Break Through Your Glass Ceiling

Hello my friend!

If you want to create big changes in your life, it probably is going to require some courageous jumps.

If you want to build something that is beyond average, you will need to step beyond your comfort zone.

Comfortable feels good. And we all need comfortable. 

But if we are not going to reach those big dreams while remaining in the comfort zone.

You will know when you are ready to take the leap.

Your heart will race.

You will struggle with your decision, with imposter syndrome.

But you can not step into that expanded creative energy if you don’t stretch beyond your borders.

I have a vision of reaching thousands of women and helping them remember their inner wisdom and power.

You have a big dream too.

Your dream was given to you because you have the gifts to create it.

To create a movement, a wave, you will need to go where you have never gone before.

Because this is the role of a leader, to go into the unfamiliar zones.

Are you rising to this leadership challenge that life is giving us all right now?

The divine feminine is rising. And the world is waiting for all of us to lead.

A leader is courageous, bodacious, a risk taker who believes in her ability to create.

She will step up and say, “I’m ready Universe, let’s do this!”

She will commit to her creations. She will say, “I have to do this, I have to try, I can’t just sit here.”

She will keep clearing away the debris that clutters her path and slows her down.

Because she knows she is helping create a new world.

She is helping create a new way of being and doing in the world. 

She is helping create a new way of business and serving in the world.

The old paradigm of business has to go now. 

She is showing the way her heart, soul and gifts can serve in a much bigger, more expanded way.

She is confident in herself, knowing that receiving is part of serving.

She receives the abundance with grace and gratitude, with open arms to the overflow (no guild or shame), because she knows she can not continue to serve in lack. This will drain her.

She knows she can not serve in her highest potential if she is worried about survival, or her bucket is drained.

She needs time in her life for stillness, for nurturing and communing with her soul, as a co-creator in this world.

She knows she needs enough abundance for not only taking care of her and her family’s basic needs but an overflow to keep her in a state of creative flow to serve from the highest realms, to expand and reach all those who are waiting for what she has to offer.

And she lives in a state of abundance, supporting all her soul sisters, knowing they also will live this way., helping them reach this in their own world. 

You are her.

She is you.

You may be feeling, I’m not that girl…but I do want to create this. 

You have a desire in your heart for a better life, a more soul aligned life.

And you are so done with doing the work for someone who doesn’t appreciate or acknowledge your gifts.

You want to find your passion,

Or maybe you know what it is already but aren’t sure of your next step.

You know you can help even just a few women.

You know what you have to give, is unique to you and no one can do it like you.

You are needed.

There are so many people out there waiting for you.

This is how we work together. One step at a time.

Energetic foundations along with practical business building guidance.

Are you ready for this world, for this work, for this lifestyle?

This is the way of the new world. 

Women entrepreneurs who have soulfully aligned, thriving, abundant businesses.

We will slowly take over the world, each of us serving in our own corner of the world.

This is the way shifts happen. Each of us, serving from our highest potential.

Everything begins with energy. 

Your thriving, successful business that is reaching your ideal clients, who are waiting for you, begins with a consciously created energetic foundation.

Join me this week for The Mystic Business Launch Party in Soulfully Aligned Women! 

A FREE workshop on building the energetic foundation for your business on Tuesday April 20, Wednesday April 21 and Thursday April 22 at 7pm MST

This will all take place in the Soulfully Aligned Women Facebook page so be sure to join this group if you haven’t already.

The Mystic Business begins May 4th for those who want a deeper dive into building their business that is grounded in a strong foundation and will grow, expand and thrive!

Send this link to your friends so they can come too

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!

Love Janice

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