Open post

Manifest More Money

Hello Beautiful Creatives!

Let’s talk about manifesting more money into your life. 

This is a topic that is often avoided, because to want more money in our society is looked on as greedy, shallow or materialistic.

And that is not who we want to be, or to be seen as.

And yet, I have not ever met one person who does not want more money in their life!

When someone in one of my groups confesses her desire to have an overflow of money in her life, there is a collective release, as if permission has been granted for all of them to want more too. 

Let me give you permission right now to say to yourself, “I want to have so much money, that I don’t know what to do with it all!” 

We all know that if you could create a life that had an overflow of money, you would feel more ease, more creativity, and have the freedom to do the things you have always wanted to do!

When soulful women have enough money to create and live their life on their own terms, there is always money flowing around to the places and spaces of our world that need it:

There will be no more hungry tummies,

No more sick, abandoned or orphaned children or animals,

No more sisters being held down by outside controlling forces,

There will be more voices for our earth, our equality and our soulful path of living.

Soulful wealthy women, do good in our world.

And I know you have the power to create this!

When we feel worthy of the role of the wealthy woman, the money flows in. 

A wealthy woman mindset is not something you just become overnight.

It takes a consistent practice that helps your grow into the wealthy woman mindset. 

It takes believing that this really is available for you.

It takes a learning and understanding of the energy of money,

and how to work with this energy, how to feel this energy. 

You learn to embody the worthiness to receive.

You learn to manifest more money through your heart, not through fear or ego. 

And this grows as you create the container for it.

As you release the limiting beliefs around money and receiving.

As you begin to feel into your worthiness to receive.

The Universe wants to shower you with abundance in all ways; and money is just one of the ways to receive. 

You are not being punished or intentionally kept down in survival. 

Would you like to be part of my new MONEY MASTERMIND group, where we will all learn to embody this mindset?

This will be a monthly gathering that will help you:

  • create mindset shifts around your beliefs about money
  • open up to receive more
  • believe you are worthy of more
  • become aware of what beliefs are blocking you to receive your next level of income
  • create powerful new intentions to consciously create more money in your life
  • embody the energy of money
  • step into the wealthy woman mindset
  • connect to your guides, angels and teachers; your team of support
  • connect with the wealthy woman aspect of you (who already exists now)
  • help you see there is no lack of money in this world and how you can direct it into your life
  • open up to your financial possibilities and release the ‘that’s impossible” mindset

I have been growing this mindset and recognizing that it really works!

And now it is time to speed up this timeline for all of us,

and the most powerful way to do this is by bringing our energy together! 

Each month we will have a live gathering together. 

We will:

  • Have a guided manifesting meditation
  • A topic/lesson for us to work on for the month
  • A time for celebrations and questions 
  • And a space to talk about the energy of money 
  • We will be raising our energy up to become the wealthy woman.

Are you coming with me? We are growing together! 

We will begin on the next new moon – June 10th/21 and will gather on each new month of the month for the rest of the year.

The cost will be only $47 per month. The value is priceless!

Imagine how your life could change in the next 6 months of hanging out with a group of like-minded, soulful women creating a powerful container of manifesting prosperity into their lives. This is what a mastermind is all about. The energy of the group shifts everyone! And I can’t wait to gather with you! 

Are you in? Get on the waitlist now by responding by clicking right here!  

Open post

The Blueprint to Create What You Desire

Create what you desire.

Create a life that honors your passions, celebrates your contributions and aligns with the things that are most important to you.

You want a life that is fully engaged and totally fulfilled.

So I have made something for you.

Something that will give you the blueprint to follow to create this life you dream of.

That step by step, with ease and flow you will find your way through the tangled mess of thoughts that may be cluttering up your mind:

How do I begin?

Where do I begin?

Who would want this?

Is there really room for me?

I’m not good with technology

Because you have so much to give 

And the world is waiting for you. 

And you can do this. I will make sure you can do this!

That’s why I am here to walk the path with you from beginning ground level…foundational level to launching!

This philosophy and curriculum I have created, are the culmination of knowledge and insights I have attained over the last 25+ years; from past experiences, and many different trainings from deep spiritual practices, shamanic teachings, and psychospiritual development trainings to many business and marketing courses. All of which have entwined together, met the challenges and opportunities of my own life experiences and been transformed into a core set of steps and strategies to help you pursue your passion and make money while being of your highest service in our world. 

