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How to Surrender to Manifesting!

How to Surrender to Manifesting

Good Morning Monday and Good Morning my Creative Friend!

It’s Monday and a chance to do it all again, even better than we did last week!

How did last week go for you? Did you manifest more money into your life? Even just a little bit is a step in the right direction and it is important we recognize it, acknowledge it, and  be gratefulfor it. You missed it?! Well here it is for you, just click here.

Maybe someone bought you a cup of coffee, or even better your lunch? Maybe you won a free ticket in last week’s lottery? Did you get any unexpected gifts? In whatever way it came to you, this is the Universe giving to you. You are opening the doors and beginning to receive!

The more this happens, the more you begin to build your trust in the Universe.

Keep going with the Surrender Meditation (link is below) every day or twice a day if possible. You will see things shifting dramatically in your life when you begin to give up control and open to receive the gifts from the Universe.

Now I know how hard this is! I was afraid if I gave up control to the Universe it would not give mewhat I wanted but what the Universe thought I should have. It took me several years of baby steps to build my trust up. And what I came to realize is that the Universe’s plan for me is even bigger than I could ever imagine. So it really is to my advantage to let the Universe take control.

Now don’t worry, it won’t take you several years to get really good at this, that’s why I’m here! To help you and get you through the short cuts! I am showing you how to get there in a much quicker way than I did!

Surrender does not mean giving in or giving up on your dreams. Surrender is a releasing of resistance to what may be.

To surrender to abundance, love, vibrant health or more time is to be present in the momentinstead of worrying and obsessing over the future or reliving the past.

This week our focus is on love and we bring more love into our life the same way we did for money. We focus on the feeling of love while we do our Surrender Meditation daily. Then we remain open to receiving love in our lives.

So what does love feel like to you?
Warm, comforting, expansive, accepted, fullness, light, bliss, open, trusting….

Are you open to receive love?

I know a special lady in my life who is an amazing caregiver and she nurtures and supports everyone around her. This is her passion! She loves family and loves being of service to her family. This is where her creative energy flows freely!

However, when the time comes for her to need support she gets frustrated, even angry at anyone who tries to help her. She perceives it as a weakness (by the way, this is a block and a perfect time for her to work on releasing this block is when she needs to lean on someone else, check out releasing blocks here)

Does this sound familiar to you?

My block was around trusting others and I had to work on releasing this to open to receiving in my life.This came from my childhood story, but the story doesn’t matter anymore. What does matter is bringing awareness to the moments I am blocking this love from flowing into my life.Recognizing when I tighten up my energy and then consciously releasing to allow.

This week I want you to open up to receive, and gracefully accept in whatever way it arrives. It could be physical help, just some form of support, a good listener, or someone expressing their gratitude for having you in their life.. Think of any help you receive as if you have a team behind you supporting you.

Angels can show up in our lives through our sisters and brothers of this world. So even if you can‘handle it’ on your own, stop, smile and breathe, thank the Universe and say yes to this flow of love coming into your life.

Remember people love to be of service, it helps make them feel a sense of belonging andworthiness. You are probably doing them a great favor by accepting their gift gracefully.

As we open to love, more love flows into our lives. So if you are looking for the love of your life, or just more appreciation from family, respect at work or improvement to your current relationships this is the week for you!

So let’s recap:

  •  Do your Surrender Meditation daily (twice a day is better)
  • Imagine the feeling of love and consciously open to receive love into your life

  • Recognize and accept gracefully

  • At the end of each day, thank the Universe, feel the gratitude and appreciation.

And have a beautifully, creative week my friend!
See you next Monday
Love Janice

Open post
Money & Abundance & Energy flowing effortlessly - blog by Janice Gallant

Intentionally Creating More Money in Your Life

Money & Abundance & Energy flowing effortlessly - blog by Janice Gallant

Intentionally Creating Abundance

Good Morning my Creative Friend,

This week I’m going to continue to help you work on the craft of intentionally creating your life and manifesting a life that you can’t wait to get up to every morning.

Last week your focus was to get clear on exactly how you would like to feel in your life and what that may look like. (If you missed last week’s email go here to read it.)

You were to clarify the 5 strongest feelings you would like to manifest more of in your life.

Was abundance on your list? I get it! I’m totally with you my friend. Who doesn’t want more abundance?

