Open post

A Little Curveball

Hello my friends,

On Friday afternoon I got wrapped up in my dog’s leash and took a tumble.

The result is a broken wrist, and a cast for the next 6 weeks. 

As I write this, with one hand, I am thinking about everything I have been teaching about in my Expand Your Energy series this week. Mostly about focused intentions and rising up despite external circumstances.

Yes this is a bit of a curve ball.

But did the Universe orchestrate this to get me to slow down?

Heck, no!

Would you purposely trip your child?

I see the Universe as love. Pure non-judgemental, unconditional love.

This was just one of those things that happen in life. 

Like our own personal history full of events and stories, the learning and growth is always here and now.

This happened. Now what?

Can we rise despite the circumstances?

And how can I take my own teachings and embody them to an even deeper level?

When we spend time questioning ‘why did this happen?’ we are wasting and energy.

It happened. This is part of our life experiences.

So where was the Universe in all of this?

The Universe had me surrounded with loved ones when this accident happened. So grateful for this.

The angels softened my fall. I did not need surgery. So grateful for this.

It was my left arm. So grateful for this.

I am surrounded with support and love.

So now what?

I am immersed in self-care and leaning into the beautiful support around me.

I am taking less action, instead being mindful of my energy; focus. intentions and expanding with way less action. 

I am receiving; allowing support and listening to the messages coming through:

You are able to lean into your power, take fewer. more focused, aligned and powerful steps. And you will find it is easier than you ever thought it could ever be.

Below are the links to the Expand Your Energy Series, enjoy & expand:

Expand Your Energy Day 1

Expand Your Energy Day 2

Expand Your Energy Day 3

Expand Your Energy Day 4

Expand Your Energy Day 5 – three parts: 


Just a reminder…

The Creative Mystic begins August 1st & early bird pricing ends July 26th!

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!

Love Janice

Open post

It Doesn’t Mean Anything!

Earlier this week I woke up very tired. I have not been sleeping well, waking frequently throughout the night. I’ve been having nightmares all week, which is very unusual for me. So I have been waking up feeling lethargic and a little foggy brained. I feel like I don’t know what I am going to write about, post or talk about in my groups. The internet has been bumping me off my lives and has made it very difficult to get any kind of work efficiently done. There have been many interruptions in my daily routine. Needless to say, the time I normally have to dive into my business as a spiritual mindset coach has not been going smoothly. 

So what does this mean?

It doesn’t mean anything.

It  doesn’t mean it is not for me.

It doesn’t mean I am not good enough.

It doesn’t mean I am not capable. 

It doesn’t mean the Universe is trying to tell me to stop.

It doesn’t mean I am building the wrong career.

It doesn’t mean anything.

I want you to know this.

Because when things aren’t going smoothly or go sideways in life (and they will) we often feel like maybe we shouldn’t be doing what it is we are doing. 

First of all:

The Universe always lovingly supports you.

The Universe does not judge what you are doing.

The Universe is not trying to teach you a lesson.

Yes, there may be an easier path that your higher power can help you with, but the message will never be that  what is in your heart is not for you.

Because your dreams and desires were placed in your heart when you were born. 


You are more powerful than your thoughts!

The thoughts of…”maybe I’m just not meant to do this, maybe it’s not for me, I’m not talented enough, I’m not pretty enough, I’m not strong enough, I’m not cut out for this, maybe I should just quiet down and go back to my dull life…”  (and there are so many more thoughts that we play through our mind) are just fear thoughts.

But you are so much more powerful than your thoughts!

When you feel this way, this is when you really need to drop into your heart and listen.

What is it that you are truly desiring in the deepest folds of your heart? 

What you hear, in there, is your truth, and is always a loving energy.

And you walking this path is not supposed to look like anyone else’s journey.

You are here to make your dreams come true in your own unique way. 

Notice how crappy those fear thoughts make you feel.

And instead listen closely….what is within you that tells you you are meant for more?

This is the power within you that you have access to. 

Turn away from the fears of not being good enough and call on this deeper power.

You get to choose to sit with the fear…

or rise with your amazing, beautiful, shining power within you. 

Let’s EXPAND OUR ENERGY together!

Join me each weekday morning this week at 8:15am MDT on Soulfully Aligned Women for a morning inspirational live to help you hear your inner power voice and fill your energy up with this strength. 

I will be recording them and adding them to my YouTube Channel Janice Gallant & The Creation Guild. 

