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Women Are Gathering

Hello my friends,

I am visioning a world where women are gathering in circle together all around the world.

Their alignment with their heart, and soul is growing.

Their connection with each other is growing and strengthening.

They are bringing in light to our world. 

I am visioning in a great movement of divine feminine power.

Gather together. Bring your energy together and you will be stronger.

I have been hearing this message since October of 2020.

And the message is getting louder.

So let’s gather together. It is time to anchor in this energy.

When we gather we call in support from the other side. They gather with us – and this expands the energy. They are so excited to gather with purpose and intention. We set the intention and purpose of this gathering and this gathers the perfect beings of the highest truth and compassion.

Our Purpose: To bring healing light through to ground into our lives, and the world: for me, for you, for us, to help us download and integrate the new wisdom of this divine feminine energy and to embody the understanding that we are absorbing.

Our Intention: To align and manifest our heart’s desires so that we can bring even more light to this earth, to vision in a new earth of love, peace and higher guidance. We intend to expand our capacity to hold a bigger energy and learn to walk wit this power with reverence and grace, knowing we are co-creating with a power much greater than us, for a greater purpose.

We will create a sacred space for conversations of desires, intentions, visioning, meditating, channeling, journeying, expanding our energy, accessing the divine feminine energy, healing old wounds, listening, sharing, supporting dreams, and manifesting for you, for me, for the world.

When Women Gather is gatherings together on all of the above.

Each week we will have a guided meditation that is channeled for the group and the conversation will be perfect. It will align with those who come.

It will help each of us feel more peace, clear more space to create in our life, heal our patterns, learn to self-lead, and rise in the power of the divine feminine energy and more. I will channel the message for each week and we will connect with each other for conversations designed to expand all of us into holding a bigger energy.

Let’s create magic together and radiate our energy!

Stay connected to your soul through this year. Become even more soulfully aligned.

Connect to your awakened heart.

Click here to join us:

P.S. have you heard the story of our tipi manifesting for more gatherings? There is a power of women manifesting together and this is how our tipi came to us. Watch this video right to the end. It is so worth it!

Love Janice

The Story of Our Tipi

Open post

I Said Yes to the Universe

Saying Yes to the Universe

Christmas night as I was putting a few things away, my sleeve brushed across my deck, The Divine Feminine and a card fell on the floor. The card was Mary of Nazareth. 

This is not a coincidence. How perfect is this timing to have this card pop out on Christmas night.

The Universe speaks to us in many ways and if we are listening the guidance comes through for us.

Meggan Watterson describes this card as the divine feminine being who said yes to the Angel Gabriel.

Mary surrendered to becoming the mother of God. She had no idea what was ahead for her, yet she says yes to be in service with the divine. The angel Gabriel guides her to “be not afraid,” and so she allowed the divine to flow through her. She allowed joy to guide her.

Mary leads us to trust that we can say yes to what feels light.

It doesn’t have to make sense or work in the timeline of our ego, in the midst of our ordinary, everyday lives, we can say yes to the angel who greets us through the space in our heart and let the energy of joy guide our vision.

How does this message bring you guidance?

Are you following the light in your heart?

Are you allowing your heart to lead you?

And even more so,

Are you committing to living a life through your heart, consciously co-creating with the Universe to anchor in more light in our world?

These are great questions for all of us as we begin a new year.

Last September, I said Yes to the Universe. I said yes, I would walk on this earth softly and I promised to lead whoever wanted to follow this path. I promised to teach what I was learning about the divine feminine to other women. I visioned a tipi and promised that with this tipi I would have sacred gatherings that would remind us all to remain humble while we stepped into our divine feminine power. We as women, are beginning to truly access our unique creative power. 

More and more of us are becoming masters of manifesting. We are manifesting a lifestyle of our own heart’s desires.We are manifesting the financial abundance that allows us to live the life of our desires. (See the video below of how I manifested a tipi!)

We see women all over the world now becoming millionaires in areas that were always dominated by men. They are creating their own businesses that are serving our world in many different ways. Women are accessing some of the money that is circulating around the world and this is allowing them to create new movements.. They are rising in influential power all different arenas of the world. 

However we want to do better than has been done in the past. This is how women will create a new world.

As we access our feminine potentiality gateway, we want to remember the sacred elements of this power.

It is so easy for the ego to sneak in through the back door, and so walking softly on this earth, leading through our awakened heart must be remembered and taught, always.To those of us rising and to our children as they grow.

Gathering together not only raises the energy around us helping us continue to grow into our highest potential, but it also brings us back into the sacred divine feminine. This gathering together is where we stay humble, feeling the sacred power flowing through us, feeling gratitude and also reflecting on what is needed on our earth. It is a time to center into our heart, exude gratitude, pause and reflect and stay true to creating through our hearts.