I have found that, for most of us, these are the feelings we most desire: money, love, health & time. And really abundance covers all of them. After all abundance means, ‘a very large quantity or amount of something,’ according to the Oxford Dictionary.

But what does abundance feel like to you?

Think of abundance as anything you could ever need – money, safety, comfort, love, time….what does this feel like in your body?

This is what you will focus on this week. ABUNDANCE and more specifically,abundance of money.

Keep asking yourself this week, “What does abundance feel like?”

You may find words or experiences come to your mind, such as, freedom, appreciation, fullness, ease, expansiveness, adventures, peace, exhilaration, openness, trust, or worthiness.

To manifest in your life requires that you surrender to the moment. This does not mean giving up or giving in, it means sinking into the moment and feeling youressence deeply in your body.

Surrender is key to manifesting abundance in your life. First we surrender into the moment, then we feel the abundance.

And I have a gift for you! To help you with this I have created my Surrender Meditation just for you. This is a 15 minute meditation that will put you in the space of manifesting beautiful abundance into your life.

Sign up with the link below to get your free SURRENDER audio meditation.

*A little sidennote for you – Usually, a lack of abundance in the finances will have to do with feelings of unworthiness in some area of your life. Don’t worry, you are not alone here. I have been uncovering my blocks layer by layer and have been getting great results by digging into these blocks. So look deeply into this and maybe do some writing in a journal to help reveal your blocks. Once you discover your block you can work on releasing it and then the energy will flow through this area too. I gave you the steps in a previous email but you can go back and read it here.

Enjoy manifesting this week and be sure to send me your questions or share how your manifesting is unfolding in your life this week!

Love Janice

Open post

Mastering Your Manifesting Skills

Mastering Your Manifesting Skills

Good Morning Friends!

It is Monday morning and it is the first Monday of June! This is the month that I refocus on my vision for my life.

Summer Solstice means I revisit or recreate my dream mandala and even if you do not have your own dream mandala (or know what the heck that is) I am going to walk you through the steps of refining your manifesting abilities in your own life.

Through the month of June I will be helping you learn exactly how you can specifically be the co-creator in your own life.

So get ready to take your manifesting to the next level!

If you have read my book, ‘The Creation Guild’ then you know in chapter 8 I explain how our intention and the creative energy of the universe manifest physical things and experiences here on our earth.

**If you haven’t read it then as my gift to you you can go here to get it for a 30% discount for the month of June with free shipping!

(Just so you know the whole book is on the topic of manifesting and walks you through becoming an intentional creator in your life.)

Chapter 8 is titled, ‘Trusting Your Creative Energy Source’ and it is all about the answer I held with great intention in my mind; ‘How do I manifest desires here in this world?” Trusting that you are not the only one involved in your creations here on earth, and that the universe wants you to have a life beyond your wildest dreams are super important when manifesting.

And the answer to my above question was shown to me.

And guess what! It is all about vibration!

Ask any scientist what is at the deepest molecular level of any substance on this earth and they will tell you: vibration.

We perceive this world through our senses and our senses perceive the world through vibration.

Everything vibrates and it is this vibration that allows us to see the colors of flowers, smell the fresh bread baking, hear the truck rumbling down the street and of course taste the sweetness of honey. We feel vibrations too, like love, intuition and inspiration.

The source of all creativity on this earth is a very high vibration and it is infinite.
This energy needs to slow its vibration down to become physical on this earth.

When we slow down and open to receive, like when we do our aligning meditation, we open to the inspiration from source. We set our intentions of how we want to shape our life and thereby begin the manifestation process. We physically slow down to raise our own vibration.

As we create the space to allow this high vibration of energy to move through us, things begin to shift into place for the manifestation to begin.

Aligning to the vibration of what we wish to manifest is very important at this stage.

For example if we wish to find our dream job, we need to begin to feel the vibration of this new job. What would it feel like? What would it look like?

Using all your senses to imagine your dream job will bring your vibration up to meet the universe will align you with the opportunities and inspirational ideas which will bring you to your new dream job.

But if you go into frustration with your current job, or become impatient that it is taking too long, then you begin to interfere with the process and may close the window of manifestation.

Feelings are very important when manifesting and that is why you need to be working on becoming the happiest you have ever been. When you are feeling happy and are full of gratitude you are on your way to creating your life.

