would we not want to replenish our inner self, soothe our emotions and connect to your soul?
You will find on the days you complete your meditation, you will have so much more to give to everyone and everything else. You will feel calmer AND you will be opening the gates for inspiration! Yay!
More and more creative ideas will come to you, during meditations and/or throughout the day when you least expect it. You have opened the gates to more...more answers to problems, new ideas and new creations.
So tomorrow begin with you and make time to commune with your Creative Energy!
If you would like the free meditation just click the link below and I will send it out to you.
And watch for the painting that came from this drawing - I will post it soon!
Happy Creating!