Invite your friends, sisters, girlfriends, moms who may really benefit from these morning chats.

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!

Love Janice

Open post

Activate Your Soul

The beginning of July always finds me stuck on ‘on.’ I feel the need to rush; to rush into creating more in my business. My thoughts are always, “Okay Universe, now we can really go, but I only have about 6 weeks of this undivided attention so let’s get going!”  (I don’t actually say this, but this is the vibration I am exuding.)

My higher power knows this is not the place to create from – the push, the rush…the scarcity mindset.

And every year, I am reminded that I need to allow myself time to drop in to that place of stillness.

I know now, after so many years, that I can’t rush and I am now better than ever with just letting go.

But there is still the moment of, ‘oh ya…I almost forgot.”

Then I sink into the arms of the Universe, surrendering, trusting.

I spend time walking, gardening, laying on the earth, cleaning and reorganizing my art space, my office space, reading, drinking my coffee on my deck, visiting with good friends, getting back into my exercise routines, going even deeper with my meditations….

I trust that all that is to come through me will come through in perfect timing. I understand and know that when I choose to connect, and not allow the feelings of, “I need to get this done!” to control my actions, and when I am able to step out of all the things I ‘should be doing’ and relax into my flow it will then come through. 

I know if I get out of my own way, all I want to create and share will come through me in perfect divine timing. It will be exactly what it will be. 

And it will be perfect.  And so I trust. 

I am patient and I choose to have the discipline to listen with-in; not to the outside.

I DO nothing. Instead, I focus on BEing.

Until it comes from deep within.

It is an intuitive whisper at first, easy to miss.

But because I am in my stillness, I hear it, I feel it. And I trust it.

The wisdom, the teachings, the inspiration that comes through is always so much better than I could ever have created on my own. The Universe has a much higher perspective of what is needed for the good of all, to come through.

And I have learned to trust that this is real, and is always coming forth for a purpose. 

So I allow it to bubble up and merge with the gifts I came to this world with. 

I know my soul is activated and my soul work is coming through to manifest into something beautiful, precious and powerful. 

I am so excited to bring to you soon what is coming forth! Stay tuned!

This is where you create your beautiful life from.

This is where you are guided with the forces of the Universe. 

This is how you make a difference in the world, one day at a time. 

To create from this place of power:

  1. Make space to sit with your soul – take as much time as needed.
  2. Intend, deeply intend, to create with this force.
  3. Drop in – commune, connect and just BE. Don’t move.
  4. Ask for guidance.
  5. Now, move forward with this inspired, aligned action. 

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!

Love Janice

Open post

We Are Rising Together

Hello Beautiful Creator!

I’ve been on my spiritual journey since 1995, after my bankruptcy threw me into a black hole of ‘what now?’ when everything I thought was meant for me, got wiped clean.

When I write my blogs, Monday morning emails, and posts, I am writing from where I am.
I am sharing my journey with you.

And I am loving what I do so much! Sharing with all of you, connecting with powerhouse women/mentors and being in the energy of women like you who are wanting more in their life.

This year my word of the year was ‘EMBODY.’

I prayed to the Universe for all of what I have been learning to be embodied within me. I wanted to feel it, within me, to lead from this embodiment aligned with my heart, soul and the power of the Universe.

And WOW has the Universe delivered for me. I know it is me who was ready to up level and and be able to energetically hold more space for more clients.

And what I am embodying is the realization that I want to bring everyone to the next level too.
I want us all to rise together, to expand to our next levels together.
This is what it is all about. We will all rise together.

So I have created an affiliate program and a commission program!

For each private one on one coaching client or soul retrieval sessions
I will share a 20% commission with you. Since these are usually a minimum of 3 month sessions you will see the potential for you to bring in a monthly flow of cash for a few months.
You can see my packages here:

For all my courses and trainings, if you have already taken the course, or are enrolling in it, you will receive an affiliate link that will give you a 50% commission!
Wow! You don’t see that out there! Yes 50%

Here is how it works: 
I will send you a special link to send to your friends or post online, along with a graphic to use.
And when your friends sign up for my course under your affiliate link you will receive 50% commission.
You just need a PayPal account for the money to be deposited to your account. (This is free and easy to set up)

Then they get the same opportunity! And we grow together!

