Activate Your Soul

The beginning of July always finds me stuck on ‘on.’ I feel the need to rush; to rush into creating more in my business. My thoughts are always, “Okay Universe, now we can really go, but I only have about 6 weeks of this undivided attention so let’s get going!”  (I don’t actually say this, but this is the vibration I am exuding.)

My higher power knows this is not the place to create from – the push, the rush…the scarcity mindset.

And every year, I am reminded that I need to allow myself time to drop in to that place of stillness.

I know now, after so many years, that I can’t rush and I am now better than ever with just letting go.

But there is still the moment of, ‘oh ya…I almost forgot.”

Then I sink into the arms of the Universe, surrendering, trusting.

I spend time walking, gardening, laying on the earth, cleaning and reorganizing my art space, my office space, reading, drinking my coffee on my deck, visiting with good friends, getting back into my exercise routines, going even deeper with my meditations….

I trust that all that is to come through me will come through in perfect timing. I understand and know that when I choose to connect, and not allow the feelings of, “I need to get this done!” to control my actions, and when I am able to step out of all the things I ‘should be doing’ and relax into my flow it will then come through. 

I know if I get out of my own way, all I want to create and share will come through me in perfect divine timing. It will be exactly what it will be. 

And it will be perfect.  And so I trust. 

I am patient and I choose to have the discipline to listen with-in; not to the outside.

I DO nothing. Instead, I focus on BEing.

Until it comes from deep within.

It is an intuitive whisper at first, easy to miss.

But because I am in my stillness, I hear it, I feel it. And I trust it.

The wisdom, the teachings, the inspiration that comes through is always so much better than I could ever have created on my own. The Universe has a much higher perspective of what is needed for the good of all, to come through.

And I have learned to trust that this is real, and is always coming forth for a purpose. 

So I allow it to bubble up and merge with the gifts I came to this world with. 

I know my soul is activated and my soul work is coming through to manifest into something beautiful, precious and powerful. 

I am so excited to bring to you soon what is coming forth! Stay tuned!

This is where you create your beautiful life from.

This is where you are guided with the forces of the Universe. 

This is how you make a difference in the world, one day at a time. 

To create from this place of power:

  1. Make space to sit with your soul – take as much time as needed.
  2. Intend, deeply intend, to create with this force.
  3. Drop in – commune, connect and just BE. Don’t move.
  4. Ask for guidance.
  5. Now, move forward with this inspired, aligned action. 

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!

Love Janice

2 thoughts on “Activate Your Soul

  1. Rose Boutin - July 6, 2021

    I love your message! In Jin Shin Jyutsu they say we are not human DOings but human BEings! Some days are easier than others! I tell my clients after a session as well to just BE!

    1. jgallantart - July 11, 2021

      Thank you Rose! So happy we are soul sisters on this path together!

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