(**Note – you can still choose happiness and gratitude even when things are not going the way you would like them to.)

The next step is to have a very clear intention of what you want in your life.

So your task this week is to get clear on exactly how you would like to feel in your life and what that may look like.

Meditate, pray for guidance, journal….do whatever you need to do to find and write down about 5 strong feelings you would like to manifest in your life.

Think about what you want and then describe the feeling it would bring you.

For example if you want a new car what feeling would it give you? Maybe a sense of security? Or feelings of respect from others? If you say proud then why? Keep digging deep to get to the core of the feeling behind the manifestation.

The next three weeks will be showing you the specific steps to manifesting a life that gives you these feelings. Can’t wait to chat next Monday!

Find those deep desired feelings this week!
Love Janice

Open post

How to Surrender to the Universe

Four Steps to Allowing the Creative Flow to Unfold Through Your Life

Living a life that is spirit driven requires surrender; surrendering your control to the divine plan, or as I usually say, to the flow of your creative source energy. And when you think you have surrendered completely, surrender more!

This is a constant trust building exercise for me. I have always been a go-getter, a do-it-yourselfer. So if you are even a little like me, letting go into trust is a daily process and we need to work on building our awareness with daily intention. It is a daily practice of noticing the support that is given to you in every way, every day. 

Watch the video then review the steps below

Here are 4 steps that help me reach for surrendering to, and trusting my creative source energy:

  1. Move – Get up and move your body every day. This not only gets the blood flowing but also helps move your energy. Exercise, in whatever form you take; walking, running, swimming, yoga…, raises your vibration up to meet the vibration of your higher self. It helps to bring you into a closer alignment with your source.
  2. Meditate to Align – After you exercise, take 10-20 minutes before you go out the door and do your meditation! Align with your source before you begin your day! (My audio meditation is about 10 mins).
  3. Ask  Questions – While you are in the meditative state ask “What is trying to evolve in my life right now?“ Or as Michael Beckwith says, ‘What is emerging in my life right now? How do I need to grow to allow this energy to move through me?`  Avoid questions like, what am I doing wrong? Or what is wrong with me? Because the Universe just won’t meet you there.
  4. Intention – Show up for your day with 100% intention that you will do whatever is needed and then follow your inspiration. Be open to allowing the divine plan to unfold with grace through your life. Set your intention to become more aware of the events that show you are supported. This may come in a variety of ways; offers of help, a friend buys your coffee, a front row parking space opens up for you, a difficult task becomes easier in some way…and be sure to acknowledge this with gratitude.

You are not handing over your life and losing control because the Universe has your back. The Universe is a mighty powerful force and is conspiring to bring you more joy and happiness than you could ever imagine. It has a much bigger plan for you and can maneuver events that you could never have even thought of.

But you need to get out of the way for this to happen!

Have a wonderful day of creative flow friends!

And be sure to sign up for my Monday morning notes and your free audio meditation.

Happy Creating,

Love Janice

Open post
Physical abundance & spiritual abundance are linked. Blog by Janice Gallant

The Connection Between Spiritual Abundance & Physical Abundance

Physical abundance & spiritual abundance are linked. Blog by Janice Gallant

The Connection Between Physical Abundance and Spiritual Abundance

Are you yearning for more abundance in your life? Physical abundance? More money? Better health or relationships?

Let’s face it, we just came through the holiday season and we could all use a little more money. I know I sure could. No matter how many times I promise myself I am not going to overspend at Christmas, I always fail at that. And I always overindulge with the treats of the season. Not exactly an unexpected ending for me if I would just be honest with myself and my budget.

And so as I prepared for my Dream Mandala evening I found myself looking at what is lacking in my life. These thoughts are sneaky little devils, no matter how much I recognize my gratitudes each day, they slip in there sideways. Realizing this I brought them out to the forefront of my mind and shone the light on them. There I could address it honestly. It brought me back to The Course in Miracles teachings and this is where we began our Dream Mandala evening discussion.

(*In case you are unfamiliar with my Dream Mandala evenings, a Dream Mandala is a tool similar to a vision board, but much more powerful. No cutting & pasting pictures on this baby, just pure intention and feelings)

The spiritual reality of the Universe is that it is endless love, infinitely creative, has clear intention, is full of grace and beauty, is forever abundant and is expansive.  Looking to nature you will easily see this is truth. This is the beauty of life force energy manifested in our world. The Universe, source, God light, life force, chi, goddess energy….is all love and we see and feel this love when we look at the beauty of an old growth forest, a sunrise, a flower blooming, or a baby being born.