My intention is to guide you to live your life of passion and purpose on your own terms.

To break away from this 3D model of business and lead the way as we vision and create the new 5D business (be sure to watch this video for further explanation of a 3D business vs. the new 5D business)

You are limitless and you were always meant to be limitless.

And I have a step by step blueprint for you to create the work that will express your highest self and pursue your passion while getting paid!

When you see it you will think: Oh now that makes sense! This is much easier than I thought!

In The Mystic Business you will:

  • identify your business and establish the energetic foundation of your business
  • experience frequency shifts to believe in yourself
  • step into a wealthy woman mindset
  • get action plans to set up your business
  • create a marketing plan
  • attract your dream clients
  • learn how to break through blocks and glass ceilings
  • release the fear of failure 
  • find your passion and how you are being called to serve in the world
  • feel more aligned, empowered
  • believe in your work
  • trust in yourself and what you have to offer so you can make money.

The Mystic Business begins tomorrow May 4th and runs for 8 weeks.

Each week we will meet for that week’s live training. You will be given homework to work on throughout the week that will be guided inner work as well as practical steps for your business.

By the end of the 8 weeks, if you commit to the weekly work, you will have your business up and started and will begin to bring your offer to the world!

Did you miss our launch party for The Mystic Business? All 3 recordings are loaded with free training and are below for you to watch.

Registrations have already begun!

Beautiful, soulful women are already registered to begin.

Are you being called? Do you feel the stirring in your heart?

Then you are meant to bring your beautiful energy to this group too.

Join us today and receive your first steps right away.

It is time to shine your light even bigger than ever before!

Love Janice

Open post

The Bottom Line on Signs

Is Following Signs a Good Thing?

Hello Creatives!

The other day I was listening to a podcast where they were talking about asking for a sign from the Universe. I was reminded of a book I had read years ago, where the author says to begin by asking for small, random signs. Like a purple car.

Lightly I thought, “Hmm I haven’t played this game in a long time and I don’t get very many signs anymore. Universe I haven’t received a gift in a long time. I would like to receive a small gift as my confirmation sign that you are still here, listening to me and helping me create in my life.” 

And I let it go. I did not put a 24 hour time limit on it. That never seems to work for me.

And 4 days later I received, not one, but 2 gifts in the same day!

Yes two!  Abundance, yay! 

Here is what happened:

I was delivering a certificate to my friend, client and soul sister, Connie. We met up for an outdoor coffee together.

And she surprised me with a little gift bag of gratitude from our work together. The gift was a small wooden statue of a laughing Buddha! My gift #1 was such a wonderful surprise and it was a symbol of abundance! I love my laughing Buddha who is now sitting in my entrance to greet everyone!

The second gift that same day was one that I knew was coming but had forgotten about it. 

After my coffee with my Connie, I remembered I had a package to pick up from a store in town, so I swung by to do this.

Even though I knew this gift was coming, it was still a wonderful surprise because I didn’t know what was in it.

And I had completely forgotten about it! This was a gift of art supplies!

Both these gifts felt like a validation for my spiritual and creative work.

The thing about signs:

Asking for signs can be a wonderful way of receiving confirmation and communication from the Universe.

But the thing is, we don’t really need the signs because we hold the wisdom and all the answers in our heart. 

I already am completely embodying the belief in my work and that I am fully supported in my work.

Let’s say you ask for a sign to come that will give you confirmation that taking that attractive course you have been eyeing is what you really need.

You ask for the sign of an elephant.

As you scroll through your phone a picture of an elephant is there and you are elated!

You follow through with your new adventure feeling confident of your support.

But what if the sign doesn’t arrive?

You feel disappointed, deflated and decide to hold back on moving forward. 

You feel unsupported because you really wanted to take that course.

Now, is your heart sinking or do you feel a sense of relief? There is your answer.

The feeling of disappointment is your inner wisdom telling you what you really wanted.

And if you decide to follow your heart, (be damned the sign, I’m doing what my heart is yearning for) you will most likely find elephants begin to show up everywhere in your life. 

You really just needed to believe in yourself first and the Universe jumps in celebrating and supporting you.

Signs can be great tools to help us connect to the wisdom we already hold within us. 

They can be great when we use them to confirm what we already know to be true within our heart.

So, the bottom line is: follow your internal guidance.

