Welcome to The Creative Mystic Course
I am excited to invite you on a 6 month journey with me that will honor your mystic within. If you have found this page, there is a reason. You are being called to rise up and claim the magic that lies within you. You know this. Deep in your heart you feel this call.
As we journey together we will spend time on the different aspects of your divine wisdom:
- August – Feeling the Energy – I AM Worthy – Enhancing your senses
- September – Your are Not Alone – I AM Supported – Connecting with your allies, angels and ancestors
- October – Your Own Sacred Space – I AM Loved – Begin channeling for you
- November – Your Medicine Bag – I AM Power in Grace & Love – Filling your medicine bag, using tools such as oracle cards, and tarot cards and more
- December – Dream Time – I Am the Crystalline Light & an Expanding Being – Dreams, lucid dreams and past lives
- January – Your Gateway – I AM a Lightworker – Channeling for others
Watch the video to learn more
Meet Janice

This is for all, beginners & experienced Mystic Souls!
This course is designed to introduce you to all of these topics and help you begin to dip your toes into the energetic waters.
However, if you are already on your own mystic soul journey and want to grow more, connect with a tribe, practice with others, then this is absolutely for you!
You will make life long friendships through this course.
We will create an atmosphere of grace by opening with sacred space for every group call, shamanic painting, and meditation, by calling in the four directions and all guides, angels, teachers and healers of the highest truth and compassion.
An Overview
- Live group Zoom sessions 2X per month
- Guided meditations with group channeling each month
- A workbook for each month that you can download, and/or print off
- A new shamanic painting session together each month that takes you deeper into each month’s topic
- Creative activities and painting prompts to expand your receiving
- Painting practice tips that will take your increase your creative skills.
- Exercises for further practice
- Journal prompts for stream of consciousness writing
- A private Facebook group to share and interact with others
- Lifetime access to this course
Here is What You Can Expect:
August – Feeling the Energy – This month will be all about energy; what does it feel like for you? Do you sense, feel, hear or have precognitive downloads and what does that mean? What can you expect as you grow through this course? We will talk about clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairolfaction, auryoyance (auras), psychokinesis, psychometry, scrying, and what all these mean. You will begin to recognize your own natural abilities, and how you can develop them more. We will talk about the different healing modalities, ways of protection and why you need it, how crystals help, smudging, drums and more. Our mantra through this month will be I AM Worthy as we recognize this energy is within all of us already and we are simply fine-tuning our senses to become aware of more. We will have a shamanic painting session (usually about 2 hours) and be given creative prompts, journal prompts, exercises and meditations to use throughout the month all of which will help you open more to energy. All calls and the painting session will be recorded for later access.
September – You are Not Alone – This month will begin our practice of connecting with our individual guides, angels, spirit allies and more. This is a beautiful sacred connection that will guide you in nurturing and leaning into this relationship for support. We will discuss what is known about Universal energy, divine masters, ascended masters, guides, angels as well as animal allies and the energies and elements in nature that are here to support our human growth. Our mantra will be I AM Supported. We will have a shamanic painting session (about 2 hours) and be given creative prompts, journal prompts, exercises and meditations to use throughout the month all of which will help you open more to energy. All calls and the painting session will be recorded for later access.
October – Your Own Sacred Space – This month you will begin a practice of channeling for yourself. We will talk about the different ways we receive messages, inspirations and guidance. You will practice leaning into your intuition, allowing it to guide you more and more in your life. We will begin stream of consciousness writing (automatic writing) and the techniques I use to get the flow of writing started each day. You will begin opening to receive more and more as you put everything into practice. You will learn how to create sacred space in your home, as well as the four directions and elements of earth, air, fire and water. Our mantra this month will be I AM Loved. We will have a shamanic painting session (about 2 hours) and be given creative prompts, journal prompts, exercises and meditations to use throughout the month all of which will help you open more to energy. All calls and the painting session will be recorded for later access.