The Universe is inherently designed to meet your needs. There is no lack of this life force. Do we ever worry that an oak seed won’t grow? Given the proper conditions it always grows into an oak tree. There is no question that the seed has the life force potential to grow into a beautiful tree or that it will become a whale. The inner potential and intention waits for the conditions to be just right and then the growth begins.

So when we identify only with our physical body and its reality, rather than with our spirit and its reality we are missing the amazing beautiful half of the story. Looking at just the physical conditions in our life causes us to believe our worth is whatever is happening in that day. We look in the mirror and don’t like the way our hair looks or we feel our body weight should be better. Or we experience shortcomings in our bank account. If we are focused on this external material world then we measure our worth with that. We think we are not good enough. And how we feel is directly effects our vibration level and our power to create a life of our desires. Poverty consciousness is one of lack and scarcity and has a very low vibration. Our day to day manifested world fluctuates too much for us to look there for value. It is not possible to have success when we focus on the physical world around us. This identifying with our material world brings diminishing feelings. And we perpetuate experiences of struggle and scarcity. When your focus is on fears of the material world, your circumstances are stuck.

However when we focus on our spiritual being we are full of light and love, always. We are so much more than just our physical bodies and material experiences and we need to wake up. Your spiritual source energy is like a background program running at all times through you. You don’t need to think about it for it to be there, it is there all the time. And this spirit, your life force energy is the same energy you see all around you in nature. There is no lack, no judgment, no blame. It is an ever flowing energy always there flowing into you moment by moment. It is like a waterfall of love and all we have to do is shift our daily awareness to this instead of the outside world. We are all perfect and beautiful in spirit all the time. Focusing on this spiritual plane day to day brings a stability to our worth. Nothing varys in this light. With this focus you can create more consistently in your world.

In The Course in Miracles a shift in your perception that shifts your thinking is a miracle. And a miracle brings new possibilities, new energy and new solutions. You don’t need to find the solution you just need to have faith that a solution is possible.

When you shift your focus to your internal abundance you move away from feelings of scarcity and lack. You move into a stable space where solutions to problems come to you. You just need to stay in the feelings of trust. How could we ever tell this amazing source energy, that keeps our planets in perfect rotation around the sun, what the answer to our problems should be. We can not even begin to have awareness of all the infinite possibilites that this powerful source energy has access to.

This shift in perception allows us to put our focus into faith. Faith that the Universe will guide us. Our role is to stay in this state of mind that believes all will be well and we are filled with the abundance of love flowing openly through us. And if you begin to doubt or worry about how this could possibly happen try a little prayer to the Universe:

Dear Universe,

I know you are infinite in power and grace and I know you want joy and happiness for me. Sometimes I forget this and slide back into fears of being taken care of. Please help me return to love. Help me let go of the worry and come back to trust in this infinite power generously flowing to me from you. Help me open to and feel the love flowing to me. Amen

In A Course in Miracles prayer helps you align with Source again. It helps you have faith in the infinite and eternal number of possibilities, shining with the light of love, that the Universe has lined up for you and is constantly re-aligning you to. Faith is power. Where we put our faith directly influences what happens next.

For too long we have been absorbed with this material world, oblivious to the power of aligning with our spiritual self and beginning there first. We have been scrambling along not recognizing the association of spirit to our physical incarnation.

The Universe manifests through you, creating the highest possibilities for your joy and happiness. Returning our hearts to love opens us to these potentials. Internal abundance creates external abundance. Focus on your spiritual well. Believing and having faith that you are filled with Universal light and that there is a never ending waterfall of this energy for you, will always bring success.

Make this your mantra:

  • Spiritual Abundance Creates Physical Abundance

May 2018 bring you many wonderful creative adventures full of joy!

Happy Creating!


Open post
More love less ego blog by Janice Gallant

Returning to Love

More Love = Less Ego

Returning to Love

This passed year around the world was such a hurtful year full of angry words, resentment and ego. This is not the focus I like to have when I reflect on the year. As many people know me I prefer to look at the positives and yes there were many positives. But it is hard to look at 2017 and not have all the events from the media roll through your mind like a moving picture.