You don’t need the signs. You just need to build the trust in yourself, and then trust in your intuition.

The power is within you. You already hold the power, not the sign.

Asking for signs is just one of the tools you can use to build your trust in this inner guidance.

(We talk about more in The Mystic Business) 

You have infinite amounts of internal wisdom and guidance supporting you all the time.

Here is what I know:

There is tremendous support available for you.

The cosmic forces are always ready to get behind you and support you in your soul’s desires.

When you decide to follow your nudges, go bigger and set the next level goal, your Universal team of support cheers!

The Universe is truly at your back! Everything you need is available to you now!

And on that thought….

If you love my style of combining practical and spiritual in your life and business…

Then now is the time to enroll in The Mystic Business training course.

When you take action from a place of purpose – from desiring more and knowing you are worthy of an incredible life – things happen. 

Miracles happen. Money comes. Things shift. Opportunities open up. 

I want to support you in this.

Not only do you have the course, its content and all the practical next step business content.

But you will be feel the transformational energy it contains.

And you have me, live, together, coaching and supporting you to your next level.

Don’t know what your business is, but you feel the stirring in your heart?

You know there is something more for you. 

But you are not sure of the next step?

The Mystic Business is the perfect place for you to safely go deep into the well of your heart to find that perfect offer only you can give to the world.

In this sacred container, together we will help you find your passion, and gain clarity on your soulful business.

The energetic shifts you will experience simply from being in the environment of this training (much less, coming to the live trainings and doing the guided inner work) is major.

I believe in my work and the guidance that comes through me to help women shift, change, expand and grow into more of who they were always meant to be…their truest, highest selves.

And I love watching how their lives change and rearrange as a result.

I am excited to bring you through this course, *|FNAME

In The Mystic Business you will:

  • identify your business and establish the energetic foundation of your business
  • experience frequency shifts to believe in yourself
  • step into a wealthy woman mindset
  • get action plans to set up your business
  • create a marketing plan
  • attract your dream clients
  • learn how to break through blocks and glass ceilings
  • release the fear of failure 
  • find your passion and how you are being called to serve in the world
  • feel more aligned, empowered
  • believe in your work
  • trust in yourself and what you have to offer so you can make money.

The Mystic Business begins May 4th and runs for 8 weeks.

Each week we will meet for that week’s live training. You will be given homework to work on throughout the week that will be guided inner work as well as practical steps for your business.

By the end of the 8 weeks, if you commit to the weekly work, you will have your business up and started and will begin to bring your offer to the world!

Beautiful, soulful women are already registered to begin.

Are you being called? Do you feel the stirring in your heart?

Then you are meant to bring your beautiful energy to this group too.

Join us today and receive your first steps right away.

It is time to shine your light even bigger than ever before!

Love Janice

Open post

Break Through Your Glass Ceiling

Hello my friend!

If you want to create big changes in your life, it probably is going to require some courageous jumps.

If you want to build something that is beyond average, you will need to step beyond your comfort zone.

Comfortable feels good. And we all need comfortable. 

But if we are not going to reach those big dreams while remaining in the comfort zone.

You will know when you are ready to take the leap.

Your heart will race.

You will struggle with your decision, with imposter syndrome.

But you can not step into that expanded creative energy if you don’t stretch beyond your borders.

I have a vision of reaching thousands of women and helping them remember their inner wisdom and power.

You have a big dream too.

Your dream was given to you because you have the gifts to create it.

To create a movement, a wave, you will need to go where you have never gone before.

Because this is the role of a leader, to go into the unfamiliar zones.

Are you rising to this leadership challenge that life is giving us all right now?

The divine feminine is rising. And the world is waiting for all of us to lead.

A leader is courageous, bodacious, a risk taker who believes in her ability to create.

She will step up and say, “I’m ready Universe, let’s do this!”

She will commit to her creations. She will say, “I have to do this, I have to try, I can’t just sit here.”

She will keep clearing away the debris that clutters her path and slows her down.

Because she knows she is helping create a new world.

She is helping create a new way of being and doing in the world. 

She is helping create a new way of business and serving in the world.

The old paradigm of business has to go now. 

She is showing the way her heart, soul and gifts can serve in a much bigger, more expanded way.

She is confident in herself, knowing that receiving is part of serving.

She receives the abundance with grace and gratitude, with open arms to the overflow (no guild or shame), because she knows she can not continue to serve in lack. This will drain her.

