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You Are An Infinite Being

A Message for You!

Good Morning Creatives!

If you are seeing this, then it is absolutely for you.
And what a beautiful message for you; a channeled message.
Breathe this in and allow it to resonate in your body and take you to a higher level:

“I am the center of my Universe.
I am an infinite being.
I am limitless.

As you become more and more aligned with this knowing, everything that is not truth begins to crumble away.
A new knowing begins to burn within your heart.

It is in your heart that this truth has always lived and always will.
The moment you step into this new awareness of your infinite divine power, the clouds begin to dissolve.

Because here is where you realize you are the conductor of this co-creative dance.
You are the artist at the canvas.
You are the driver.

And all your tools to create, the fuel for you to move forward, are being supplied to you by the Universe.
The blueprint, the map are all revealed and you are now able to flow this creative energy into the channels that you direct it to.

But first you need to truly believe that you are standing in this presence.
That it really is all about you.
And also about so much more.

As you align with this truth and create in your life from this place of power, this high vibration ripples out to all of your loved ones around you.

You are creating for all the beings around you.
You are serving the world in a much bigger way than ever before.
Your creating makes a difference.

So do not shy away from this power, this light.
Do not let fears and doubts keep you in the shadow.

Bravely step up and claim this I AM presence.
And here is where we meet you.
And celebrate your return.

For in your heart you know this is home.

We love you immensely.
Your angel & guides of the highest truth and compassion.”

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

Open post

How to Consciously Shift to an Empowered Life

Prayer Empowers You with Grace

Hello Creatives!

I have been waking up feeling in a low lately.

It’s not depression. It’s just a low.

And I think, it’s okay. It will pass soon and I will feel better again. I will get my vibe back. I just feel a little tired today.

But it has been happening all summer.

Sound familiar? 

You are not alone. I have been having many conversations with other women about this all summer.

It feels like the excitement for life has dwindled. 

Instead of standing at the canvas ready to create the life of your dreams, you are finding yourself in the ready stance.

(The ready stance is a term used in sports; feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, ready.)

Ready for anything. Ready to defend.

As our world that used to be consistent, continually changes around us, we find ourselves in this ready stance.

Instead of enthusiasm to create in our life, we are standing defensive, in fear and apprehension.

And this is exhausting.

So if you check in and find yourself in this ready stance, this post may help you.

I talk to you a lot about consciously creating your heart’s desires in your life.  

This is not all about your job, your car, your relationships or your income.

This is so much more about your health. Your spiritual growth. Your awareness of your state of consciousness.

And I teach about aligning and co-creating with the powers of the Universe.

Co-creating with the powers of the Universe is standing in grace.

It’s about holding the grace within you to walk a path that may not be easy, and still see through the lens of love.

It’s about getting up every day and living through your heart even when its scary, unclear and uncertain.

It is about choosing a life that fills up your heart with peace, laughter and love.

And it’s about remembering you are co-creating with the Universe.

Things feel very uncertain right now. We need to remember the certainty we used to have was an illusion.

Nothing was ever certain. And asking for certainty is not living in faith or trust in the Universe.

Our world is transforming right now, and it is not going to be over quickly. Many of us are waiting for all of this uncertainty to be over. I know I keep thinking, well once we get through flu season…once we get to spring….maybe next summer….

And when these milestones come and uncertainty doesn’t change it can pull you into a depression.

This is our opportunity to go to new spiritual depths. 

Uncertainty robs our power. It can leave us feeling victimized and constantly on the defensive.

Finding joy and peace within uncertainty is our lesson now.

How do we consciously shift to create a life that is empowered and joyful despite the external conditions?

You use the power of prayer.

Prayer empowers you with grace.

The cosmic forces of this beautiful Universe are standing at your side. 

But you have been given the gift of free will to create on this earth and these forces can not do what we can do here. They can, however, fill you with the beauty of grace and empower you to bring that to this world. 

They can guide and give you inspiration, but only when you invite them in.

It only takes heart felt prayer to bring them in.

The next time you are feeling upset, angry or depressed, sink into your heart and ask for peace to flood through you.