My big growth awareness this year, is that I want us all to create the best life ever, together!
I have a small community of followers right now.
And, I love all of you and I want to see your income grow, so you can continue to grow into your best life ever!
This is where the energy becomes stronger and stronger. We grow together!

Upcoming courses:

Until July 1st you can join The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal
– Our July theme: Women Who Run With Wolves – claim your voice, claim your vision!

August 1st begins The Creative Mystic – I am so excited to run this course again! This is a 6 month journey to honor the mystic within you! Rise up and claim the magic within you! By the end of this course you will be channeling your higher wisdom and guidance!

Later in July I will offer The Mystic Business once again. Our first group has finished and it was powerful! This is a course about creating the energy of a thriving business! It is all about creating powerful underlayers of energy so your business is abundant with clients, inspirational ideas and financial flow!

Would you like to join in with our Money Mastermind group? You can by sending me a message

And I do have a new course emerging too about becoming a powerhouse of energy! I am not saying anything else about this incredible new program just yet, but be sure to watch for more information. And yes, once you sign up you will receive an affiliate link to invite your friends to come on the journey with you, and you will have the potential to make 0% commission on this course too!

If you have already taken any of these courses, just reach out for your affiliate link! I am so excited for the next level of expansion and for all of us to grow together!

My vision is to help all of you create a 6 figure plus income!
Money is a tool that will help you create a life of your dreams, and this will be how we heal the world!

I have linked arms with some amazing powerhouse women, coaches and mentors and I am stepping into my power more and more every day! And I am excited to continue to share this growth with you!

Because we are all stronger together, and the energy of powerful women together is what will change this world!

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

Open post

Never Get Triggered By Comparison Again

Hello Creative Friend,

She did what? She made $10 million in less than 6 months? After creating her brand in 2017? No way!!
How is this possible?
She must have some great friends that helped her get started.
She must have had help.
How is she possibly reaching that many women?
Maybe she is the chosen one.
Maybe she is more talented than me…prettier…better spoken…
I’ll never make it that big…..and defeat sets in.

Yes, this was me a little while ago. Not a proud moment to admit.
But we’ve all felt this when we compare ourselves to someone else who is doing what we want to do.
It sure looked to me that the spirit guides have blessed her good…but not so much me.

This is social media, all day long for some people.
All it takes is one comparison based thought to bring us down.
And when your heart is down the black hole of being defeated, you aren’t going to manifest your dream life.
You start believing you’re meant for just ‘good enough’ rather than GREAT!

I sat there for a while. Man, this girl triggered me.
My first thoughts were, she’s got to be lying or hiding something.
But then I checked that… I am too far in tune with my spiritual Source to go there.
That thought is totally scarcity and shutting down my belief that we are unlimited creators!

And with that came, “Triggers are good! There is gold in here”
So I did what I teach, I turned to my higher wisdom….what is here for me?
What is being brought to my attention for me to learn from?

When we begin to compare our life with someone who is doing, living, being from the place we are wanting to be.
It is time to thank them, not criticize and try to find her flaws.

I was reminded that she is doing everything that is meant for me and she appeared in my life to show me how I can do it too, in my way. 

Why have I never heard of her in the online coaching? She is Canadian!!
Now instead of being triggered I felt a resonance with her.
And now I was totally intrigued with her story.
She, like me, had gone through bankruptcy and lifted herself way up, and away from the scarcity mindset.

Next thought:
I totally want to be in her energy!
So I signed up for her course without knowing anything about it! What a rush of exhileration!
This was spirit guiding me!

I was excited! My vibration was high!
And I received a download from my higher guidance the very next day, because I had remembered my unlimited potential and power and was open to receive!

So I haven’t even started the course, and already I am being given ways to expand my reach.

How does comparison trap you in your life?

Steps to go from comparison to your high vibe next level:

1. The person you are looking at is triggering you because in your heart you want what she has, and she is appearing to you to show you that you can do it too. Your mantra should be: “Yes, it’s coming to me next. It’s getting closer when I see others around me accomplishing what I want in my heart! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You may want to send her a thank you note.

2. Remember you are the creator of your life! You are capable of manifesting your desires and your potential is limitless. Turn your attention inward to your greatness! You have the same manifesting power as she does! You have access the that infinite supply too. Step out of the scarcity mindset into the infinite flow! There is room for all of us to shine!