And so this morning as I reflected, I looked at what would I want for myself, my loved ones and the world in the coming new year.

As a student of The Course of Miracles, I look into the text for guidance and I am brought back to the heart.

The Course in Miracles is a text that teaches us that a miracle is a shift in thought that changes your perception and in return fills your heart with healing and love. It teaches that nothing is real except love and that even time does not exist.

Since the course says time does not exist then the healing or as the text refers to the resurrection does not exist in the future but is in this moment now. The crucifiction has no message without the resurrection. In other words the pain of experiences is not helpful without the learning and growth we receive from it. The miracle brings healing. The Universe does not bring you pain it brings you the miracle.

Let me bring this to a more personal level for you. If you have experienced the death of a loved one, or a relationship, or anything else that has shifted your life to one of heartache, your miracle is the understanding that nothing is real except love. Death is not real, it is a transition; a shedding of a well-used body, but the soul remains. When we pass our soul is on a different frequency, not gone. Nothing of this earth is forever except love. We all know that we will all die one day; everything on this physical plane has its time. This body we are using will not go on forever but the light within us will. We need to untie our bonds to the physical world and allow our hearts to see and feel the truth. When a relationship ends, the love you shared between you lives on forever. The bonds of love you had are there forever, nothing can change that. Only the love that is given and received from our experiences is real. Everything else is not real.

Yes I know, this is deep stuff and takes time to understand but if you look into your heart you know it is truth. Most of us don’t want to think of this until we are forced to. Yes, time softens the emotions of pain and allows you to see more clearly through the love you shared but the miracle happens the moment you shift your perception away from the pain to the love. And the course teaches that prayer brings the miracle. When you are struggling ask for help through prayer.

This brings us to my thoughts of where we are on this earth globally and what we need to move forward with peace.

We people here on earth are not bad; we are wounded. We have alienated ourselves from the true Universal love that we are born with and is inherent in all of us. Our fear of this light keeps us from trusting in the Universe.

The first thing we need is forgiveness. I once heard forgiveness is giving up on the idea that the past could be something different. The past is done. Moving forward into forgiveness means allowing that to be, and focusing on the future. Forgiveness is not condoning but simply letting it be and allowing your own heart to heal.

We need two things: a mass collective forgiveness for the past and our own personal forgiveness of ourselves.

The ancestors of every country have made mistakes in the past. We need to ask forgiveness from all of the people we have hurt from these mistakes; the First Nations, the African American, the Jewish, the gay,,…and all others who have been ostracized, alienated and shunned from our societies. Individually and collectively we need to learn from our mistakes through history and move forward towards healing. Acknowledging and owning our mistakes, then asking for forgiveness with humbleness makes a country stronger and shows leadership.

This form of collective forgiveness can begin only when we acknowledge and take responsibility for our own individual past actions and mistakes and have forgiven ourselves. We are so hard on ourselves and don’t feel we deserve love. The ache we feel inside festers and to relieve the pain we lash out at others hoping this will ease the pain. Instead we think it relieves our pain, but only momentarily as soon it comes rushing back tenfold. Hurting others does brings us more pain. Our ego tries to protect us, telling us they deserved it or we deserve more respect. Personal awareness requires being brave and recognizing when our ego is interfering and blocking our alignment with love. This is a daily practice of recognizing ego thoughts and forgiving ourselves and letting ego go.

Wayne Dyer always said ego is edging god out. I love this and feel it is so true. Our ego will give us reasons and excuses for us to use keeping us feeling separate from everyone and the love that we are. That is the mission of the ego; to make you feel different whether that be inferior or superior to everyone else it does not matter, as long as you are on a separate island.

But we are all made of the same stuff and at the core of that ‘stuff’ is love. Our soul is love and so we yearn to return home to that feeling. Have you ever noticed that when something terrible happens, a terrible accident or a death, every other emotion dissipates. All anger or resentment evaporates and you are left with a deep well of caring and love. I’ve noticed and heard others say that when someone dies the anger they had for that person dissipates. That is because the only thing real is love.

My wish for you through this new year is your growing awareness that love is all that matters. That all this physical earth is a fun ride but it is just a ride.

