No One is Coming to Save You!

But that’s okay because you are a powerhouse of creative source energy!

Hey there Creative!

I need to tell you something, my friend, no one is coming to save you.

But that’s okay because you are a powerhouse of potential creative energy that can sculpt your life into whatever your heart desires. 

And you know this already, deep within you the truth is there.

Waiting for you to turn your attention to it.

Waiting to emerge from within.

You’ve got this. 

But sometimes you forget and I want to remind you.

You are a rockstar.

When you decide, you can pull a day together like no one you know.

When you give yourself permission you have drive, you have passion, you have a fire that rises up unapologetically and illuminates the world.

You are beautiful. You are strong. You are determined. You are a leader. You are worthy. 

When you put your mind to something, it gets done!

You have purpose, power, passion and fire within you.

You know what you want.

Now you need to give yourself permission to create it fully.

Not just a little bit, no more playing small!

You get to have it all.

All the desires, all the passion, all the nirvana!

All within your heart. 

It is when you give yourself permission to do this, when you realize you truly are worthy of it all, that it begins to manifest in your life.

You are a powerful creator!

And you are tired of standing on the sidelines.

You have had enough of the struggle.

You want more ease and flow. You want life to start going your way.

You want to do what you came here to do.

You long for the income, impact, expression and connection.

It is time for you. This is your time now.

I created something for you. 

Because I reached that point too. I wanted my hands in the clay while I created the life of my dreams. 

This is for the person who is realizing that life does not need to be a struggle!

This is for the person who is suspecting  there is so much more to this life!

This is for the person who knows she is here for more!

This is for the person who wants to do, be and have all the things she desires!

With Dream & Journey I am giving you 4 weeks of high vibe, inspired content that will get you on the fast track of manifesting your heart’s desires.

Here is what you get access to:

  • Getting Clear on your dreams to set clear intentions! (Nothing changes until this is clear for you)
  • Guided Visioning Meditation!
  • Inner child painting exercise to help you remember why you came here.
  • Journal prompts to help you find your vision and gain clarity of what you want to create in your life.
  • My Energy of Vision Painting Workshop – a full painting workshop to paint your arrow, infusing your clear intentions & visions into your painting.
  • My Manifesting Mandala Workshop with mandala templates – a workshop that teaches your everything you need to know about manifesting your dreams.
  • My full Dream Mandala Workshop – creating your mandala with your own dream intentions infused in it.
  • Dream Mandala Painting Workshop – a beautiful mandala painting that will vibrate out the energy of your intentions into your space!
  • Our live group call with a guided meditation and channeling
  • Our private FB group where you can ask me any questions and connect with me as needed.
  • And your BONUS: The Dream Catcher Painting Workshop

It’s time to bring your dreams alive again.

It’s time to begin the forward momentum.

Dream & Journey begins September 1st, but I wouldn’t wait! 

Listen to your heart now. Take action now. 

And the forward momentum will begin right away for you.

Because this is how it works, when you say YES, the Universe responds instantly.

This link has all the details, success stories and payment options

Have a beautifully creative week!

Love Janice

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