Open post

This May Cause Miracles to Emerge in Your Life!

Clearing Debris to Forgiveness

Hello Creative Soul!

The doors to infinite possibilities and miracles are open for you, and if you intend for goodness to manifest in your life this year, the Universe will deliver.

I learned long ago that the power is in my beliefs, my intentions and my willpower.

I learned I needed to get up every day and believe in me, my gifts, my abilities, my support, and to stay aware of  the old patterns, beliefs and fears that would come up throughout my day.

Trust me when I say; your work is to stay open, stay connected and keep building your awareness of every way your thoughts may be inhibiting this goodness to appear.

Give yourself access to high level, high vibrational content this year.  Speak only words of high vibration.

Hang out with those that strive for a high vibration.
(The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal is a monthly group where we come together to create from the energetic levels and it is closing in just a few days! Click here to learn more. and your CREATIVE111 coupon code expires on Thursday!)

Read and watch only content of high vibrations.  Decide to put yourself first this year.

Keep striving to reach the level of ‘knowing’ that you have the power within you to create the life you are calling to you.

One of love, passion & exhilaration each day.

Tap into this knowing. You know you were born for your heart’s desires.  It has always been here for you, in you.

And it only takes, making that decision to go for it!

You must tap into this inner wealth, to witness it manifest in your outer world.

You have permission from the Universe to go for it!

And when you do – your work, love, heart and intention will be supported and will expand beyond your imagination.

The Universe just waits for you to take the first steps, then it rises up to meet you. So your first action is what creates changes in your life!

This is the power of your intention and your willpower!

And when you do – you will be helping others find their own inner wealth too.

Your light will be multiplied through your work and heart and every person you reach.

No more excuses. No more waiting.

You decide right now to create the life you were born for.  Nothing will change until you decide it will change.

I am so excited to begin Clearing Debris Through Forgiveness on February 7th.
And this course is so amazing, that several of the women who took it last year are already contacting me to say they are joining in to go through it with me again! (This is the bonus: you pay once then get to join in as many times as you want for free!)

After last year, a year filled with so many uncertainties and fears, I am so ready to go through these 40 days of becoming miracle minded again. Each time I go through this 6 week course, I shift and clear out more layers, and then my life takes a giant leap forward!

I love the high vibe in my online painting workshop Clearing Debris Through Forgiveness – Painting Your Wings to a New Life. 

And each person that comes along with me will be raising the vibe even higher!
I am so proud of the women who have already made their decision and have joined already.
I know they have been waiting for this course to open up and are excited to get going.
We will create a momentum that reaches higher and higher each week!

We will be painting, but doing so much more! Each week we come together for a live group chat, you get a guided meditation to use for the week as well as creative flow activities that help you take the teachings for the week to a deeper level. There is so much content, covering so many areas!

We will be shifting our self-perception of our relationship with our self, our body, our self-love, our loved ones, our self-worth, our net-worth, and becoming miracle minded, and unblocking our creative flow!

Each week as we learn from Gabby’s book, May Cause Miracles:

  • You will be guided to free yourself from the constraints as you paint on your canvas and connect to your creative flow more and more.

  • Your self-awareness will grow and you will begin to loosen the grip of limiting beliefs, release them to clear the path for you to create in your life freely.

  • You will remember who you are underneath all the rules, expectations and dogma of this world, and why you came to create in this life, here and now.

  • As you paint your way through your self-awareness you will unveil the true you and rise up to fly with your new wings.

  • You will free your mind from fears, self-doubt and limiting beliefs.

  • You will paint your wings to a new life of joy, abundance and new possibilities.

When you paint, you connect to your higher wisdom and all the guidance is there for you.

You will begin to hear, listen and trust this guidance more and more, freeing you up from the anxieties of trying to please others in your life.

Your self-worth and self-confidence will grow.

This may seem like I am offering a lot but I know this is truth.

I didn’t just show up on this journey yesterday.

I have been on this path for many years and I have seen, over and over, how this truth unfolds.

And I have experienced the feeling of having this powerful flow move through you, and reflect back to you in your life.

It is beautiful.

It is worth it.

And I am committed to helping you experience more of it in your life.

If you knew now, the rewards you would receive, you would not hesitate another moment.

Nothing would stand in your way between you and this beautiful grace flowing through your life.