Say this prayer:

Thank you Universe for helping me see this differently.

Thank you for helping me to see this through the eyes of love.

Thank you for helping me release the fears and illusions of this world.

Thank you for clearing my vision to see the cosmic truths and for filling me with grace to walk this path bravely.

Thank you for filling my days with the highest vibration of love.

This week use the power of prayer to help you create your days and to release apprehension, fears, and illusions that we may be absorbing from the world around us.

We have the power at this time to create together a world that deepens its spiritual awareness as a collective.

Let’s create this together. It is up to us.

Open post

Your soul knows the way…and the only way out is through

Hey there creator!

Your soul knows the way. And the only way out is through.

This message comes through for you with the beautiful Ariadne, Mistress of the Labyrinth from the Divine Feminine Oracle Card deck by Meggan Watterson.

The labyrinth represents our life path entwined with situations, difficult times or patterns that keep us turning back in circles, seemingly not moving forward. It may seem like we can’t find our way out of this maze but we can. Our soul knows the way. 

Recently I was able to release one of those repetitive patterns, one that wasn’t mine but was absorbed from my childhood. Stepping back and witnessing this emotional pattern allowed yet another layer of scarcity to be lifted and released from my energy. 

Anger and frustration was rising up from my solar plexus twice over the last couple of weeks. One was when I did not have enough classroom chairs for my students and was told to use fold up chairs from our gym. Then another was experiencing frustration trying to get a compass to work properly for an art video with my Creative Mystic group. It was during this time that I stepped back and noticed what this emotion was triggering inside me. 

Feelings of scarcity, not having the proper tools to do what I needed to do properly; chairs and a working compass, were surfacing within me. And I wanted to blame someone else for my struggles. No sooner did these thoughts bubble up when I became the observer, the witness of where they were coming from. It was a moment of clarity!

I remembered observing these angry emotions from my childhood frequently.

My mom held a lot of anger within her. Each time there was not enough money for food, or bills she blamed my dad. Each time one of our household appliances broke, she blamed him. I often heard her say, “he has the proper tools for his work, but I have to work with broken ones.’ 

I know now, that she had given away her own power and her feeling of powerlessness was causing her frustration. Truthfully she had the power to choose, at any moment, to gain control back in her life through a variety of means, but she continued to stay stuck in her own labyrinth. And I also know, my dad was out there working and trying very hard to provide for his family. So her illusion of the scarcity was truly in her own power to change.

However, that is not my point here.

It was the anger welling up within me, and I caught  myself telling the same story; this isn’t fair! This is someone else’s fault!” 

This is what was coming through as I was experiencing frustration, but now I was no longer getting caught up in that old story. Instead I began witnessing it and questioning it. Is that the truth?


I get to create my reality.

I am the one who creates my beliefs.

So I did the work. I went through the steps to release this heavy, dark energy that had been lingering in my energy field since I was a young child.I felt it begin in my solar plexus and rise up into my heart. At the foundation of this anger from my mom was pain, and heartache. A feeling of not being taken care of, of abandonment. 

I released it to the angels and allowed the beautiful divine light to flow through me and heal me.

Another layer of scarcity energy, of victim energy was released into the light. 

And now there is more space for love, patience, and…sovereignty.

I AM a sovereign being!

And I want to be completely clear of anyone else’s energy that may be lingering on my path.

I want to release it all and stand in my clear, sovereign power, feeling the freedom to choose my own beliefs.

When you pick up these energies, from your childhood influences, from past events, from the news…you are not standing in your power and making your own choices. These are clouds standing in your way from living with clarity.

Ariadne’s divine energy helps you to be brave, to be courageous as you walk through the labyrinth.

And her message is: your courage will always be rewarded.

Clear away the old patterns, old energies that are not yours.

Create fresh, new space to then create the life that you want. 

Paint your dreams on a fresh canvas!

Perhaps a new course of painting a labyrinth is emerging! 

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!

Love Janice

Open post

Your Manifesting Journey – Part 1

The Energetic Layers of Manifesting

Following the Gold Nuggets!