She knows she can not serve in her highest potential if she is worried about survival, or her bucket is drained.

She needs time in her life for stillness, for nurturing and communing with her soul, as a co-creator in this world.

She knows she needs enough abundance for not only taking care of her and her family’s basic needs but an overflow to keep her in a state of creative flow to serve from the highest realms, to expand and reach all those who are waiting for what she has to offer.

And she lives in a state of abundance, supporting all her soul sisters, knowing they also will live this way., helping them reach this in their own world. 

You are her.

She is you.

You may be feeling, I’m not that girl…but I do want to create this. 

You have a desire in your heart for a better life, a more soul aligned life.

And you are so done with doing the work for someone who doesn’t appreciate or acknowledge your gifts.

You want to find your passion,

Or maybe you know what it is already but aren’t sure of your next step.

You know you can help even just a few women.

You know what you have to give, is unique to you and no one can do it like you.

You are needed.

There are so many people out there waiting for you.

This is how we work together. One step at a time.

Energetic foundations along with practical business building guidance.

Are you ready for this world, for this work, for this lifestyle?

This is the way of the new world. 

Women entrepreneurs who have soulfully aligned, thriving, abundant businesses.

We will slowly take over the world, each of us serving in our own corner of the world.

This is the way shifts happen. Each of us, serving from our highest potential.

Everything begins with energy. 

Your thriving, successful business that is reaching your ideal clients, who are waiting for you, begins with a consciously created energetic foundation.

Join me this week for The Mystic Business Launch Party in Soulfully Aligned Women! 

A FREE workshop on building the energetic foundation for your business on Tuesday April 20, Wednesday April 21 and Thursday April 22 at 7pm MST

This will all take place in the Soulfully Aligned Women Facebook page so be sure to join this group if you haven’t already.

The Mystic Business begins May 4th for those who want a deeper dive into building their business that is grounded in a strong foundation and will grow, expand and thrive!

Send this link to your friends so they can come too

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!

Love Janice

Open post

Hunt Down Those Deep Fears

Your Energetic Blueprint

Your deepest fears influence your daily actions.

Hunt down those deep fears. You are not here to cower in the shadows, you are here to live your fullest potential.

To do this you must have the courage to step into the shadows and call out your fears.

Many of us have a deep fear of failure; failure as a mom, as a spouse, financially, in our work and in our business.

You probably walk so carefully through your life, making sure you don’t fall off the edge of the cliff into the abyss of failure, that you hardly even know who you are.

What would your choices look like if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Even after a life of growth and learning you may not fully embody you, because of these deep fears.

Where do you hold your deepest fear in your body? What is it saying to you?

And what is your heart saying? 

Perhaps your heart and your fear could have a conversation.

The fear of failure is often at the root of the control issues we have.

It will keep you in the DO mode instead of BEing.

Your ego is trying to keep you safe by replaying these scenarios of failure in your mind.

But the pure gold comes when you step forward and tell your ego it’s going to be okay. That you can listen to your heart, follow your heart, and it is still going to be okay. When you have faith in your ability to create, with all the wisdom and growth you’ve had, backing you up, then you can relax into the flow.

Your doubts keep you frozen in this state of fear. Your ego likes it when you stay there.

So your awareness of this is your first step to moving beyond your fear and creating from your heart.

I get it. I have been to failure. A big one. Felt it, tasted it, experienced it. And it is not a place I want to go back to.

I had a business in the 90’s that ended in bankruptcy.

It has given me a lot to work through and grow from.

I know what it felt like energetically and how different the energy of my online business is today. 

The energetic difference is night and day. 

And I know how my fear of failure has lurked in the shadows every day.

But I can’t live in the safe place. I need to create! I need to fly! 

I remind myself that I am not the same young, ambitious woman who didn’t have a clue how to energetically set up my business way back in the 90’s.  I have grown, and learned so much more. I now know that to create a thriving, growing business you need to have an energetic foundation; an energetic blueprint for your business.

Back then I had excitement, determination and a good amount of working capital – and it wasn’t enough.

I was so determined and I worked so hard. But it wasn’t enough. 

In fact, I have learned that hard work is not the answer. It will often be the detriment of your business.

Now I know how the purpose of alignment, and having a clear mission and vision creates an energetic resonance that draws people into my business. I know that heart led service clarifies my niche and awakens in my ideal clients so they come looking for me.