So what was it you were waiting for again?

I make it so easy for you with an amazing low price, and the option of 2 pay or 3 pay monthly plans.

What are you waiting for?

Come join us, connect with a group of women who are committed to raising their vibration and clearing the debris in their life to create the best possible life of their dreams.

Click here now to learn more about Clearing Debris Through Forgiveness.

Click here now to learn how to join The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal with your coupon code CREATIVE111

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

P.S. – If you want one on one coaching I have openings available now. Click here to find out more.

Open post

Observing Your Dreams Unfold

Hello Creative!

Were raised as a wild child?
Or were you raised to be a good girl; be polite, be helpful, sit quietly, behave…?

Both are totally fine, but if you were raised as I was, to be the good girl, then you may have some underlying, sneaky beliefs that are limiting your creative power.

Creating your dreams, your heart’s desires, means knowing you are allowed to dream big.
Check in and see.
Are you subtly waiting for the Universe to say yes to your dreams?
Do you find yourself waiting for approval to show up in some way? Maybe a sign?
And when you see that sign you say,
“Oh good I deserve these dreams. I have worked so hard, I have paid my dues, it is time for me to receive my dreams now.”
And then you find yourself continually checking in with the Universe for another sign?

Let me call you out right now so you can get on with your amazing infinite creative potential.

You are giving your power away. 

It doesn’t matter if you are seeking approval from the people around you by asking, “What do you think about my dreams? Do you think I can do it?”
Or seeking approval from the Universe by waiting for signs of approval.
You are giving your power away.

Time to take it back.

I want you to shift from waiting to watching, from waiting to observing.
As you shift into being the observer, the signs from the Universe become indicators of your alignment, not signs of approval.
You are no longer waiting for approval.
You are watching the Universe line up with you.
You are watching your life.
You are watching how your new creations are taking form.

Feel the difference?
When you are waiting you feel like you have no options, like somebody has to reward you, like somebody else is in control.

But when you are observing you know you are the chooser and you are creating your entire reality.
Nothing; no situation or event can continue without your consent.

You are the observer. You are the one creating, watching, shifting in every moment to bring your heart’s desires into your life every moment of the day.

You are worthy of all your heart’s desires because you were born and those desires are in your heart. Period.

You don’t have to do anything for the Universe to approve of these desires because the Universe put them there the day you were born!

Big aha moment! Take your power back today.
Love you all!

Don’t forget The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal is still open for you to join us until January 31st.

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

Open post

This Year is for More You!

Time for More You!

Hello my friend,

I want you to know….

This is the year for you.
This is the year to place your self-care first.
This is the year to create your own personal sacred practice.

The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal is your support.

Here each woman will find a safe space to sink into her soul, open her heart, grow, expand, and empower herself.

Her stars will align as she sinks into her creative flow.

She will embrace grace and fire in her life.

Her inspirations will flow. She will feel a  knowing.

She will feel her purpose, know her gifts, live from her heart, embrace her amazing light, and realize her next step.

She will rise into her light.

She will embody her light.

She will walk a clear path, with clear boundaries and will not be afraid to shine in all ways.

The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal brings her a sacred practice.

A soul-centered, creative, sacred practice that will support her month after month.

A consistency that will allow her to open her heart, to feel safe to BE the woman she was meant to be.

There is no rushing.

It is a gentle unfolding of her beautiful wings for the world to see

that she is meant to be here,

she is meant to shine brightly,

she is here to take up her space and create a shift of energy all around her.

She is the one we have all been waiting for.

This is for you.

Come home to your heart again and again.
Regardless of what is going on around you.

Live from your soul.

In your home, your work and fully in your life, in all ways.

Be you,

The you, who you were always meant to be.

This is the year for you.
Your special coupon codes for you, on now – don’t wait
CREATIVE111 gives you $33 off the monthly payment
CREATIVE88 gives you $56 off the monthly payment

The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal begins January 2nd.
Learn more here 

Love Janice

Open post

Releasing the Energy of 2020

Art Medicine to Release the Old Energy of 2020

Good Morning Creative!

Do you feel attached to certain traditions, to certain relationships or to your career, your position, your identity.

This past week I was going deep to remove attachments I have had, and I was reminded how attached we can get to certain traditions around this time of year. This year things are different and it is an opportunity for us to release our attachments. Doing this will free us up.