Hey there beautiful creator!

I have an easy message for you this morning.
All you need to do is press play and listen while you get ready for your day!

Seriously, you are going to want to listen to this video, because in it I talk about all the gold nuggets that will help give your personal manifestation journey an energetic boost.

Manifesting is all about the layers of energy!
And in this video I hit on these energetic topics:

  • Shifting your energy to attract more abundance
  • What I do to manifest quickly
  • How to trust your desires are truly meant for you
  • Why shifting your belief to your heart center is soooo important,
  • How to follow the gold nuggets from the Universe, 
  • And I answer a few common concerns of move stuck energy and what’s going on there at an energetic level, 
  • And what is actually happening when you receive some money but then get a bill for the same amount! (Why is this happening!!!)

Enjoy this part 1 and join me tonight for part 2, live on my Janice Gallant Art Facebook page at 6:30pm MST

Dream & Journey begins September 1st – Learn more here

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

Open post

Following the Gold Nuggets

A Special Message from Archangel Orion – Following the Gold Nuggets

Hello my friend!

Have you been listening to the messages coming to you through your higher power, your angels and guides?

I have a special message for you today from Archangel Orion.

Archangel Orion’s message to you this week will help you hear your direct guidance. 

His message tells you exactly how to find and hear from your angels directly.

But first let me show you how I receive messages and listen closely to them.

I find the messages from my higher power come to me in little drops of thoughts, words or feelings. They are like little nuggets of gold along my manifesting journey. 

Paying attention to them can give us the guidance we have been asking for.

So as I sat down to write this weekly inspirational message for you, I thought about my past week.

Here are a few of the  gold nuggets I have received this week:

  • The word ‘transformation’ – this word has been brought to my awareness about 7 or 8 times this week.
  • The word ‘ascension’ – another word that has come up this week and I am rereading an older book I have that is called Ascension. 
  • The message to follow the guidance daily no matter what it is telling you.
  • The strong feeling of wanting to clear out and make space, reorganize – both physically in my body and in my home.

As I took some time to feel more into all these messages I felt the urge to look up the meaning of transformation and one of the definitions really popped right out:

Transform – change the voltage of an electric current.

Well this fits in well with ascension doesn’t it?

“Ascension is living in a higher level of light. Ascended masters are enlightened humans who have attained physical immortality by transforming their physical bodies into more refined, luminous, subtle material.”  From the book Ascension by Susan Shumsky

Attaining ascension is available for all of us and is often referred to as reaching a state of nirvana. To reach this state we transform our bodies to a higher vibration or frequency, thereby, ascending beyond the physical level into the higher dimensions of being.

The next gold nugget I received was to call in Archangel Orion in my meditation, as I asked, what is the message we need to hear at this time?

And here is your message, directly from Archangel Orion:

You are more light, you are more love, than physical manifestation.

When you remember this, your life purpose becomes crystal clear.

We are always here for you, at any moment to guide, to shine a light on your path.

Indeed, we are doing this in every moment of every day. 

You simply need to tune in to see the signs.

At this time you seek hope.

At this time there is great need of guidance.

And we want you to know the message is always the same for there is no other way. 

Your path is lit up before you. The shift to see is your own choice. 

The message here is to seek to stay open and curious of the many different ways that are channeled to help you find the way.

There are many receiving inspiration of ways to help you. 

There are no wrong decisions, you simply need to follow your heart. 

Follow the offerings that most light you up. 

It is there you will receive the downloads that will take you step by step closer to us.

Do not mistake the one who is offering with your own powerful higher self. 

These beings on your planet at this time are simply receiving and following the inspiration we are sending through them to awaken the light within you and many others on the planet. 

You hold the wisdom within you. 

You have the access point, the gateway to your higher wisdom. 

But together, all of you on earth at this time, can bring more and more light to the world. 

You seek hope, you seek refuge from the fear. 

This is how you find us. This is how you find the everlasting peace. 

Open to your heart. Follow the inspiration. Follow what feels good, open and light. 

Follow the open and ease. 