And so, this is what we will begin in the free Masterclass Soul Revolution. 

We will center into our awakened heart, feel gratitude expand and the sacred power flowing through us. 

We will pause and reflect through celebrating what we have created this year.

Then stay true to what is coming through for us to create in the new year. 

Where does your heart want to create more in your life?

What is your heart expressing to you? 

Join me for this free masterclass on Tuesday Dec.28th and Wednesday Dec 29th at 7pm MT to begin your Soul Revolution for 2022. 

This will be happening live in Soulfully Aligned Women and you can receive the recordings by signing up through this link here,

These years we have been through, along with 2022 are powerful years of manifesting with the Universe.

Come learn how to do this that will bring in the desires of your heart. 

Click here to join us and receive the recordings of the live event.

Love Janice

Be sure to watch this video right to the end to see how the tipi manifested for us!

Open post

Overcoming Family Limitations

Sometimes reaching for more can feel so hard. How do I overcome the limitations and move beyond these limitations that have been set for me by family members past and present?

When you sit in your awakened heart you are able to feel all the potential within you.

You live in a limitless Universe and the human limits you place on yourself make you feel very small in comparison to what could be.

Be in your awakened heart – feel into the expansion of limitlessness.

Feel the excitement of all possibilities.

This is how you access the power.

This is how you reclaim the power that is you and always has been in you.

You rise above the limitations of the 3D world, all the past traumas, hurts, experiences, and you remember that there is so much more beauty and joy in this Universe.

There is so much more light than darkness.

And when you focus on this light you expand the light in your own vision.

You expand the possibilities as all potentialities exist within you and within the Universe.

Shift your focus – that is all.

It is a choice, a decision, that you make.

This is your willpower.

How beautiful was that message? I loved it.

Heart Awakening The 12 Days of Manifesting begins tonight.

Do you want to join us to get ready for 2022?

Visit this link

Have a beautiful week of intentional manifesting,

Love Janice

Open post

Heart Awakened 12 Days of Manifesting

Hello my friend,

I am so incredibly grateful to be in the presence of so many awakened, soulfully aligned women!

I love you all deeply. 

When you decide to intentionally manifest your dreams, you begin to lead your life and this brings through so much new energy into your creations.

It is much easier to do this with a group of like-minded women!

I have learned this; stay in the energy of people who are growing.

Hang out within the energy of women who have committed to this life!

The woman you become, on this path; the soul growth, self-actualization, personal growth (call it what you want) is beyond words. 

You become empowered to take the wheel of your life.

You begin to believe in yourself.

You begin to feel worthy of your dreams.

And they begin to materialize in your world.

This is so much more than just visualizing.

This is about you evolving.

In the Heart Awakening 12 Days of Manifesting the energy will impact you in new ways. 

Commit to you and your dreams.

We continue with awakening & opening our heart and learning even more about manifesting through the heart.

Come walk these 12 days with me where we will be immersed in the energy of self-leading and growing into the woman who has it all! 

All the love, empowerment, beauty, financial abundance, and the ability to make your own choices.

So much more than wanting the things….it is about becoming more of you through your heart.

For you, for us, for the world.

Yes we all want more fun, adventures, peace within, and financial freedom.

But more than anything you want sovereignty in your life.

The ability to choose what you want to create.

You want to know you can have the power of choice, the freedom to create.

You want to know how to believe in this. 

Well, come hang out with me for awhile.

Be in the energy of those who do believe and your energy will begin to resonate to this too.

And when you can believe that maybe you can do it – you begin to fly with your manifesting. 

I used to believe I could figure it out alone. 

Now I know it is much faster to fly within the energy of sisterhood. 

We create more together.

Together we collapse time.

Do this for you. 

Join me here:

We will begin December 6th and end on December 21st Winter Solstice! 

The schedule is on the sales page right here:

Let’s begin 2022 ready for more and knowing how to create more powerfully than ever before!

Your way.

Your path.

Your life. 

Have an intentionally creative week,

Love Janice

Open post

Your Awakened Heart

Sometimes opportunities come along, and if you find yourself scared and excited at the same time, then it is time to take the leap!

I know you want to be living from your heart,
on the edge of creating,
feeling your heart when it is so alive,
beating wildly, excited, scared…
and in ecstatic anticipation.

This is when you are your most magnetic presence and everything starts moving forward for you in magical, unforeseen ways.

When you are chasing your desires, instead of running from fear,
in the full presence of this life – really living!
This is when you are your most powerful creative self.

And if this is where you long to be,
feeling fully alive, living each day of this precious life to your fullest,
not staying in the safe zone,
but feeling ready for the next level of potentiality,

Then you are resonating with me!