A Course in Miracles we are reminded that specialness is separation. ACIM calls this a special love.
A special love can only occur when there is judgement of something being better or worse, and this judgement leads to feelings of being separate.

It is our hidden beliefs that bring us to a special love.      “An unrecognized belief is a decision to war in secret.” ACIM

The power of your hidden beliefs will disrupt your peace. When you hold someone or something as special you are holding it separate from all others. You separate or fragment from the pure love within. It is our inner beliefs that create these situations.

So what does this look like in our own life?
Specialness may look like
  • A person you put on a pedestal because you feel they know more than you. You  may feel they have more education or a higher position. Or maybe they are your mentor and you look up to them.
  • It may be a special love relationship in your life. What a person must become to keep your specialness is an illusion.
  • Maybe your neighbor or friend has a nicer house, car, job…ect. than you so you see them as special.
  • Or maybe you are the one with the nicer house, car, joy… and so you see yourself as special. These can be very underlying beliefs. So you cling to these things because you feel they are who you are. They have become your identity.
  • You hold your position at work tightly because you worked hard for it, so you are the chosen one. – attachment.
  • Attachment may look like a relationship that you cling to even though you have grown beyond it.
  • A position or title you hold onto, even though your heart is calling for you to let it go and travel.
  • A tradition that you feel needs to happen every year, because this is who you are, this is your identity,
The common thread of attachment in these is the fear that keeps us there, instead of love.
Fear constricts, love expands.In a special love you are motivated to keep going, keep believing in a certain way because fear is chasing you.
On the other side….
Love offers freedom.
It calls to you to come here and breath in the fresh air.
To let go of all the tethers.
To rise up and fly, to follow your heart,
to let go and trust,
to replenish yourself, refresh yourself,
to come home and rest,
and then to expand into new adventures.
To live bravely, with exhilaration and excitement in your heart.When you let go of the need to have special love;
you will fill yourself up first, you will heal from the inside out.
This is how we heal the world. It begins with you first.

Enlightenment is not a destination, but a journey of lightening you up.
This week we will ‘lighten up’ by releasing the energy of 2020.

We can not move forward and create on top of all this energy.
We must clear the way just as a farmer must clear the field before planting seeds.

And you have so many new seeds to plant!

As a creator, an artist of your life, you will prepare the canvas this week, by acknowledging the lessons and blessings of this past year.

So grab your art supplies and your journal and enjoy the art medicine video below.

You have made an inner dedication to becoming a conscious creator.

You are an unlimited creative being!

So first we need to turn and face what we have created in  2020 to decide how we want to create in 2021.

Enjoy this creative process and have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

P.S. – The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal begins January 2nd.
Are you going to join us with an inner dedication to yourself, to more conscious creating in your life?

Click here to learn more

Open post

A Wing & A Prayer

A Journey to Become Unlimited

Hello Creatives!

I have a gift for you!
In fact throughout the month of December I have a couple gifts for you!

My intention is twofold.

First help bring more peace and hope to your world during a month that has become very hard for a lot of us.

We need to focus on the light, the hope, and vision the world we want to create into being, as a collective. It is so important for all of us to remember that we are the creators, we are the artists of this world we are now living in. And we are the ones who can create a new world. It all begins at the energetic levels. It begins with our thoughts. And so the more we can stand in our high vibing creative flow, the more we will create a world of peace and joy, and happiness.

Second, I want to give you a little taste….a little indulgence
into The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal.
I want to show you a little bit of what we will be doing in this private group that begins on January 2nd.

And so, please enjoy this creative painting and deep soul dive in to becoming unlimited in your thoughts, creations and visions for your life in the new year!

And to learn more about The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal click the Learn More link below.

Enjoy, and I would love to hear and see your feedback from this little journey.
Click the video to begin.

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

Open post

The Mystical Waters

Calling in Your Own Mystical Experience

Hello and welcome my creative friend,

The Mystic Path: to live in congruence with your beliefs and act on them, to embody consciousness. – Carolyn Myss

When I was very young I watched a tv program called The Flying Nun. I remember one time telling my grandmother I wanted to be a nun. I’m not sure if it was the habit they wore that I was enthralled with, or the grace that seemed to exude from the mother that the Flying Nun so often went to for advice. I think it was the latter because that really stands out in my memory. I remember my grandmother smiling and giving a little chuckle. She told me I would not like the life of a nun. And she was right.