I can also see clearly how, over the years, how my own fear of failure has caused me to be overly cautious and to pull back the energy of creating. There is a tightness that this fear creates. 

But I also know now there is a better, more efficient way to creating and building a business.

I had so much learning, growth and adventure to complete to get here. I can see clearly all the wisdom I needed to gain to settle that young woman down and have her listen more intently to her heart. Her ego was very strong. 

And I want to share all of this learning with you.

The DO instead of BE kept me in a trap.

The business I had, and the ones I have watched have brought me a ton of great in-house training and development along with the following multiple mentors along the way.

I learned about teaching, discipline, purposeful hustle vs. hustle, about selling, about service, and I learned about the power of belief and mindset, along with the Law of Attraction.

What I now know is powerful.

I learned in the end, that all that DOing didn’t matter at all if I wasn’t aligned with a powerful state of BEing.

And that giving myself permission for the time required each day to tap into the state of flow was not a luxury but a necessity.

Because BEing in that flow will create the business you are dreaming of.

And this is a daily practice.

And yes I still get caught up in the ‘doing’ and run to catch up with the schedule in life. There is always so much to do in business and life; creating the next high level course, creating videos, posting videos, posting daily inspiration, and weekly blogs to write, balancing classroom teaching with coaching, marking and planning..…I sometimes find myself tangled in the ‘shoulds.’

And then I find myself again dreaming of a day where I can press pause, read, ignore everything, just allow myself to BE, just breathe in and exhale.

And so, I take my dogs for a walk in nature, I get my long, deep meditation in, I sit on my deck with my morning coffee and my journal. I sink into who I AM.

I create space, space, space. I breathe.

Want to know how I created a solid, heart led business that allows me time to do breathe? 

The best business that allows me space to paint, reflect, journal and just BE?

This soul led business that brings a steady flow of abundance into my life without striving, yearning or straining?

It was created by dropping into alignment. 

Alignment with me, with my heart, with the higher cosmic forces.

It was created by:

  • ignoring the to do list, and all the ‘shoulds’ you hear from others
  • by listening to the guided inspiration each day
  • by purposeful hustle that is fun and creates results
  • by creating space that allows me to tap into my creative flow state and build the energetic presence of my soul led business.

Your business has an energetic template, an energetic blueprint and it is created by you. 

It can be created intentionally…. or randomly through the deep fears that you hold.

I create from inside of me.

I live from this place.

I sell from this place.

And it is all in the space of how I BE.

So, if you are building something, if you are creating something…

And you are fighting to breathe, to relax and just BE,

this is not because you are too busy.

You know you can choose to opt out of all that.

Cancel, hit pause, delete, unsubscribe from that energy.

And decide.

It is the list of ‘shoulds’ that are pushing you up that hill, when you were born to create and fly. 

Maybe it is time to act on it.

To act from a place of just BEing. To feel into that place.

To listen closely to your heart, soften those fears controlling your life and live from your creative flow state.

Maybe it is time to create that energetic frequency all around you, for your own business, for your own life, to live in the truth that you can open the door to receive, know and play with all that is actually there for you.

I’ve created something….it is coming soon!

Join my launch party for my upcoming new course The Mystic Business: Create the Energetic Presence for Your Thriving Business!

The launch party is on April 20th, 21st and 22nd at 7pm MST in The Soulfully Aligned Women FB group.

Please send out the link for your friends to join this free launch party where we will talk about

  • the common mistakes of a small business,
  • the energetic blueprint to create a thriving, growing business
  • and my 5 powerful sutras that create an energetic resonance for my business that keeps that energy growing and expanding.

In the meantime, hunt down those deep hidden fears that are lurking in the shadows.

What are your deepest fears?

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!

Love Janice

Open post

Your Commitment to You Matters Most

Are you fully in?

I woke up to this in my mind on Sunday morning.

Are you fully in? 

In previous years I felt like this kind of question was telling me to go harder, so my initial reaction was to pull back from it.

We hear it all the time, “go hard, go all in, commit to the game!”

Ugh! It’s exhausting!

Let’s face it, along with so many others, I am tired.

I could use a holiday. And I know you could too.

I have been straddling my part time teaching in a classroom of middle school students, while building this wonderful heart filled business of mine, for a couple years now. 

And it is March.

I just completed a month that began with a quarantine (quick switch to teaching my students from home) along with report cards, parent teacher interviews and a big course launch.