I wish you all your return to love and that you will witness the surrendering to love all around the world.

Less ego and more love worldwide.

Many Creative Blessings,


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Releasing blocks blog by Janice Gallant

Block or Invitation?

Releasing blocks blog by Janice Gallant

Are You Experiencing a Block or an Invitation to Soar Higher?

Sometimes a block isn’t so much a block but rather an invitation to soar higher.

You know when life gives you that unexpected ending? When the creative wind at your back drops off and the sails droop. Your zest for life has fallen like a kite to the ground and you feel like you are in the black hole of creativity. You feel tamped down. Maybe things have become mundane or perhaps your common thoughts are keeping you from dreaming?

And you think the Universe is conspiring against you and saying, “Ha, ha, nope not this time. I was just kidding with you, you can’t have that.”

We’ve all had it happen and when this happens to me, my initial reaction to my perceived betrayal of the Universe is to retreat and creep back to my safety zone; all I need is my family. I pull a blanket over my head and just do what I know I can do. “No more adventures and risk taking for me, nope not this girl, I’m good right here on my sofa with my blanket and familiar spaces. At least my family loves me and I have my dogs! I’ll be fine right here.”

But what if we are reading the message wrong? Could this be the Universe pushing us forward into new territory? Away from the safety zone and into new adventures and new risks. Being a creative means feeling alive through our creative exploration everyday and not getting stuck in clockwork routines. We need to feel fresh and free to allow these juices to flow. Maybe when things don’t go as we expect it is because the Universe has a bigger and better plan for us and is redirecting our route to one that will help us grow and expand.

Have you been asking for more? More expansion and freedom? What are the keywords that you have been using in your life lately? Are they here now creating space in your life for exactly that?

Expansion, freedom, joy are all part of co-creating with this force, so maybe this event of perceived rejection is the divine guidance saying, “Enough of this, time for you to move on to bigger. You have outgrown this space.” And you need to say “Yes, bring it on!” With all your heart and a clear intention knowing you can handle anything that comes your way.

And when you can allow this possibility, hope will peek out of the box and you will feel your energy rising. And then your creativity begins to really flow!

And then what?

Get quiet and listen closely to hear the divine inspiration and welcome it in when it knocks on the door.

Happy Creating!


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Canvas print of freedom horse by Janice Gallant

Untethered Freedom

Untethered Freedom

Untethered Freedom

I remember, many years ago, driving home after a hard day’s work in a oppressive office setting. I was driving down a country road as we lived in a small town at that time and there were horses in the field next to me. As my car passed them they started to run along the fence line with my car. I felt an immediate release within me, letting go of all the stress of the day that was weighing me down. They brought me back to the moment and I laughed out loud as I watched them playfully kick up their heels and swing their necks. It lasted only a few seconds but the feeling is still with me today.

In Alberta, many of us are missing that feeling of freedom right now. It has been very dry here, in many ways. We have pulled so much from the earth through the oilfield work, there has not been enough rain this summer in many areas and the farmers are feeling it. Our economy has been dry for so long now and as school is starting up families are feeling the pressures of buying clothes and school supplies, shoes and fees for a new year. We can feel tethered down by all the ‘stuff’ in our lives….car payments, mortgage payments. Negativity begins to weigh on us especially when we go to make those monthly payments. We feel quite the opposite of freedom.

When really these are gifts we have brought into our lives. This is a lifestyle we have manifested and it easy to lighten the load and get rid of those things if that is what we choose to do (not your kids please). But it only takes a shift in your perspective to begin to make changes in your life and bring in the light again. If we can shift back to feeling the gratitude for the lifestyle, we will begin to feel the tethers loosening and the feeling of freedom coming back. We have choices, always choices and how we look at our lives is a choice. Freedom feels lightweight, like ease and flow, expansive and full of adventures and that feeling is always free and always available to us. When we can capture that feeling…then things in life begin to shift and bring more of that into our lives.

Here in this beautiful country we have horses all around us, reminding us of the beauty and freedom we have in our lives with free will. We even still have wild horses and there are not many places in the world that can say that. Drive through our beautiful back country, watch the horses and connect to your feeling of freedom. In Alberta, we love our horses, our land, our big skies and our freedom. When we feel this again, everything else will shift and the abundance will flow again. This dry time is temporary.