3. Reach out for support to help you, a mentor, a coach, a course to learn and grow! For your dreams to manifest, you will likely need a spiritual awakening, an epiphany. And this trigger is giving you the opportunity to rise to the next level in your life. This awakening is available to you when you are connected to your higher power and open to receiving guidance. A coach can help you achieve what you never thought was possible, as well as keep you accountable every step of the way. Coaches are also helping you see your truth that you may have become blind to.

Playing the comparison game can really sting. But if you don’t ignore – own it – you can remove layers and obstacles that are blocking you from manifesting your heart’s desires.

The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal is a safe place to develop a consistent practice of removing layers of debris, month by month. Now you can join us for July 1st through December 31st.

Click here to read more

And if you really want to take a leap of faith with me and do Melanie’s (the girl I was triggered by) course with me then let’s do it together. Click here:

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

Open post

Your Heightened Awareness Creates Energy

Hello, my creative friend!

When you hit rock bottom, you have enormous focus to rise up again. This was my experience many years ago after being backed into a corner and claiming bankruptcy. 

My awareness was heightened to such a point that nothing was going to take me down again.

I rose up with a focused intention to figure out this manifestation thing and create a legacy for my children.

And to understand why I hit rock bottom and created that in my life anyway! Because I was going to make sure it never happened again. I decided to become a Master Manifestor! 

This focus opened me up to so many beautiful miracles.

This heightened awareness on the areas of my life that needed to heal, to shift, to grow brought me to a life that has been intentionally designed and is full of abundance.


When you bring your attention to an area of your life that you want to improve, it is like a beam of warm sunlight finally shining on the flower just waiting to bloom. The Universe pours through you into your focused vision.


Here is what I know for sure:


You have the power within you to create change, to heal and grow into the life of your dreams. And you are now determined to shine the light on your life. 


You have had enough of struggle.

You have had enough of having to lean on others.

You have had enough of disappointment.

You have had enough of your dreams being crushed by others.


I know. I have been there. I lived it and rose up through it. 

It doesn’t matter where your life is at. It can always get better.


I am here to tell you that you can absolutely have your dreams.

You can watch them emerge in your life.

And I want to support you to get there. 

It is about clear vision and focused awareness. 

And taking the inspired action along the way. 


It is not always easy, but it is way easier than what you have been through. 

You have already shown you have the strength. 


Now, do you want to commit fully to you, instead of everyone else?

Are you ready to create the life of your dreams? 

Are you ready to bring your heightened awareness to becoming fully you?


I am happy to share that The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal is now open for you to join this already powerful group of women from July to December.

The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal is your home base.

Here each woman finds a safe space to sink into her soul, open her heart, grow, expand, and empower herself. 

Your stars will now begin to align as you sink into the depths of your creative flow. 

You will embrace grace and fire in your life. 

Your inspirations will flow. You will feel a knowing, deep within you. 

You will feel your purpose, know your gifts, live from your heart, embrace your amazing light, and realize your next step. 


You will rise into your light. 

You will embody your light. 


You will walk a clear path, with clear boundaries and will not be afraid to shine in all ways. 

The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Portal brings you a sacred practice. 

A soul-centered, creative, sacred practice that will support you month after month. 

A consistency that will allow you to open your heart, to feel safe to BE the woman you were meant to be. 

There is no rushing. 

It is a gentle unfolding of your beautiful wings for the world to seethat you are meant to be here, you are meant to shine brightly, you are here to take up your space and create a shift of energy all around you.

You are the one we have all been waiting for. 

This is for you.

Come home to your heart. 

Live from your soul. 

In your home, your work and fully in your life, in all ways. 

Be fully you, 

The you, who you were always meant to be. 

It is time for you.

Join our group now, click here to learn how to join us:

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!

Open post

Stretching Boundaries & Limitations

Hello my creative friend,

Have you heard the phrase before, “If you aren’t growing, you are dying.” I am sure you have.

To me it is so easy to fall into complacency in different areas of my life. 

Especially right now. This past year has shown us more clearly what we want and don’t want in our lives.

And many of us have let go of a lot of excess. 

But have you felt there are areas in your life you have gotten a bit complacent in.

What parts of your life could you focus on taking to the next level?


To push beyond your own limits, first you need to acknowledge that you are a creator.

Ask yourself, am I living in accordance with this? 


You have the ability within you to take your life up to the next level, step by step (or great leaps if you so choose).


So think about this: 

Where are you accepting a lower standard of normal in all the areas of your life?

In your health, fitness, money, job, career, relationships, love, living environment?