I would have had to follow Catholicism, and that just didn’t jive with me.

However that search for grace never left me. The reverence I felt in a church, the deep knowing that there was something more has always been at my center. I have never doubted or questioned the presence of divine forces. And like a moth to the flame, it has been a lifetime search for me to get closer to that presence.

Becoming more consciously aware is the path to enlightenment and leads to the source of this divine, cosmic source.

But it is not an easy path. Living in an unconscious state is so much easier. You don’t have to forgive others or send them compassion. You get to live in oblivion, pleasing yourself and carrying on with your life. To become more conscious means you would have to overlook the behaviors of others in this world and treat them with understanding and compassion. And that just feels exhausting now doesn’t it? Especially in this world we are living in now. We all have so much on our plates, it is hard to pat your neighbor on the back.

Bu the truth is, we can only run away for so long. This cosmic truth will find us, and sooner or later we need to turn towards this divine source and say, “Okay, here I am…but what’s in it for me?”

Our fears of being called to do something we are not ready for, to let go of our worldly possessions that give us joy, or to let go of certain people in our life that are no longer serving our best interests, keep us from embracing a deeper experience with these cosmic forces.

But deep in our cells we know that a mystical experience melts away our fears. We know it will empower us to recognize our life, our worth, and our priorities.  It will call us up.

We resist for so long, until you just can’t hold these forces at bay any longer. Our world gets stuck, or turned upside down and eventually we cry out for mercy. I know. I’ve been there too.

Wouldn’t we all rather one big awakening experience, a vision of an angel, a near death experience that proves to us there is something more. But the truth is, most of us will walk the day by day path to enlightenment.
We are the common day mystics.
It sure is nice to know we will have lots of company on this walk.

Let me tell you more about The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal.
We will walk together through 2021, arms linked on this mystical journey.
We will consciously invite the experience of mysticism into our lives and actively pursue a deeper experience with this divine source that lives within our soul.

You will need to commit to this journey; to your soul growth; and be ready to explore these questions and more:

  • For what reason was I born?
  • What is the greater purpose and meaning of my life?
  • How am I meant to move around this earth?

And you will be guided to create intentions each month to work with these sacred mystic forces and be directed to know your soul and your destiny.

This is your time.
This is for you.
This is your pact with your soul.
To find out why you came.
To find out how you have a part here.

This is deep, beautiful work and is not for the feint of heart.
It is for those who are ready to know more about this life.
It is for those who have awakened or awakened even more in 2020.

And truly what’s in it for you? Why take this journey?
You will leave behind living in survival mode from the ego, to living with ease.
You will strengthen your inner self to be living a heart centered life;
a Soulfully Aligned life that brings in more
love, lightness, joy and abundance. 
(Yes abundance, because the Universe wants you to enjoy all there is here on this earth walk. The time of struggle and poverty are ending as we rise to a higher dimensional 5D world.)
You will begin to walk with an inner sense of peace, knowing everything is okay.
Your life will take on a new luminous glow.
You will feel like you have a secret, that everyone should know.

This is not a short journey – it is a 12 month commitment.
So it will call in only those who are ready to become a Mystic Traveler. 

If this is you, listen to your heart, you will feel it within you, resonating, fluttering with excitement…
Join me now and save your spot for this journey.
We will begin wading into the well of mysticism this January.

Each month will be a new workshop, building from the previous, designed to take you
to new depths of your soul,
to uncover new truths,
to create more space to commune with your soul,
to uncover enlightenment layer by layer,

until you are shining brighter than ever, living a life more and more aligned with your soul.

Through meditation, ritual, prayers, shamanic paintings, stream of consciousness writing, tapping deeper into our own intuition and lots of creative art journal activities, we will meet together in sacred space, and our group energy will empower all of us to go to deeper levels within our soul, and clear a direct channel to the divine mystical Universal powers.

Join me in The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal that begins in January.

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

Open post

Let Your Wild Child Out

Give Your Inner Child Permission to Speak

Hello Beautiful Soul,

I have to admit I’ve had a week of rollercoaster emotions.

And I had to sit for a long time before writing this email, to come into my heart space.
This is not the email I intended to write.

But I trust what is coming up at this moment and know we are all in this together, so if you are reading this, then you perhaps need it.