This is life – fuller, sexy, tingling with anticipation.
Ready to grow, expand, love…
and be the fully expressed you and bigger than you’ve ever been, going farther than you’ve ever gone before.

This is the youngest you will ever be.
Embrace this life.
Love this life.
You are ready!
Let’s go!

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

Open post

Awaken to the Quantum Field

I am here to remind you that yes there is a divine intelligence available to us.
There is a mathematical equation for everything  in this world…how could there not be an intelligence there?

This wisdom is all around us, and always there.
Think about a time in your life that challenged you to look beyond your normal awareness. Perhaps it was your biggest challenge in your life, our dark night of your soul.

When we have those experiences, there is a great wisdom and guidance that comes through.
It is the moment when we are completely humbled, on our knees when grace floods in and you are filled with a deep knowing, a new awareness or understanding.

This is the wisdom I am talking about.
But the thing is, it was always there.
You are the one who opened to it.

The information is already here, all around us.
When you learn to heighten your awareness and focus your intention, you open portals to this wisdom,
and in it lies the great cosmic forces that can guide your life into ease and abundance.

Are you ready to create a plan with me to create your dream life?
Let’s do this!
You can absolutely do it on your own. I know you will get there.
But we can do it much faster together.

Click here to see how to get started with me.

Have a beautiful week of intentionally creating your life

Open post

Asking for More

When I was bankrupt, with not enough food for groceries, the fire of my desire for more was strong and unhindered. I knew I was allowed more than this for my little family. There was no one there telling me I was wrong to want more. I was sitting in lack, and I wanted out!

And so I consciously created more. I set my intention; it was crystal clear: I wanted our own home, food on my table, a freezer full of food for my kids, and my bills paid. And I created it. We even manifested our house before the 7 years of waiting had cleared our credit (Miracles do happen)

And then, I desired more. I still did not hesitate as I had proof all around me that we could have a life that included more time, money for the occasional vacation, and money to go shopping for those items and clothes that made life comfortable. And I consciously created this. Again, money began to flow in.

When you desire a change in your life, and you have clear intentions you create it!

Now, I do need to clarify that through all this time, I did the shadow work to clear the blocks and become more self-aware. I worked hard to clear away the limiting beliefs around money and receiving.

And my life went from a struggle, immersed in lack and scarcity to one of comfort.

And I know many of you have created a life like this too. You have consciously created in your life, using the Dream Mandala and your intentions to create what you have been dreaming of.

So how do you ask for more when life is good?
How do you feel into the bigger desires?
Maybe you waver between, I don’t need that, life is so good right now, to…wouldn’t it be fun if….

I went from struggle to comfort. This is the story my manifesting was built on.

I think it is pretty easy to create a life of your desires when you are in a place of struggle.
What you want is very clear in your mind, so once you learn the steps to manifesting you see results happen!
The story that you have to struggle to receive is in every story we read as a child.
The princess has to go through the struggle to meet her prince.
Then they fall in love, get married and live happily ever after.

So what happens after ‘happily ever after?’

What if we don’t want the struggle to go to our next level of manifesting?
Going from zero to the fairy tale is step one.

Step two is going from good to great. Do you need a new struggle to do this?

What if the struggle is not needed?
What if it is perfectly fine and acceptable to want more even when life is good.
What if it gets to go from good to great, and the other shoe doesn’t ever have to drop?

You can release the guilt, shame and feelings of being greedy for wanting more.
I want you to know this:

There is a difference between asking for more when there is not enough, and asking for more when there is enough.

This thought stopped me in my tracks!
Because I know…
The gifts available to you from the Universe are infinite.
There is way more there than you would ever dream of asking for.
And there is enough there for everyone.

You are not taking from anyone else when you want more.

Keep feeding your dreams ladies, don’t let them die.
Keep clearing away the debris in your mind that tells you you can’t have it, you don’t deserve it, and that life is not meant for you.

And the real secret is, the more you watch your desires manifest, the more and more grateful you are for what you have. When I was in scarcity and lack, I was not feeling grateful all the time. Yes I was grateful for my amazing husband and three beautiful kids.

But my gratitude for my life now far exceeds what I was grateful for then.
My gratitude now is what feeds my desires to keep creating more!
My gratitude now clarifies what I want to create more of.
And my manifesting is happening faster and faster because of this.

It gets to get better and better!

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

Would you like to consciously create more in your life? Click here to work with me

Open post

The Minute You Decide

Good Morning *|FNAME|*

The minute you decide you want better for yourself is when everything changes.
The moment of your decision, everything in the Universe shifts to support your desire.