Seriously, I hit the wall on Friday (this is a repetitive pattern for me that I am really working on)

So please understand, although I teach awareness….I am right in there learning along with all of you. 

But this question kept repeating in my mind, “Are you fully in?”

After two days of self nurturing and rest, I heard it at a deeper level.

Am I fully committed to me, to my one life here?

Not to my teaching, not to my business, not to my relationships.

Are you truly committed to living your fullest, happiest life? Are you fully committed to what is in your heart? 

This has nothing to do with work, business, family, friends or serving in the world.

This was about listening to my heart. Listening to your heart. 

Are you waking up in the morning with excitement for the day, listening for guidance and following that inspiration?

Or are you waking up with the to-do list running through your mind, and that little voice saying, “I really should be….”

My guides will not let me go very long living off track of my heart.

This is due to my work on awareness. I come back much quicker now. 

I am, and you are too, worthy of a life that is filled with exhilarating work, as well as fun, relaxing vacations.

Do you feel worthy of a thriving lifestyle like this?

When you are running through your life, you are off center and you are not living in an empowered state.

So it is time to come back home, realign with your heart and your natural empowered being.

Worthiness, your most empowered state of being, comes from our moment by moment choices.

Each moment in your life brings an opportunity for you to chose between you and your one and only life, or putting yourself behind others.

Each moment you need to stop, listen to your heart and decide if your next step is one of empowerment or if it diminishes the light in your heart by a lot or a little. The choice we make next is ours, but it then becomes a conscious choice. And a conscious choice in itself can be empowering. 

As life gets busy and days fly by you get sucked into the draining path of serving others from a place of guilt, obligation or an unhealthy duty of “shoulds” that cause you to worry more about what others will think of you, or that you aren’t being very kind or supportive, instead of listening to your heart and hearing what action is truly good for you. What action will be inspired, supported and fill up your heart.

The world will drain your bucket if you passively allow it to happen.

But the Universe, your guides and angels, want your bucket full.

These invisible cosmic forces want you to fully commit to you and your life, while you are here. 

It is time to put yourself first with your rest, your health, your meditation practice, your learning, your growth, your happiness.

Are you fully committed to living with a full heart?

Are you fully committed to living in a healthy body?

Are you fully committed with your own personal growth and self-awareness practices?

Are you fully committed to allowing yourself time to rest?

Are you fully committed to putting you first, filling your bucket first, serving the light within you first?

It is only from a heart filled with love and gratitude for everything in our own life that we can truly shine our light out for the world. 

So this email is a reminder for you to remember, this is your life first. 

And you do this because it is good for you, regardless of what others may think. 

You have nothing to prove to anyone anymore.

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!

Love Janice

Open post

Follow Your North Star

Hello my creative friends,

I grew up in a home where nothing was thrown out. You saved everything because you may just need it again.

It was a time when things were not as readily available as they are today.

There is a shift in the energy now from back then. Today we can learn so much from the younger generation because they are minimalists. They live with the feeling of, “If I need it again, I will find another one.” 

They find it easy to let go.

Now I agree there are pros and cons to this but I can also see how I can learn so much from them.

This is an energy of freedom and abundance. It is a feeling of trust in creative abilities.

This past week I was struggling with something that I wanted to fix and make better. It was something I was clinging to and determined to make it work. And I was stuck in the energy of trying to figure it out.

How often do we do this with relationships, situations, and even things like our home, car, clothing?

If you have been struggling with something like this you may be in the stuck energy as I was. 

How can I fix this? What am I doing wrong? How can I make it better? 

Saturday as I journeyed with the women in my group, The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal, I was graced with a beautiful message:

You are a creator – a powerful creator.

There is no need to cling to old ways, structures, or things hoping they will change and bring you what you want.

Let go. Release it all and open to the new creative possibilities. 

Keep moving forward, not back. Stay in the creative flow and create the new. 

You can fly when you let go of these heavy weights. 

I was shown how clinging to the old, trying to fix the old was causing me to turn away from all the infinite possibilities that I could create in the future. 

Clinging to the old is not trusting that you can create again, and again, and again. Trust in your creative abilities and all the co-creative support that is there for you. 

If you don’t like the way something is turning out in your life then focus on recreating it, as opposed to fixing it. 

Ask yourself:  What in my life would I change? What in my life is not working out for me? Then ask: What in my life is working? 