This week’s themes have been:

  • wild child coming out of the box (losing control)
  • returning to your heart, again and again
  • and a strong Universal energy of coming together in unity and support

As we continue on this path of our collective dark night of the soul, buried wounds and patterns are rising up in all of us, to be healed and released.

The collective shadow is intense right now.
Our emotions are exhausting and you may be feeling a bit frayed at the edges.

This week I had three experiences that brought out a burst of temper and frustration from within me.
This has not happened for me in many years and knowing what I know now, from all my work, there is something within to be healed. Yes I may be feeling overwhelmed and frayed, but these strong emotions that bubble up show me where the healing is needed.

I hated the feeling of this anger within me and I just wanted to push it away and run away. That is not who I want to be; someone who loses cool and has a temper tantrum. It would be easy to just find a way to soothe myself and ignore the outbursts.

I heard my mother’s voice from my childhood saying, “Janice you have a bad temper and you need to learn to control it.”

And in that same moment I saw a flash of my inner child.
She was wild haired, running around barefoot and free in the woods.

So I went to my healing space; my art.
I sat down with my art journal and drew my little wild child.
As I drew her and gave her life, I gave her permission to speak her truth.
I allowed the image to unfold intuitively.
Then I began writing on my image, everything she wanted to say.

The image became a portal to my higher guidance.
And her words poured out onto the page:

She is fed up of all the rules and constraints.
She wants to run free and be in nature with the trees, water, rocks and animals.
She is tired of all the fear in society and wants to break free of it. 

And as I finished writing what she wanted to say,  I realized I can not keep trying to silence her.
I need to let her out.

What does your inner child look like? What does she want to say?

We need to give ourselves grace.
We need to accept every part of ourselves to heal the old wounds.
We need to forgive ourselves with the grace of an angel.
We need to come back to our heart.
My wild child is telling me to spend more time in nature. This is where I am soothed.

What will soothe your inner child?
What does she need more of?
What does she need less of?
What does she want to say?

We are creators with many different aspects.
We can call on those aspects that are where we want to be to help us navigate our way home.
Your inner child is just one of those aspects.

And we need each other. No more going it alone.

When I created my private group, Soulfully Aligned Women, it was because I had a call to create a space where we could all come together for support, inspiration and growth.

Now, two and a half years later, I am feeling an even stronger rise of that call even more.
And I have noticed many others feeling it also. We need to come together in groups to help us continue to grow, expand, clear out old wounds and patterns, lighten the load, rise up and feel our powerful worthiness as we consciously create the life of our desires.

You will begin to see many different groups forming to create space for gathering.
Gatherings to chat, to meditate together, to follow the cycles of our solar system, moon, earth and sun.
This is so great! Look around and choose the one that resonates for you.
Because we are so much more powerful together.

And perhaps my new group, Soulfully Aligned You; A Creative Portal will be the place for you to develop a consistent creative practice of coming home to your heart.

We will use creative activities through art journals, shamanic painting, journaling, meditation, channeling, intuition and group zoom gatherings together. We will be also using the beautiful energies of the elements, our spirit guides, angels and totem animals to help us.  We will be accessing many more aspects of ourselves to guide us through this dark night of the soul energy.

This may be the gateway to your heart for you.
Here you will become more intuitive.
Learn to channel your higher wisdom and guidance.
You will clear out old debris, ancestral patterns and heal wounds.
You will create new space for the higher vibrational energy to come through.

We all know that we still have a long way to go in navigating our way through all this and it can feel so heavy on our own. It is time to reach out and gather together.

Sending you all love this week!

Below is my link to Dream & Journey that begins November 30th. We all need to stay focused on what we want to create in our lives. We are powerful creators and having a clear, focused vision for the new year is so important to manifesting. Join me for a month of fun to create your desires for 2021! Begin now! Click here to learn more Dream & Journey or the image below.

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

Open post

Finding Your Untapped Potential

Hello Creative Friend!

Last week I asked you the question, “Who are you at your core? What is the core essence of you?

Now more than ever it is important we all ask ourselves these deeper questions because if we don’t ask these deeper questions, and remember that what we focus on expands, we stagnate.

We don’t move forward, we stay where we are repeating the same old patterns, stuck in our own suffering, just like Groundhog Day.