I hope you enjoy ‘Untethered Freedom’ and your day today.

Open post
Canvas prints of horse, Unclaimed Freedom by Janice Gallant

Unclaimed Freedom

Three Steps to Claim Your Freedom

Unclaimed Freedom

There was a time in my life that I didn’t believe I could have freedom. I learned it was just a matter of perspective. One small shift in the way I approached life brought miracles into my life. What better image than a horse to represent freedom on the verge of awakening.

If you saw my vlog on Untethered Freedom I talked about that shift in perspective and how important it is to see things morph in your life from one of stress to one of joy. And once you bring those wonderful feelings of freedom and joy into your life, your life begins to manifest more of just that.

But how do you get started? Here is my 3 steps to release that I talk about in chapter 4 Moving Out of the Survival Energy in my book The Creation Guild.

#1. Set your intention – you need to want to release the stress and negativity, the struggle. This needs to be clear in your intention. You want to find peace in your heart. Your number one goal is to feel good again. You are tired of carrying this weight around and want it gone. You are sending out a clear intention to the universe that you have had enough and are ready to grow and move on from this heaviness weighing you down.

#2. Let go of the ego – You need to allow yourself to be yourself up to all possibilities and recognize that you don’t have all the answers. When you do this, and don’t try to figure it all out on your own,  you open yourself up to the answers that can come to you in so many different ways.  Be ready to say, I am wrong, I need help and I can change.

#3. Open your heart – Be truly grateful for all the lessons you have learned through the difficult struggles in your life. Those are the times of amazing potential for growth.  Open to these lessons and appreciate them fully. You can’t manifest in your life with anger, resentment or guilt hanging around. Those energies are too low and miracles just don’t hang out with those friends. So open your heart through gratitude and appreciation.

Remember friends when you are going through hell, it is always temporary. This too shall pass and claiming your freedom is really just a shift in your perspective.

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Money & Abundance & Energy flowing effortlessly - blog by Janice Gallant

How to Create Financial Ease and Flow

Learn how to intentionally manifest money

We all strive for a life of financial ease but do you know how to intentionally manifest it into your life? Money seems to come easily to others but maybe not so much for you?
Here is what you need to know:

1. Money is energy. It flows and moves just like any other energy. Think of energy flowing like water or air. It just naturally moves and flows and when it doesn’t it becomes stagnant or polluted.

2. You can not manifest money into your life from a place of tension and stress. The first thing you need to do is take small steps to help guide yourself to a place of feeling better and better when you think of money; sort of like climbing the emotional ladder to reach the height of effortless manifestation. When you get to the top of the ladder you will be amazed at how easy it is to bring money into your life.

When you think of your financial situation instead of your emotions and body tightening up, what is one thought that will help you feel slightly better, relieving just a bit of that tension. Here are some examples that may work for you:
• Today, in this moment, I have everything I need.
• This is a temporary situation, it is not forever.
• I am doing pretty good considering the situation.
• I know there is plenty of abundance out in this world and there is plenty available for me.
• Miracles happen every day and miracles can happen for me too.
• I know I am not being punished for anything, this is just the result of the law of attraction.
• The law of attraction does not judge, it simply is a law.
• If this is the result of the law of attraction then I can turn things around for me.
• The world is full of abundance and there is more than enough for everyone.
As you move through these words feel the tightness begin to release and breathe deeply into this feeling. Keep walking yourself through these thoughts step by step moving closer to thoughts of appreciation in your life.
• I had a warm place to sleep last night.
• I have clothes to wear today.
• I have a bit of food and water to help me get through this day.
Add to this list, from your life, all the things that you have around you to be grateful for.
To manifest abundance in your life you need to have feelings of ease around the thoughts of money. This may need to be practiced a few times a day but each time you feel yourself think of money and tighten up, walk yourself through the steps so you move up that ladder.
Money is energy that flows. Money in; money out is what keeps our economical world growing and expanding. Allowing this energy to move in easily and flow out will build trust that it can effortlessly move back into your life at any moment. Grasping and tension will block the flow in. But opening, expanding and allowing will attract money into your life and it will fill the voids as it is needed.
Each time you think of money, breathe deeply and think:

Financial Ease and Flow!
Happy Creating!
Janice Gallant
The Creation Guild Book - Learn how to intentionally manifest the life of your dreams

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