The world around us is feedback for us. It is not a judgement or a message that you are not good enough, worthy enough or smart enough.  It is simply feedback. So analyze it a bit.

If something is working, it is lining up with your north star. If something is not working, it is a bit off track. 

Can you see where you need to shift? 

Aiming for your north star will bring everything to you with ease and flow.  And everything is giving you feedback on the direction you are heading.

Have a beautiful week of finding your north star and shining your light!

Love Janice

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It’s Always About the Frequency First

Embody the Frequency

It is Frequency First

Do you remind yourself each day that you are a vibrational being first, then a physical being?

If you are consciously creating in your life, it is so important to live your life remembering it is always frequency first.

Consciously creating is all about taking care of your energetic state first. 

You step into being the version of you who is always living your destiny.

It is BE – do – have.

Not have then be.

Embody the frequency of the life you want to create.

Act in alignment.

Show up, feel it, act like it, walk like it.

You get to decide where your frequency will be each day. 

Too often we allow the outside conditions to dictate our energetic state, and soon we are spiraling down in feelings of worry, guilt or fear.

But when you tap into the power you have within you to get up each day and decide what you will create, then it will show up around you. 

This week I am offering you all a free training: The Art of Consciously Creating

It begins Tuesday evening at 7pm MST and I hope you will take the time to join me live in Soulfully Aligned Women.

You will learn why consciously creating the life of your desires is your soul contract

You will learn the first steps to becoming the artist of your life

And you will learn how to stay the course, even when life around you is crazy.

And so much more!

I want you to know:

You are capable

You are wise

You are good enough

You are beautiful, smart and good hearted

And you are the most powerful force in the Universe

Everything you need is already in you.

It is about remembering and claiming this truth. 

Click here if to go to Soulfully Aligned Women

We begin tomorrow night! 

Join in and learn how to live from your vibration first!

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!

Love Janice

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3 Steps to Transmute Your Fears

Remove the Obstacles Blocking Your Manifesting

Transmuting your fear will remove the obstacles that keep you from being a clear conduit of your creative flow and abundance.

What are you desiring more of in your life?
More money flow?
A new job? To serve the world through your own business?
A new or better relationship?
More vibrant health?

All of this is manifested through your creative flow.
And anything without resistance will find its way into your life.

The key to unlocking your creative flow and allowing your dreams to manifest is self-awareness.
Taking the time to return to the essence of who you are, and nurturing this essence, realigns you with the river of flow your soul generates.

And let me add this:
Anything you create, or desire to create, in your life that brings you into joy is a blessing and comes from the heart of the Universe.

Self-awareness allows you to see clearly the fears that are the obstacles in your way. More self-knowledge, more self-awareness of your own unique soul is what is needed to open the flood gates of abundance to all you want to manifest.

Attuning yourself back into your essence (love) will allow you to express with ease and grace. The river of creative flow (your abundance) will move through you unhindered. It is never dried up, despite the fears you may have. You are simply allowing the obstacle of fear to get in the way.

Transmuting the fears through your continued work of more self-awareness and building your skills around this, ushers in unity consciousness, heart connection and compassion. The river will flow.

Quantum physics tells us that the observer affects the outcome of an experiment.
Metaphysical thought has shown us  that by our intentions we create our own future.

You are a powerful being of intention.
Pay attention to all your thoughts and transmute the ones that trouble you or cause fear.

So you may be thinking, where do I begin?
How do I transmute my fear and allow my creative flow in today?

Step #1 – Bring your full awareness to the fears as they come up. Often we will hide from these fears, consciously or unconsciously. We will avoid them by distracting ourselves. We get super busy so we don’t have to face them. Or we push them down because these bring up some pretty awful feelings, and we really just want to feel good. This work requires courage, but it is so worth it!

Step #2 – Dig deep into it. What feelings are coming up with this fear? Where did this fear come from? When was the first time you felt this feeling? Acknowledge this without judgement.

Step #3 – Choose a new story. Coach yourself through it. Shift. Intentionally pivot. You get to tell the story of you. The truth is what you choose to believe is the truth. For example: This past is not the truth of who I am now. I am a totally different person than I was then and I get to forgive myself for everything. I get to move forward, gaining wisdom and strength from that past event. There is no one out there in the Universe telling me I have to suffer for my past. I am now done with it and choose to see myself in abundance.

