The Bottom Line on Signs

Is Following Signs a Good Thing?

Hello Creatives!

The other day I was listening to a podcast where they were talking about asking for a sign from the Universe. I was reminded of a book I had read years ago, where the author says to begin by asking for small, random signs. Like a purple car.

Lightly I thought, “Hmm I haven’t played this game in a long time and I don’t get very many signs anymore. Universe I haven’t received a gift in a long time. I would like to receive a small gift as my confirmation sign that you are still here, listening to me and helping me create in my life.” 

And I let it go. I did not put a 24 hour time limit on it. That never seems to work for me.

And 4 days later I received, not one, but 2 gifts in the same day!

Yes two!  Abundance, yay! 

Here is what happened:

I was delivering a certificate to my friend, client and soul sister, Connie. We met up for an outdoor coffee together.

And she surprised me with a little gift bag of gratitude from our work together. The gift was a small wooden statue of a laughing Buddha! My gift #1 was such a wonderful surprise and it was a symbol of abundance! I love my laughing Buddha who is now sitting in my entrance to greet everyone!

The second gift that same day was one that I knew was coming but had forgotten about it. 

After my coffee with my Connie, I remembered I had a package to pick up from a store in town, so I swung by to do this.

Even though I knew this gift was coming, it was still a wonderful surprise because I didn’t know what was in it.

And I had completely forgotten about it! This was a gift of art supplies!

Both these gifts felt like a validation for my spiritual and creative work.

The thing about signs:

Asking for signs can be a wonderful way of receiving confirmation and communication from the Universe.

But the thing is, we don’t really need the signs because we hold the wisdom and all the answers in our heart. 

I already am completely embodying the belief in my work and that I am fully supported in my work.

Let’s say you ask for a sign to come that will give you confirmation that taking that attractive course you have been eyeing is what you really need.

You ask for the sign of an elephant.

As you scroll through your phone a picture of an elephant is there and you are elated!

You follow through with your new adventure feeling confident of your support.

But what if the sign doesn’t arrive?

You feel disappointed, deflated and decide to hold back on moving forward. 

You feel unsupported because you really wanted to take that course.

Now, is your heart sinking or do you feel a sense of relief? There is your answer.

The feeling of disappointment is your inner wisdom telling you what you really wanted.

And if you decide to follow your heart, (be damned the sign, I’m doing what my heart is yearning for) you will most likely find elephants begin to show up everywhere in your life. 

You really just needed to believe in yourself first and the Universe jumps in celebrating and supporting you.

Signs can be great tools to help us connect to the wisdom we already hold within us. 

They can be great when we use them to confirm what we already know to be true within our heart.

So, the bottom line is: follow your internal guidance.

You don’t need the signs. You just need to build the trust in yourself, and then trust in your intuition.

The power is within you. You already hold the power, not the sign.

Asking for signs is just one of the tools you can use to build your trust in this inner guidance.

(We talk about more in The Mystic Business) 

You have infinite amounts of internal wisdom and guidance supporting you all the time.

Here is what I know:

There is tremendous support available for you.

The cosmic forces are always ready to get behind you and support you in your soul’s desires.

When you decide to follow your nudges, go bigger and set the next level goal, your Universal team of support cheers!

The Universe is truly at your back! Everything you need is available to you now!

And on that thought….

If you love my style of combining practical and spiritual in your life and business…

Then now is the time to enroll in The Mystic Business training course.

When you take action from a place of purpose – from desiring more and knowing you are worthy of an incredible life – things happen. 

Miracles happen. Money comes. Things shift. Opportunities open up. 

I want to support you in this.

Not only do you have the course, its content and all the practical next step business content.

But you will be feel the transformational energy it contains.

And you have me, live, together, coaching and supporting you to your next level.

Don’t know what your business is, but you feel the stirring in your heart?

You know there is something more for you. 

But you are not sure of the next step?

The Mystic Business is the perfect place for you to safely go deep into the well of your heart to find that perfect offer only you can give to the world.

In this sacred container, together we will help you find your passion, and gain clarity on your soulful business.

The energetic shifts you will experience simply from being in the environment of this training (much less, coming to the live trainings and doing the guided inner work) is major.

I believe in my work and the guidance that comes through me to help women shift, change, expand and grow into more of who they were always meant to be…their truest, highest selves.

And I love watching how their lives change and rearrange as a result.

I am excited to bring you through this course, *|FNAME

In The Mystic Business you will:

  • identify your business and establish the energetic foundation of your business
  • experience frequency shifts to believe in yourself
  • step into a wealthy woman mindset
  • get action plans to set up your business
  • create a marketing plan
  • attract your dream clients
  • learn how to break through blocks and glass ceilings
  • release the fear of failure 
  • find your passion and how you are being called to serve in the world
  • feel more aligned, empowered
  • believe in your work
  • trust in yourself and what you have to offer so you can make money.

The Mystic Business begins May 4th and runs for 8 weeks.

Each week we will meet for that week’s live training. You will be given homework to work on throughout the week that will be guided inner work as well as practical steps for your business.

By the end of the 8 weeks, if you commit to the weekly work, you will have your business up and started and will begin to bring your offer to the world!

Beautiful, soulful women are already registered to begin.

Are you being called? Do you feel the stirring in your heart?

Then you are meant to bring your beautiful energy to this group too.

Join us today and receive your first steps right away.

It is time to shine your light even bigger than ever before!

Love Janice

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