What do you know is possible for you if you were actually to commit to yourself?

Do you know, deep down, what is possible for you to create? 

Do you dream of this, but are not sure how to take action?


Sometimes we see others with what we would like to have and it maybe triggers us a bit.

This is a sign that it is possible for you too, and your heart is really desiring it.

It calls out to you because you know you can have it.


What do they have, that you want too?

Be fully truthful with this, because when we push it down we are then playing small. 


Do they have a beautiful home, more money flow, a closer relationship with their spouse, a more fit body?


What parts of you are telling you to stay small? You don’t need that to be happy.

Of course you don’t. You will create happiness and peace wherever you are.

But wouldn’t it to be more fun creating this happiness & peace from the place of your heart’s desires? 


You decide where you are going to live your peace and happiness from: here in complacency or at the next level that also brings excitement & exhilaration!


So this week, awaken the parts of your life where complacency has seeped in.

It is time to wake up and choose to create more, push your boundaries and limits and go bigger. 

It is always a little scary to do this and you may say, yes I want more but I don’t know how to do this!

That is why I am here – to link arms & guide you through! Click here to book a call with me. 


And if more money flow is what you want then I can show you how.

Join me this week as we begin the Money Mastermind group. 

It will be fun, enlightening and exciting to begin to create the space for more money to flow into your life. 


Click here to find out more or on the image below, and make the commitment to your creative powers to go to the next level with your conscious creations!

The Money Mastermind group begins this Thursday June 10th at 7pm MDT 


Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!

Love Janice

Open post

Money’s Energetic Frequency: a skill

Hello my friend,

Right now, around money and wealth, are you bound by fear? 

I remember that fear so clearly.

So much fear that I didn’t want to even look at my bank account or stack of bills, because I knew there was never enough money.

I remember so many times at the grocery store check out, when I would hope and pray the amount didn’t go over the cash I had in my purse. And sometimes it did, so I would have to return some items, usually a box of cereal or paper towels or Kleenex.

These were luxury items. Frozen pizza pops, fun Lunchables, or ice cream were not items found in our house, (much to the detriment of my kids who would beg every grocery day for them, however they were better off without them anyway.) And this was after hitting rock bottom with a bankruptcy a few years before. We still struggled with having enough to put food on the table. We didn’t go out for dinners or movies, we didn’t drink, we didn’t take holidays, my husband would forfeit his holiday pay, working through his holidays so we could use this extra money to try and catch up. 

During those years I was living with fear clenching my stomach day by day. 

My husband and I were working to survive, and for the survival of our kids. It was a day by day struggle. I remember having only soda crackers and peanut butter for their school lunches one day, despite doing everything we could to budget our money. Needless to say my oldest son, who was a teenager at that time, was not impressed. But he didn’t say anything, and I felt like a failure as a parent. Those were really hard years. We worked hard to get us beyond survival. And with determination and hard work we did it. We pulled up out of survival and actually started having some extra money for treats and holidays. However, at the end of the month we were always broke. It was all about our energetic frequency and what we were allowing in. I didn’t know about the energy of money back then. 

But what I know now about money flow is:

  • There was another way, and it would have helped us move beyond struggle more quickly and raise our energetic minimums.
  • Now I know the energy of fear keeps you in struggle and survival.
  • The constant clenching in my stomach, the tightness, was where my energy was at and the world was reflecting this back to me. I thought it was caused by the lack of money, however the foundation was rooted in earlier years and the energy was perpetuating the lack. 
  • There is an energetic frequency for fear.
  • There is an energetic frequency for struggle.
  • There is an energetic frequency for being in the victim mode.
  • There is an energetic frequency of hope (which I would often go to and this would bring through miracles of relief.)

And even though I fluctuated between the lower frequencies, sometimes rising up in hope, I was always surrounded with love. We had so much love in our home, and so much gratitude for what we had.

So I now know there is no correlation between the amount of love you allow in around you and the amount of money that flows to you.

I also now know, there is no correlation between money flow and your own feelings of worthiness. At least there doesn’t need to be. You can work on increasing your feelings of being worthy of a beautiful life, and still have money flowing to you. 

I also now know, there is no correlation between how hard you have worked and how deserving you think you are (or undeserving) and how much money flows to you.       

We simply make it about that. And you can choose to let that go. 

You can say to yourself, “Yes, I am a work in progress, and I will continue to grow and learn and work on my self-awareness, while receiving abundance of money into my life.” 