Release all this fear back to the Universe to be transmuted through all space in time. Fill yourself up with your beautiful pure essence of love. Forgive yourself for holding onto to it for so long. Choose to be done. Intend to create from the beautiful creative flow that is always within you.

Join me each week day at 7:17 am MST for a free guided meditation in Soulfully Aligned Women.

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

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Two Steps to Feel Worthy of Your Dreams

A Higher Sense of Worthiness Increases Your Manifestation Power

I look at my grandson, who is 2 1/2 years old and there is absolutely nothing, not one tiny little iota of the thought that he is possibly unworthy of all the things he could potentially accomplish and receive in life. And I know that every single adult around him feels the same way. We love him unconditionally and see all the amazing potential within him.

When you were born everyone around you looked at you; you were a beautiful, innocent little baby and they wished for all the blessings that could possibly come for you. When you were born, you were worthy of all these potential blessings because you were born. There wasn’t a God, angel or being sending babies to earth pointing out the individual ones that will be worthy enough to receive love, peace, joy and abundance. Every baby came with a full basket of worthiness!

The unworthiness that we choose (yes we choose it) comes from the experiences between the pure innocence and today. It comes from our own interpretation of how life has treated us, things we have said, things we have done, to ourselves or to others, or things done to us.

So your unworthiness is in your mind. This is good news!
Because you can change your mindset.

And you want to do this, because your feelings of being worthy is what will help manifest your heart’s desires!
Your feelings of unworthiness are lowering your vibration and this is impacting the flow of abundance to you.

The power of feeling worthy of all the gifts that are lined up for you is within you and when you feel that power you receive those gifts, because your vibration is raised high enough to allow the flow in.

And so the work you do within your mindset is all about releasing, unpacking, and heightening your awareness to all these feelings of unworthiness that you are holding against yourself. Trust me, these unworthy feelings can stay hidden from view, because we have felt them for so long they begin to feel normal.

So how do you do this?

There are 2 keys to unlocking this worthiness:

1.  First, you learn how to love yourself, forgive yourself, and release the shackles that are holding you down. This is not difficult, it is simply a committed practice. And this is what my course Clearing Debris Through Forgiveness walks you through. However, that course is closed now as we have already started it. (Let me know if you want on the waitlist for the next session.)  So there is something else you can do now to feel worthy….

2. The other secret to unlocking your own sense of worthiness is to connect with your body.
Yes, it is all about going in and really feeling your body. It is about learning how to feel safe in your body.

Here is why this works: 

Since you were this little innocent baby, you have had human experiences. Some of these have been great learning experiences, others maybe traumatic or have brought up strong emotions of fear, such as shame, blame, guilt, hurt, rejection, etc.
These strong emotions can become stuck in your energy field, whether you realize it or not, and as it lingers there in your energy field it creates a vibration. If you have too many of these experiences that have not been processed properly, you will have an overall vibration that is lowered.

No matter how many positive affirmations you do, your vibration will settle to an average output of these unprocessed heavy energies in your body.

So here is how you can work on cleaning up your energy so you can raise your vibration to a higher level:

Meditation helps heighten your awareness of how your body is feeling. This is mind, body and soul work.

Your body will respond to your feelings being held in your energy fields. Bringing your awareness to your body will help you feel into the where the energy is heavy or being held tightly, instead of flowing freely. You may feel it as tension, contraction or pain.

And as you become aware, then you can begin to release it by relaxing that area, sending light and love into it, and then looking at why it is there.

Awareness through stillness is the foundational step.
We need to slow down, show some love to ourselves and listen to our body.

Don’t worry, I am here for you sister!
I will walk you through this and make it easy for you!

Join me every day until the end of February for free guided meditations within Soulfully Aligned Women.
Every day at 7:17am MST I will walk you through a 10 minute meditation practice to help you raise your vibration.

Are you ready to:

  • feel more centered and grounded
  •  heighten your awareness of being in your body
  •  begin to feel safer in your body, building a bond of trust with yourself
  • feel more relaxed during your day
  • begin to access a feeling of peace
  • recognize the outer conditions in your life reflect your inner conditions
  •  learn how to love yourself a little more each day.

Click here to join me each morning.

And be sure to reach out to your friends, sisters, daughters, mothers and share this with them to join in too.
We are stronger together and the world needs our light now. Send them this link to join in too:

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

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