You are born with free will, and this will gives you the ability to create whatever life you choose.
But you may have forgotten the feminine power within you that you carry in your clear intentions.

It is so amazing that one simple decision can change everything for you.
Imagine the power behind that?
Imagine the wellspring of potential energy that rises up to support you, in the moment of your decision.

Perhaps you have decided enough is enough. Something has to change.
Or you suddenly have realized that you have been hanging out in the ‘not enough’ energy and you are ready for more.
Maybe you are tired of the struggle or the mundane and are ready for a new adventure in your life.

This past 22 months have shown us what we need to
clear out of our life,
clean up in our life,
and rise up in our life
to receive more.

It is in your decision that you want something more.
It is in your decision that you will create something more in your life.
When you get to this moment, that you are ready for a change, then you will receive more.

It is time to live your life, because this is your life!

But some of you may say...but I AM trying! I am making this decision and nothing is happening.
Your decision gets it all going.
But you need to get out of your own way to receive.
And receiving is a beautiful feminine energy.
Trying is masculine.

I have had several calls this past week from people interested in working with me.
There has been a shift for a lot of us. So many are ready.

If you are ready to create change, up level and clear away glass ceilings then it is time to access your divine feminine power. And this is how I help you.

We have been taught wrong for so many years.
Society taught us to create through our masculine.
Even mothering has become immersed in the masculine energy.

But that is not where your creative power dwells.
It is time to access your divine feminine power and the power of receiving in this new way.

For so many years I lived my life in the masculine energy. This is not the way. I know this now.
I shifted to my divine feminine and everything is flowing in with so much more ease.
I learned to open up to my divine feminine energy. I had been holding it back for so long!

If you have been trying for so long and nothing is shifting it is probably because you are trying to manifest in the masculine way.

I would love to show you the way to your powerful divine feminine energy.
Are you ready for the change? Are you ready to take the steps?

I am waiting for you to make the decision.
Click here now as I only have so many spots available:

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

Open post

A Channeled Message on Selfishness

Am I Being Selfish to Follow My Heart’s Desires?

Autumn has officially arrived and our evening of Unleash Your Desires – Autumn Equinox Guided Meditation was wonderful.
And I wanted to make sure you realized When Women Gather begins this Sunday evening at 8pm MT!

As I was journaling this morning a beautiful message came through for all of us that I want to share with you.
My intention and question was: How do I gather them together? What would you have me say?

And here is the message for all of us:

Am I Being Selfish to Follow My Heart’s Desires?

Just the power and energy that builds when you gather creates shifts in your world and for the greater good. You are the lightworkers.
That means you work aligned with the light. You bring more light into your bodies, through your bodies, grounding it into the earth. And you radiate this light out. It ripples and shifts the world.

And your own lives change as you do this. You receive first.

First it pours through into you. You receive the love, the healing, the grace, the abundance. You feel the support and connect to us. It all becomes so much more clear that you were neve alone.
And that there is so much more to this world than your physical world.

There are many layers of energy, it is all built on energy and you learn how to work with this energy.

It begins in your hearts and it begins with your heart’s desires leading you, showing you the way. And your desires are first for yourself, and that is okay. You need to fill up to be able to give. Fill up in all ways, in whatever way you need. And when you are full and the healing has laid a path in your heart then you turn and see how you can give.

You see how your light can serve and help change the world. For it already has, without you even knowing it has radiated out to those around you. In your innocence of inner focus, you are already changing the world.

And so, no, you are not being selfish to follow your heart’s desires; you are doing what you came here to do for this world. You each have your own part to do. You are each here for a purpose. And no one is exempt from this.

Do not complicate it , my child, it is so very simple. You are a diamond light and all that you desire can come to you with ease, yet you complicate it with words like being worthy or deserving. They have nothing to do with it.
You are worthy, because you are a beautiful soul light. You have always been worthy and always will be.

And yet you still make it heavy by feeling you are tarnished and undeserving for things you may have said or done in the past. The past is gone and is no more. Let it go and in this moment feel the beauty of this crystalline light shining in you and through you. You are this light, you are so much more this light than anything else. You are a diamond sparkling in light. And when you shun this you are blocking all the abundance that is here for you.

Truly there is actually no healing to do at all. You are already perfect in your light and you could shift to this alignment in a moment, in an instant.

But you feel the path of healing is needed and through this you feel more deserving of all that your heart wants. This is your form of making things right.

And it is all okay because no matter how long it takes, we re here with you. We walk with you in light.

Love always is here for you,

Join me tomorrow night, Sunday October 26th at 8pm MT, and for the next 4 weeks as we gather, receive more guidance, rise up in to the divine feminine energy and create changes in our own lives, and the world.
Click here or on the image below When Women Gather 

Have a beautiful weekend of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

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