Finding Your Internal Magnificence!

How to Live Authentically

There is a lot of talk out there about living authentically. But what does this really mean?

I believe to live authentically means you know who you are. You are fiercely aligned with your heart, and each step you take is taken with intentional awareness.

This intentional awareness is not a place to reach, but rather a process of becoming.

It begins with recognizing your own internal magnificence, aknowledging your spirit within. Knowing you are no more or no less valuable than anyone else.

You are here to express yourself. No more cowering away from who you are.
You are going to shine bright and fly freely, soaring above all the scrambling for energy below you.

Are you truly believing you are spirit within? Everything begins here, because when you can hold this belief firmly in your heart…a knowing within your heart…then everything in your life shifts and you begin to live your life in a completely different way.

A Course in Miracles claims that what we have seen around us is only a fraction of what each of us is capable of. And that means that you have as much achievement potential as any great creator, nobel peace prize winner, scientist or anyone else who ever lived.

Marianne Williamson has spoken about authentic living and she led me to these words:

How can you possibly live an authentic life if you think you should be someone other than who you truly are, want something other than what you truly want, or do something other than what you truly want to do. 

Authentic living and believing in yourself and your dreams is about remembering who you are. You are coming home to the core of you. You are coming home to your inner heart, which is connected to your spirit.

To do this requires quieting the voices around you, (and the ones in your head) and just finding that place of peace within. Spending time in meditation, and out in nature.

Communing there regularly, in this beautiful quiet, peaceful place helps you begin the steps of living your authentic life. Your heart will feel it. You will feel this knowing of who you truly are.

And when you are filled with this knowing, then the Law of Attraction begins to work in your favor. You will feel joy when you work and your heart will open to receive all that the Universe has for you.

Find your way there, away from the craziness of your daily pace.
Continually bring yourself back to your authentic heart.
Create the space in your life for this practice.

Join me for Art, Heart & Soul, a weekend away from it all. A weekend to honour yourself, and connect more deeply with your heart. Call me to claim your space. One double bedroom is still available.

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

P.S. – If you want one on one coaching connect with me here for a free mini session

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