There are many layers when it comes to receiving money and I don’t pretend it is easy – it has taken me years to understand this. Although, I now know that it can be easy.

What I now know is that if you want to step into a positive, healthy money mindset and even into wealth consciousness, you need to do the practice work every day. 

You can’t just do it some days and then let it go for a month and expect to see changes around you. 

I now work on my money mindset every morning. 

I give my full attention to my energy frequency and how I can elevate it consistently.

This work is in addition to my morning and evening meditation, my gratitude lists, my positive affirmations, my communing and channeling with spirit, my journaling and my creative flow.

And they are not correlated – working on the energy frequency of money is a practice; a skill development that people need to learn. Just like learning a skill for your work.

It is not correlated with anything else.

It is not about working hard and hoping for more money.

It is not just about being grateful and hanging out in high vibrations.

It is not just about positive affirmations.

All these support money flow – but there is more to it.

It is about learning how to feel the energetic frequency of money in your body.

It is learning how to step out of fear and into confidence with money. 

It is about giving money a safe place to land in your life.

It is about heightening your awareness around limiting beliefs with money and cleaning house.

And it is about creating the energy in you, where money easily flows.

You will become a money magnet. 

And then what…..

Then you can go shine, and follow your heart’s desires creating in this world in your unique way.

And the whole world will benefit from that!

Imagine a world of people feeling fully supported and living in their heart centered creative flow!

I believe we will get there.

Beginning soon! 

My monthly Money Mastermind group where we will meet once per month for a live training and gathering about the energetic frequency of money!     

I will be sharing with you how I recently manifested $15,000 in just 3 days!

I will be sharing all that I do, how I work in the energetic layers of manifesting, what I do each morning to not only manifest money flowing into my life, but also how to feel into the energy of holding onto it, without gripping and stopping the flow, and so much more. 

If you enjoyed this then you will love our live group calls on the new moon of each month for the next 7 months beginning on June 10th!                                                                           

Click here now to join us!


Open post

Create From Your Magic

Are you ready to create?
Have you made the decision yet?
What will you create?
What are you determined will happen next in your life?

You know that shift that happens when you’ve been thinking and thinking about that new workout plan?
You spend days thinking about starting it.
And then one day you decide. Yes, I’m going to do this. I’m going to start today!
Now all the energy that was being wasting in the thinking about it, is channeled into your decision.


You decided! Now it happens. You committed. And so it is!

We often wait until we are pushed into creating something new in our life. We go through hardship or trauma for so long and then all of a sudden one day we decide, ‘Enough is enough! I’m done with this!’
And you create something new! And your life changes.

But what if we didn’t have to go through the hardship or trauma.
What if we just decided today: I want more. 

We waste so many days of our life thinking about it, but not deciding.
What if you could give it your full attention today and decide:

I’m going to find a new job
I’m going to find a new lover
I’m going to find some new friends
I’m going to write my book
I’m going to get back in shape
I’m going to ____________________ (you fill in the blank)

That is the focus that will bring changes to your life.
You’ve heard it before, talking to your girlfriend, “Wow, you are looking so great! What have you been doing?”
And she says, “Oh I just decided I needed to make some changes in my life!”
She decided!
And change happened – all the months of thinking about it, wasting energy on all the wondering was instantly gone – and now more energy is available for creating what you want!

Create from your magic – Decide. Commit to you.

My new Money Mastermind begins June 10th!
Let’s get more money flowing into your hands! You can decide to stop the struggle, to make it easy for money to come to you. Money will become magnetized to you!
Click here now, make the decision to create changes in your financial world: Money Mastermind

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

P.S. – If you want one on one coaching I have openings available now. Click here  

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Fine Tune the Frequency to Manifest

Hello Creatives!

Everything has it’s own unique frequency and so fine tuning is so important for bringing in exactly what you are trying to create in your life!

There is a different energetic frequency for love.
There is a different energetic frequency for gratitude.
There is a different energetic frequency for abundance,
and it is a different frequency from money.

So if you are trying to manifest more joy into your life, do you have a very clear feeling of the energetic frequency of joy?

Fine tuning every day, is what will bring your manifestations to you quickly.

Watch the video blog to hear more about this.
And let’s get fine tuning so we can create more of what we want!

My Money Mastermind Course begins June 10th – Click here to learn more about it, or the image below.

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

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