We Are Rising Together

Hello Beautiful Creator!

I’ve been on my spiritual journey since 1995, after my bankruptcy threw me into a black hole of ‘what now?’ when everything I thought was meant for me, got wiped clean.

When I write my blogs, Monday morning emails, and posts, I am writing from where I am.
I am sharing my journey with you.

And I am loving what I do so much! Sharing with all of you, connecting with powerhouse women/mentors and being in the energy of women like you who are wanting more in their life.

This year my word of the year was ‘EMBODY.’

I prayed to the Universe for all of what I have been learning to be embodied within me. I wanted to feel it, within me, to lead from this embodiment aligned with my heart, soul and the power of the Universe.

And WOW has the Universe delivered for me. I know it is me who was ready to up level and and be able to energetically hold more space for more clients.

And what I am embodying is the realization that I want to bring everyone to the next level too.
I want us all to rise together, to expand to our next levels together.
This is what it is all about. We will all rise together.

So I have created an affiliate program and a commission program!

For each private one on one coaching client or soul retrieval sessions
I will share a 20% commission with you. Since these are usually a minimum of 3 month sessions you will see the potential for you to bring in a monthly flow of cash for a few months.
You can see my packages here:  https://janicegallant.com/in-the-flow-vibe-sessions/

For all my courses and trainings, if you have already taken the course, or are enrolling in it, you will receive an affiliate link that will give you a 50% commission!
Wow! You don’t see that out there! Yes 50%

Here is how it works: 
I will send you a special link to send to your friends or post online, along with a graphic to use.
And when your friends sign up for my course under your affiliate link you will receive 50% commission.
You just need a PayPal account for the money to be deposited to your account. (This is free and easy to set up)

Then they get the same opportunity! And we grow together!

My big growth awareness this year, is that I want us all to create the best life ever, together!
I have a small community of followers right now.
And, I love all of you and I want to see your income grow, so you can continue to grow into your best life ever!
This is where the energy becomes stronger and stronger. We grow together!

Upcoming courses:

Until July 1st you can join The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal
– Our July theme: Women Who Run With Wolves – claim your voice, claim your vision!

August 1st begins The Creative Mystic – I am so excited to run this course again! This is a 6 month journey to honor the mystic within you! Rise up and claim the magic within you! By the end of this course you will be channeling your higher wisdom and guidance!

Later in July I will offer The Mystic Business once again. Our first group has finished and it was powerful! This is a course about creating the energy of a thriving business! It is all about creating powerful underlayers of energy so your business is abundant with clients, inspirational ideas and financial flow!

Would you like to join in with our Money Mastermind group? You can by sending me a message

And I do have a new course emerging too about becoming a powerhouse of energy! I am not saying anything else about this incredible new program just yet, but be sure to watch for more information. And yes, once you sign up you will receive an affiliate link to invite your friends to come on the journey with you, and you will have the potential to make 0% commission on this course too!

If you have already taken any of these courses, just reach out for your affiliate link! I am so excited for the next level of expansion and for all of us to grow together!

My vision is to help all of you create a 6 figure plus income!
Money is a tool that will help you create a life of your dreams, and this will be how we heal the world!

I have linked arms with some amazing powerhouse women, coaches and mentors and I am stepping into my power more and more every day! And I am excited to continue to share this growth with you!

Because we are all stronger together, and the energy of powerful women together is what will change this world!

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

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