This May Cause Miracles to Emerge in Your Life!

Clearing Debris to Forgiveness

Hello Creative Soul!

The doors to infinite possibilities and miracles are open for you, and if you intend for goodness to manifest in your life this year, the Universe will deliver.

I learned long ago that the power is in my beliefs, my intentions and my willpower.

I learned I needed to get up every day and believe in me, my gifts, my abilities, my support, and to stay aware of  the old patterns, beliefs and fears that would come up throughout my day.

Trust me when I say; your work is to stay open, stay connected and keep building your awareness of every way your thoughts may be inhibiting this goodness to appear.

Give yourself access to high level, high vibrational content this year.  Speak only words of high vibration.

Hang out with those that strive for a high vibration.
(The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal is a monthly group where we come together to create from the energetic levels and it is closing in just a few days! Click here to learn more. and your CREATIVE111 coupon code expires on Thursday!)

Read and watch only content of high vibrations.  Decide to put yourself first this year.

Keep striving to reach the level of ‘knowing’ that you have the power within you to create the life you are calling to you.

One of love, passion & exhilaration each day.

Tap into this knowing. You know you were born for your heart’s desires.  It has always been here for you, in you.

And it only takes, making that decision to go for it!

You must tap into this inner wealth, to witness it manifest in your outer world.

You have permission from the Universe to go for it!

And when you do – your work, love, heart and intention will be supported and will expand beyond your imagination.

The Universe just waits for you to take the first steps, then it rises up to meet you. So your first action is what creates changes in your life!

This is the power of your intention and your willpower!

And when you do – you will be helping others find their own inner wealth too.

Your light will be multiplied through your work and heart and every person you reach.

No more excuses. No more waiting.

You decide right now to create the life you were born for.  Nothing will change until you decide it will change.

I am so excited to begin Clearing Debris Through Forgiveness on February 7th.
And this course is so amazing, that several of the women who took it last year are already contacting me to say they are joining in to go through it with me again! (This is the bonus: you pay once then get to join in as many times as you want for free!)

After last year, a year filled with so many uncertainties and fears, I am so ready to go through these 40 days of becoming miracle minded again. Each time I go through this 6 week course, I shift and clear out more layers, and then my life takes a giant leap forward!

I love the high vibe in my online painting workshop Clearing Debris Through Forgiveness – Painting Your Wings to a New Life. 

And each person that comes along with me will be raising the vibe even higher!
I am so proud of the women who have already made their decision and have joined already.
I know they have been waiting for this course to open up and are excited to get going.
We will create a momentum that reaches higher and higher each week!

We will be painting, but doing so much more! Each week we come together for a live group chat, you get a guided meditation to use for the week as well as creative flow activities that help you take the teachings for the week to a deeper level. There is so much content, covering so many areas!

We will be shifting our self-perception of our relationship with our self, our body, our self-love, our loved ones, our self-worth, our net-worth, and becoming miracle minded, and unblocking our creative flow!

Each week as we learn from Gabby’s book, May Cause Miracles:

  • You will be guided to free yourself from the constraints as you paint on your canvas and connect to your creative flow more and more.

  • Your self-awareness will grow and you will begin to loosen the grip of limiting beliefs, release them to clear the path for you to create in your life freely.

  • You will remember who you are underneath all the rules, expectations and dogma of this world, and why you came to create in this life, here and now.

  • As you paint your way through your self-awareness you will unveil the true you and rise up to fly with your new wings.

  • You will free your mind from fears, self-doubt and limiting beliefs.

  • You will paint your wings to a new life of joy, abundance and new possibilities.

When you paint, you connect to your higher wisdom and all the guidance is there for you.

You will begin to hear, listen and trust this guidance more and more, freeing you up from the anxieties of trying to please others in your life.

Your self-worth and self-confidence will grow.

This may seem like I am offering a lot but I know this is truth.

I didn’t just show up on this journey yesterday.

I have been on this path for many years and I have seen, over and over, how this truth unfolds.

And I have experienced the feeling of having this powerful flow move through you, and reflect back to you in your life.

It is beautiful.

It is worth it.

And I am committed to helping you experience more of it in your life.

If you knew now, the rewards you would receive, you would not hesitate another moment.

Nothing would stand in your way between you and this beautiful grace flowing through your life.

So what was it you were waiting for again?

I make it so easy for you with an amazing low price, and the option of 2 pay or 3 pay monthly plans.

What are you waiting for?

Come join us, connect with a group of women who are committed to raising their vibration and clearing the debris in their life to create the best possible life of their dreams.

Click here now to learn more about Clearing Debris Through Forgiveness.

Click here now to learn how to join The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal with your coupon code CREATIVE111

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

P.S. – If you want one on one coaching I have openings available now. Click here to find out more.

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