And the world needs all of us to help her get to the other side of all the suffering she is experiencing.
We all need to access a pure vision, one aligned with mother earth and all her life forms, and hold it strong.

But you may be thinking, how does this help me right now? I am in survival mode, trying to take care of my family and loved ones. Let someone else worry about Mother Earth and world peace. I have enough on my plate right now.”

Well I hear you sister!
I completely understand and don’t judge you at all. Because life is crazy right now isn’t it?
But here is the truth:
The beautiful vision we have for the earth will not appear until we have each found that glory within.
This is not the biblical sense of glory…or maybe it is, I don’t know.

But here is what I do know about what glory looks like for you:

It is a vision of you in your fullest beauty.
You are living your most authentic, aligned life.
You are safe, secure and happy.
You are loved and feel the power and support of that love glowing from within.
You are standing strong; empowered.

The time for you to claim this for yourself is now. No one is going to do it for you.
And when you decide, when you shift into that clear decision, everything changes.

But it first takes you to feel into your heart.
What do you want?
What have you been accepting as normal that you no longer want to be the normal in your life?
What have you had enough of?
What are you no longer going to accept?
Where do you want to be in a year from now, 5 years from now?
Do you imagine you will be pretty much in the same place as you are now?
Have you created a clear vision of what you want for your life in 5 years?

When you step up and claim the power to change things in your life, the power of the Universe backs you up.
You find yourself surrounded with all kinds of support; people come into your life and opportunities that lead you to what you want appear.
Because when you ask, you will receive.

I am excited to share that I have created a new course that begins in January. You can see more about it by clicking here or the image to the left at the top.

It is a monthly sacred creative portal and global community where you will be lead on a shamanic art journey into mystical and natural realms, you will learn from Spirit Guides, Allies and create art to bring you into a deeper connection with yourself.

This week, beginning on Tuesday at noon, in The Soulfully Aligned Women Facebook group, I will be coming on live to give you card readings, chats, meditative painting techniques and more every day at noon until we begin our Portal Peek session on Sunday November 15th. My intention is to help you begin to line up with what you want to create in 2021, and for you to learn more about my monthly portal group.
Tuesday you will learn more about accessing your untapped potential as a creative being.

My prayer:

May I be a shining light for all those who seek hope.
May I be a clear channel of higher guidance and wisdom for all.
May what I offer be a resting place for all who are tired.
May the creative flow pouring through me inspire each person to open
to their own flow, wisdom and power.
May what I have to offer call forward all beings who are ready
to find healing and transformation,
who are ready to expand into their purest untapped potential,
and guide them to freedom from their unnecessary suffering,
and may all walk a straight path to their own
empowerment, grace and abundance.

Have a beautifully creative week,

Love Janice

Open post

Where is Your Home Base?

Where is Your Home Base?

Good Morning Creatives!

Have you noticed how much our kids settle when they spend some down time in a safe, secure home?
Teenagers will resist this, but when the family takes a vacation and they are forced to come along, you notice you have a very different kid at the end of the vacation.

They may have started out with resistance, sullen and angry to be pulled away from their friends, but by the end of your family time they are happy, softened and appreciating family again. They are centered.

You’ve got your kid back!

But what about your home base?

These days we aren’t running off on vacations and considering the wild energies in our world right now, you need to be a frequent flyer to your home base.

If you immediately thought, well my family, my home is my safe place. Then yay!
But I am talking about your internal home base.
The place that brings you back to your knowing of who you are deep at your core.
Not the you who is a mom, sister, wife, friend, daughter…but the pure essence of you.
Where is the core of you. Where does your magic begin?

Painting and journaling are where my magic happens.
When the world becomes a whirlwind I know I need time at my easel.
Painting brings me back to my center. It is my soothing home base.

Journaling brings me to a deeper awareness of who I am, it gives me epiphanies, higher wisdom and guidance I can trust.
Journaling connects me in conversation to the higher universal powers.
And as I have learned the power of words in creating, journaling helps me craft my words to manifest.

But there is one more thing….
Magic happens when I take my journaling a step further by painting images that are connected to my awareness.
Painting angel wings when I feel the need for more support,
Painting my power animal who has been showing up in my life,
Painting the aspect of me that will bring me to a more empowered state,
Painting beautiful scenery from nature connects me to those beautiful grounding earth energies.

