Love Always Answers

Powerful Intentions and Surrendering

Good Morning Friend!

Let’s just talk about powerful intentions and surrendering at the same time.

How exactly do we do this?
How do we stay fired up each day holding our vision for our creations in our minds, yet do that surrendering thing?

If you are new here, you may not know how many times I have said that you are a powerful creator. You are.

You hold within you the energy that creates worlds.
When you align your intention up with your heart, completely trust your creative flow within you and get all fired up, you can powerfully create in your life.

You already begin each day meditating.
You center your heart.
You feel this flow in your body.
This is how you create in your life.

But there is a higher power that goes beyond this.
We are a shadow of this higher power, just a little portion of it.
And we have the ability to channel this into our creations.

But there is even more…a greater pool, a greater mass, a brighter sun.
And this is guiding the bigger plan.

When you wonder why your creations are not manifesting, there may be a bigger plan in the works.

This is the power that guides all the pieces of the puzzle into their perfect place.
This is the power that weaves everything together.
All the little coincidences, and synchronicities that you could never have imagined happening, all falling into place in perfect timing.

This power is also guiding you and your life. 

Sometimes it can be very difficult to see far enough into the bigger picture.
It may be hard to differentiate between our heart’s desires and our ego’s desires.

But your higher power knows. And this is where you need to trust. Hold the faith.

The Universe will give you alll things that do not block your way to the light.
And will take nothing of you as long as you have need of it.

But our own personality, our small self, may not be able to see the bigger picture, and will fight against this.

As we are dreaming our life into manifestations, connecting with our heart each day in meditation, it is important to be willing to do whatever is needed to bring these dreams to life, to be willing to rise up, but also to hold them lightly.

Be willing to shift. Be willing to let things go.
Be willing to accept the bigger plan of the Universe.
Trust in your higher power.
Be open to allowing the inspiration to guide you each step of the way.

We don’t have a vision to see into the future but the Universe knows the perfect unfolding for us, in both time and material manifestations.

Hold lightly, relax but keep your intention clear in your heart and mind.
It is coming.

And know that what you call to you with love will come to you.
Love always answers.

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

P.S. – It is June and Summer Solstice will soon be here. This is the perfect energetic time to create your Dream Mandala. Click the picture below to learn more about this online course.

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