The Minute You Decide

Good Morning *|FNAME|*

The minute you decide you want better for yourself is when everything changes.
The moment of your decision, everything in the Universe shifts to support your desire.

You are born with free will, and this will gives you the ability to create whatever life you choose.
But you may have forgotten the feminine power within you that you carry in your clear intentions.

It is so amazing that one simple decision can change everything for you.
Imagine the power behind that?
Imagine the wellspring of potential energy that rises up to support you, in the moment of your decision.

Perhaps you have decided enough is enough. Something has to change.
Or you suddenly have realized that you have been hanging out in the ‘not enough’ energy and you are ready for more.
Maybe you are tired of the struggle or the mundane and are ready for a new adventure in your life.

This past 22 months have shown us what we need to
clear out of our life,
clean up in our life,
and rise up in our life
to receive more.

It is in your decision that you want something more.
It is in your decision that you will create something more in your life.
When you get to this moment, that you are ready for a change, then you will receive more.

It is time to live your life, because this is your life!

But some of you may say...but I AM trying! I am making this decision and nothing is happening.
Your decision gets it all going.
But you need to get out of your own way to receive.
And receiving is a beautiful feminine energy.
Trying is masculine.

I have had several calls this past week from people interested in working with me.
There has been a shift for a lot of us. So many are ready.

If you are ready to create change, up level and clear away glass ceilings then it is time to access your divine feminine power. And this is how I help you.

We have been taught wrong for so many years.
Society taught us to create through our masculine.
Even mothering has become immersed in the masculine energy.

But that is not where your creative power dwells.
It is time to access your divine feminine power and the power of receiving in this new way.

For so many years I lived my life in the masculine energy. This is not the way. I know this now.
I shifted to my divine feminine and everything is flowing in with so much more ease.
I learned to open up to my divine feminine energy. I had been holding it back for so long!

If you have been trying for so long and nothing is shifting it is probably because you are trying to manifest in the masculine way.

I would love to show you the way to your powerful divine feminine energy.
Are you ready for the change? Are you ready to take the steps?

I am waiting for you to make the decision.
Click here now as I only have so many spots available:

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

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