And as I paint, more wisdom comes through. It is like opening a portal to the flow of the cosmos.
The finished painting holds this immense energy and I can feel it each time I look at it.

I use creativity to help you transform obstacles in your life into stepping stones to create a life you will love.
And I know about obstacles because I’ve had so many through my life.

I’ve used my methods of soulful creativity to transform myself from feeling like a victim and constantly waiting for the next shoe to drop, to an empowered conscious creator. I’ve shifted my anger and fear to a continual flow of peace and love in my very core. And I’ve changed my life from one of constant survival to a life of thriving!

I want to help you remember and re-member the pieces of your soul that have been lost or left behind, and help you find your way back home to your full presence.

And when you are there you feel empowered to make decisions in your life.
You create healthy boundaries that honor your worth.
You feel a peace within that never fades and is a beacon of light to come back to in a single moment.
Your life around you begins to shift and you will find that you will be living more and more of the life of your dreams.
Because everything begins its creation at the canvas.
And you will continue to create a clearer and clearer vision of the life you want to create.

Would you like to fill your walls with powerful art?
Would you like to find your home base through your creative flow,
open up to a grace of more wisdom,
more guidance to solve problems in your life,
open up to a direct channel of this flow
and become better at channeling information for yourself?
You no longer need to seek out this information from anyone else.

Soulfully Aligned You is a new small group coaching package I have created to help you strengthen your connection to your home base, step into your empowered self and get really clear on what exactly is your calling, all before 2021 begins.
We will meet weekly for the next 6 weeks and you will be given creative journal prompts and activities designed to take you deeper into living from your soul.

Begin the new year standing in your power, ready to create at a whole new level!
We begin November 8th!

Find out more here:

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

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Reclaim Your Power to Co-Create

Release Your Grip on Victimhood, Reclaim Your Power!

Hello Creator!

I want to ask you a question, when your sister or best friend manifests what she has been dreaming about, how do you feel?
Be honest, because I know you are kind and you get excited for her.

But when you get home, late at night do you maybe feel a little sad?

Do you wonder why her, why not me?
Do you feel ignored by the Universe? Rejected? Passed by?
Not lucky enough? Not worthy enough? Not deserving enough?
Do you think, I’m always in the wrong place at the wrong time, or that doesn’t happen for me, I’m just not in that category of people that get those things in life?

And you begin feel more and more sad.
Then you get angry at yourself for being so selfish, maybe a little shame, so to compensate you push them down and tell yourself you don’t need those things to be happy. That’s not what life is really about.

But let’s rethink this.
Because you are the creator of your life and you get to design a life that you are absolutely in love with!
And it is time to shake those feelings and take back your power to create!

Imagine you could begin with a blank canvas for your life.
I am sure there are many beautiful things you have already created that you would keep on your canvas.

And many things you would leave out completely, such as the exhausting job, the draining commitments, the lack of money, health, excitement or joy…just leave all that out for space to create new designs.

So now let’s begin to fill in those empty places on your canvas with all the beautiful colors your heart is calling out to you for.

What would it look like? What would you create?
No limits. No holding back. Go all out and imagine your life of your dreams on your terms.
Stop the little voice that says, that could never happen and just allow yourself to create from your heart.

Your first step to creating is to own that you are a powerful creator and your life is yours to create.
You don’t need to know how. You just need to have a picture in your mind of what you want to create.

Over the years, we have been trained to look externally for validation in our life.
We look outward to other people to give us permission to create in our life.
But why are you giving away your power to other people’s perception of what your life should look like?
You are the only one who is going to, and needs to, give yourself permission to do this.

When you seek external validation you are handing over your own control and agency of who you are, to others.
You are a sovereign being!

Come back to your center, and really own that you are a creator and you can make your own decisions to create a life in the way you want. After all you have been the one creating all along. And is this the life you intended?
Maybe just a few tweaks are needed.
You are now a conscious creator!

You are the artist of your life.

And let’s face it, everyone else is the creator of their own life and are just too busy at their own canvas to worry about yours.

Time to pick up the brush and take on the responsibility that it is up to you to create.
And when you are ready, I am here to help.

We can lay out a plan, create a blueprint together and get your masterpiece created quickly.
We can identify the beliefs that validate your creations or trip you up.
So what do you want to create? Let’s do it! Just click here to get started.

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

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