Stretching Boundaries & Limitations

Hello my creative friend,

Have you heard the phrase before, “If you aren’t growing, you are dying.” I am sure you have.

To me it is so easy to fall into complacency in different areas of my life. 

Especially right now. This past year has shown us more clearly what we want and don’t want in our lives.

And many of us have let go of a lot of excess. 

But have you felt there are areas in your life you have gotten a bit complacent in.

What parts of your life could you focus on taking to the next level?


To push beyond your own limits, first you need to acknowledge that you are a creator.

Ask yourself, am I living in accordance with this? 


You have the ability within you to take your life up to the next level, step by step (or great leaps if you so choose).


So think about this: 

Where are you accepting a lower standard of normal in all the areas of your life?

In your health, fitness, money, job, career, relationships, love, living environment?


What do you know is possible for you if you were actually to commit to yourself?

Do you know, deep down, what is possible for you to create? 

Do you dream of this, but are not sure how to take action?


Sometimes we see others with what we would like to have and it maybe triggers us a bit.

This is a sign that it is possible for you too, and your heart is really desiring it.

It calls out to you because you know you can have it.


What do they have, that you want too?

Be fully truthful with this, because when we push it down we are then playing small. 


Do they have a beautiful home, more money flow, a closer relationship with their spouse, a more fit body?


What parts of you are telling you to stay small? You don’t need that to be happy.

Of course you don’t. You will create happiness and peace wherever you are.

But wouldn’t it to be more fun creating this happiness & peace from the place of your heart’s desires? 


You decide where you are going to live your peace and happiness from: here in complacency or at the next level that also brings excitement & exhilaration!


So this week, awaken the parts of your life where complacency has seeped in.

It is time to wake up and choose to create more, push your boundaries and limits and go bigger. 

It is always a little scary to do this and you may say, yes I want more but I don’t know how to do this!

That is why I am here – to link arms & guide you through! Click here to book a call with me. 


And if more money flow is what you want then I can show you how.

Join me this week as we begin the Money Mastermind group. 

It will be fun, enlightening and exciting to begin to create the space for more money to flow into your life. 


Click here to find out more or on the image below, and make the commitment to your creative powers to go to the next level with your conscious creations!

The Money Mastermind group begins this Thursday June 10th at 7pm MDT 


Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!

Love Janice

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