Where is Your Home Base?

Where is Your Home Base?

Good Morning Creatives!

Have you noticed how much our kids settle when they spend some down time in a safe, secure home?
Teenagers will resist this, but when the family takes a vacation and they are forced to come along, you notice you have a very different kid at the end of the vacation.

They may have started out with resistance, sullen and angry to be pulled away from their friends, but by the end of your family time they are happy, softened and appreciating family again. They are centered.

You’ve got your kid back!

But what about your home base?

These days we aren’t running off on vacations and considering the wild energies in our world right now, you need to be a frequent flyer to your home base.

If you immediately thought, well my family, my home is my safe place. Then yay!
But I am talking about your internal home base.
The place that brings you back to your knowing of who you are deep at your core.
Not the you who is a mom, sister, wife, friend, daughter…but the pure essence of you.
Where is the core of you. Where does your magic begin?

Painting and journaling are where my magic happens.
When the world becomes a whirlwind I know I need time at my easel.
Painting brings me back to my center. It is my soothing home base.

Journaling brings me to a deeper awareness of who I am, it gives me epiphanies, higher wisdom and guidance I can trust.
Journaling connects me in conversation to the higher universal powers.
And as I have learned the power of words in creating, journaling helps me craft my words to manifest.

But there is one more thing….
Magic happens when I take my journaling a step further by painting images that are connected to my awareness.
Painting angel wings when I feel the need for more support,
Painting my power animal who has been showing up in my life,
Painting the aspect of me that will bring me to a more empowered state,
Painting beautiful scenery from nature connects me to those beautiful grounding earth energies.

And as I paint, more wisdom comes through. It is like opening a portal to the flow of the cosmos.
The finished painting holds this immense energy and I can feel it each time I look at it.

I use creativity to help you transform obstacles in your life into stepping stones to create a life you will love.
And I know about obstacles because I’ve had so many through my life.

I’ve used my methods of soulful creativity to transform myself from feeling like a victim and constantly waiting for the next shoe to drop, to an empowered conscious creator. I’ve shifted my anger and fear to a continual flow of peace and love in my very core. And I’ve changed my life from one of constant survival to a life of thriving!

I want to help you remember and re-member the pieces of your soul that have been lost or left behind, and help you find your way back home to your full presence.

And when you are there you feel empowered to make decisions in your life.
You create healthy boundaries that honor your worth.
You feel a peace within that never fades and is a beacon of light to come back to in a single moment.
Your life around you begins to shift and you will find that you will be living more and more of the life of your dreams.
Because everything begins its creation at the canvas.
And you will continue to create a clearer and clearer vision of the life you want to create.

Would you like to fill your walls with powerful art?
Would you like to find your home base through your creative flow,
open up to a grace of more wisdom,
more guidance to solve problems in your life,
open up to a direct channel of this flow
and become better at channeling information for yourself?
You no longer need to seek out this information from anyone else.

Soulfully Aligned You is a new small group coaching package I have created to help you strengthen your connection to your home base, step into your empowered self and get really clear on what exactly is your calling, all before 2021 begins.
We will meet weekly for the next 6 weeks and you will be given creative journal prompts and activities designed to take you deeper into living from your soul.

Begin the new year standing in your power, ready to create at a whole new level!
We begin November 8th!

Find out more here: https://janicegallant.com/soulfully-aligned-you/

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

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