It’s Always About the Frequency First

Embody the Frequency

It is Frequency First

Do you remind yourself each day that you are a vibrational being first, then a physical being?

If you are consciously creating in your life, it is so important to live your life remembering it is always frequency first.

Consciously creating is all about taking care of your energetic state first. 

You step into being the version of you who is always living your destiny.

It is BE – do – have.

Not have then be.

Embody the frequency of the life you want to create.

Act in alignment.

Show up, feel it, act like it, walk like it.

You get to decide where your frequency will be each day. 

Too often we allow the outside conditions to dictate our energetic state, and soon we are spiraling down in feelings of worry, guilt or fear.

But when you tap into the power you have within you to get up each day and decide what you will create, then it will show up around you. 

This week I am offering you all a free training: The Art of Consciously Creating

It begins Tuesday evening at 7pm MST and I hope you will take the time to join me live in Soulfully Aligned Women.

You will learn why consciously creating the life of your desires is your soul contract

You will learn the first steps to becoming the artist of your life

And you will learn how to stay the course, even when life around you is crazy.

And so much more!

I want you to know:

You are capable

You are wise

You are good enough

You are beautiful, smart and good hearted

And you are the most powerful force in the Universe

Everything you need is already in you.

It is about remembering and claiming this truth. 

Click here if to go to Soulfully Aligned Women

We begin tomorrow night! 

Join in and learn how to live from your vibration first!

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!

Love Janice

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