The Artist Within – How to go to the next level of creating!

The Artist Within – How to move through the creative blocks!

Hello my friends,

There is a certain point in creating that doesn’t feel so good.
But it is a necessary stage.
And it is not just for the literal creative arts such as writers, musicians and artists.

It is for you too!

You know it when it hits. It comes just before the big, new, creative inspiration comes through.

You feel sluggish, and unfocused, like you are just muddling around in life. You feel like you have no goal to get you excited. Clarity eludes you. You don’t quite know what you want. And you feel unsupported, alone and moody.

You know this place. And many times we try to fill it or cover it up with shopping, buying something new or setting the date and purchasing the tickets for that next vacation.

But if you hold on, and follow my steps you will see that this is a beautiful place to be and where you need to be cleaning house because a new growth of creativity is about to flood in.

And that is just what I do when I am feeling this lull in between great creative adventures.
I clean house, both physically and within my core.
I consciously create space for the new.

If everything is energy, then each time we create something new our vibration rises up a bit more.
And when we get used to being at that level, then we are ready for the next level.
So when I feel this way I always say to the Universe, “Okay, I think I’m ready for more!”

The Universe is always supporting you even when it doesn’t feel like it.
And I know, you don’t feel very supported when you are in this lull.
But recognize that you are ready for the next adventure now. You are ready to level up!

The most beautiful feeling in the world is when we are in that creative flow. Think about it. Think about the last time you got really excited about something you were going to create in your life.
It is so much fun to be in this creative flow!

The artist within you is strong, creative, and always expanding.
It’s all about creating your next desires and moving to the next level in your life.
Because you expand just like the galaxy is always expanding.

It is the natural creative flow of the life force energy within you. That is why if feels so good!

And the Universe is there, ready to give you the next new adventure in your life.

Now, one more thing…if you have been trying to manifest and it does not seem to be budging for you, you may be working too hard on it. I recently realized this myself. I was getting too caught up in how I wanted things to unfold, and this was causing everything to slow down. I was being too specific and this causes resistance in my manifesting.

And when I took the following steps my manifesting took a giant leap forward and everything went from muddled to clear as the blue sky. And I was reminded just how much we are supported!

And remember, when you are co-creating with the Universe, your heart, your angels, your God, then everything comes to you. You don’t need to look for it, it just shows up in your life.

It only took 4 days of following these steps each morning before my manifestations started flooding in.

Here are the steps:

1.  Go back to how you want to feel, without thinking about how it is going to happen. Journal out the feelings you want to have when you wake up at the beginning of your day. For example: I want to feel energized and excited for my day. I want to jump out of bed excited for my work. I want to love my work and feel so powered up to go to work. I want to have fun with my work, I want to love my co-workers and feel inspired by them. I want to work with people that are always working on becoming better and better people in this world. Do you see how this works? Now try it with having abundance in money, or love, or health. Don’t get into the details of how it will look. Focus on feeling words.

2.  Meditate on letting go of the control. Hand it over to the Universe or your angels. Just see them figuring it all out for you. You are cleaning everything out of your inner house and just floating in the feelings. Let go of all expectation. I have also been using the Ho’Oponopono Prayer. This is a very powerful Hawaiian Prayer. You can look it up to see more about it but here it is:

I am sorry,
Please forgive me,
I love you
I thank you.
Direct this prayer to your own heart. Speak it to your higher power within you. It is incredibly healing. We are usually holding so much guilt, anger, resentment, etc towards ourselves and this blocks our ability to receive the divine love from the Universe. We don’t feel worthy. And yet you are worthy. Not because of anything you have ever done or not done, but because you were born. Period. So begin forgiving yourself and see how much things shift in your life.

3.  Now begin clearing space around you. Your home, your car, your office – clear out anything you no longer need. Open up the space to receive. Open up the flow. Look into some Feng Shui to help with the flow of energy in your home.

4.  Finally, get creative – doodle, paint, draw, garden….anything that feels good. Just allow yourself to create. It doesn’t have to look good. You are not going to save the world with these creations, so lighten up and just let go. Put paint on a canvas and start to move it around, playing with the color and shapes that appear. This is very powerful!

COMING SOON!  I am going to be having some Intuitive Soul Painting Sessions! I am so excited to offer these powerful sessions of creating, guided by our imagination and infused with the intentions of our desires. Paintings that anyone can do! So stay tuned for these to be coming in August!

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

P.S. – If you want one on one vibe sessions I have openings available now. Go to my Vibe Sessions to find out more!

Do you have questions or comments? I would love to hear from you. You can reply to this email or send them to [email protected]

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