November – Your Medicine Bag – Your medicine bag, traditionally, holds your power. It is a space that you place items that represent your power. It is always with great respect and reverence that we use the gifts of our power. We will talk about using tools such as oracle cards, tarot cards, dowsing rods, crystals and other items that help you open the portal to your higher power. You will be given the opportunity to begin creating your own oracle cards, as well as your own medicine bag. Our mantra this month will be I AM Power in grace and love. We will have a shamanic painting session (about 2 hours) and be given creative prompts, journal prompts, exercises and meditations to use throughout the month all of which will help you open more to energy. All calls and the painting session will be recorded for later access.
December – Dream Time – December ushers in winter solstice which is traditionally a time of going within. This is the Dream Time and the perfect time for us to learn from our dreams. Dream interpretation and lucid dreams will be our topic this month, along with past lives that can most serve us now. You will learn how to remember your dreams, how to begin having more lucid dreams and will be guided through a past life meditation on our group call. Our mantra this month will be I AM Crystalline Light and an ever expanding being. We will have a shamanic painting session (about 2 hours) and be given creative prompts, journal prompts, exercises and meditations to use throughout the month all of which will help you open more to energy. All calls and the painting session will be recorded for later access.
January – Your Gateway – This month you will begin to learn how to channel for others and receive messages. We each have our own language of understanding and you will learn to develop your own. You will begin channeling for messages for others in the safety of our group. The feedback from our friends will help us develop our internal language. Our mantra this month will be I AM a Lightworker. We will have a shamanic painting session (about 2 hours) and be given creative prompts, journal prompts, exercises and meditations to use throughout the month all of which will help you open more to energy. All calls and the painting session will be recorded for later access.
Are You Ready?
If your heart is saying yes then you know you need to follow through! You will feel the excitement in your body, and may even feel a little nervousness too. That is a clear sign that this is your next right step in your growth!
And there is nothing to be nervous about. You will feel exhilarated as you grow and expand, open and receive, month by month!
I know I was super nervous when I went to my first psycho-spiritual class with my shamanic teacher over 25 years ago. The fears and doubts filled my mind and I had many questions. Here are a few you may also have:
- First, how much is it? It is $333 per month or full payment of $1,777 ($244/monthly or full payment of $1,444 for the early bird pricing before July 26th)
- What if I can’t do it? What if I’m the only one who can’t do it? If you are reading this, you already have talents peaking out in your life, and you are welcome to call me to chat about it more. Just click the button below to set up a time for us to chat one on one.
- What if I get called on to do something I can’t do? I will never ask you to do anything you are not ready or comfortable to do. By January you will be itching to try out channeling with a friend.
- What if it is scary? Everything is informative, fun and enlightening, nothing scary here. Just love, support and laughs.
- What if my teacher is crazy? Haha this makes me giggle, some may think I am, but you are welcome to have a call with me and feel me out.
- What if this is a cult or they conjure up some dark energy? There is no dark energy out there, the only darkness is within ourselves and this course helps you call in and stand in the beautiful divine light.
- What if this is a religious thing? This is a non-denominational space and I have complete respect for all forms of beliefs, you are all welcome here.
- Can I cancel if I need to? Yes, absolutely, at any time. I want you to be happy. However, once you cancel you will no longer have access to this course or any of the materials.
“Let me tell you a short story.
This past January, I finished a course with Janice. It marked just over a year of taking classes from her. I was merrily walking along on the road of life, feeling courageous, empowered & happy. When all of a sudden, unknowingly and unwittingly, I seemed to have stepped off the edge of a cliff. This ugly feeling was familiar to me and detestable. I knew I had to nip it in the bud and stop the train that was barrelling toward me on a track. And I knew I could. You see, I am different now… so very much different- thanks to Janice. I can see the signs. I recognize the ego and the destruction it causes and ultimately leaves in its wake when left unchecked. I now possess the skills and strategies to work towards getting myself back onto the road I had been travelling on.
The self-awareness, new-found techniques and clearer understanding I now have reminds me of a tool box. The contents of this new box are unlike the old tools I relied on before. My old tools were unhealthy choices that worked like a bandaid. They could cover up a mess for a while, but that bandaid eventually has to be ripped off, and thereby exposing the same raw hurt from before. Janice has taught me new tools that allow me to grow and flourish. I realize that hard work and consistent dedication is required to live a life of Miracles. But I can’t imagine living my life any other way. The lessons I’ve learned from Janice are an invaluable and treasured gift. I can’t thank her enough.”
Lori Lynn