You will find our guidance all around you. Through other people, through nature, through your quiet moments and thoughts. You need only ask your question then sit quietly for us to merge with you. We are always here. Forever your guidance with us lies in your heart. 

Follow the light in your heart. Follow the joy in your heart.

In this way you will merge, you will transform your physical body to receive more light, more frequency codes of higher dimensions and more awareness of your life purpose.

And so it is. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And so as you read, listening to the daily inspiration and guidance gives you the direction each day to your next right step towards ascension. Follow your heart’s calling. When you see a course pop up that gets you excited, when you see a coach that you feel a connection with, when you receive an inspired thought pop into your mind….follow it!

Create the space in your life, in your body, in your home to invite this new energy in.

It is coming into your awareness for a reason. Your guides and angels are lining you up with it.

Do it, do it, do it!

I will be going live this week on my Janice Gallant Art Facebook page to give you some gold nuggets that will help you with manifesting in your life! 

Join me there on Monday August 17th & August 24th at 6:30pm MST for Great Expectations! Your Manifestation Journey!

Dream & Journey begins September 1st – click here or on the image below to learn more.

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!

Love Janice


Open post

No One is Coming to Save You!

But that’s okay because you are a powerhouse of creative source energy!

Hey there Creative!

I need to tell you something, my friend, no one is coming to save you.

But that’s okay because you are a powerhouse of potential creative energy that can sculpt your life into whatever your heart desires. 

And you know this already, deep within you the truth is there.

Waiting for you to turn your attention to it.

Waiting to emerge from within.

You’ve got this. 

But sometimes you forget and I want to remind you.

You are a rockstar.

When you decide, you can pull a day together like no one you know.

When you give yourself permission you have drive, you have passion, you have a fire that rises up unapologetically and illuminates the world.

You are beautiful. You are strong. You are determined. You are a leader. You are worthy. 

When you put your mind to something, it gets done!

You have purpose, power, passion and fire within you.

You know what you want.

Now you need to give yourself permission to create it fully.

Not just a little bit, no more playing small!

You get to have it all.

All the desires, all the passion, all the nirvana!

All within your heart. 

It is when you give yourself permission to do this, when you realize you truly are worthy of it all, that it begins to manifest in your life.

You are a powerful creator!

And you are tired of standing on the sidelines.

You have had enough of the struggle.

You want more ease and flow. You want life to start going your way.

You want to do what you came here to do.

You long for the income, impact, expression and connection.

It is time for you. This is your time now.

I created something for you. 

Because I reached that point too. I wanted my hands in the clay while I created the life of my dreams. 

This is for the person who is realizing that life does not need to be a struggle!

This is for the person who is suspecting  there is so much more to this life!

This is for the person who knows she is here for more!

This is for the person who wants to do, be and have all the things she desires!

With Dream & Journey I am giving you 4 weeks of high vibe, inspired content that will get you on the fast track of manifesting your heart’s desires.

Here is what you get access to:

  • Getting Clear on your dreams to set clear intentions! (Nothing changes until this is clear for you)
  • Guided Visioning Meditation!
  • Inner child painting exercise to help you remember why you came here.
  • Journal prompts to help you find your vision and gain clarity of what you want to create in your life.
  • My Energy of Vision Painting Workshop – a full painting workshop to paint your arrow, infusing your clear intentions & visions into your painting.
  • My Manifesting Mandala Workshop with mandala templates – a workshop that teaches your everything you need to know about manifesting your dreams.
  • My full Dream Mandala Workshop – creating your mandala with your own dream intentions infused in it.
  • Dream Mandala Painting Workshop – a beautiful mandala painting that will vibrate out the energy of your intentions into your space!
  • Our live group call with a guided meditation and channeling
  • Our private FB group where you can ask me any questions and connect with me as needed.
  • And your BONUS: The Dream Catcher Painting Workshop

It’s time to bring your dreams alive again.

It’s time to begin the forward momentum.

Dream & Journey begins September 1st, but I wouldn’t wait! 

Listen to your heart now. Take action now. 

And the forward momentum will begin right away for you.

Because this is how it works, when you say YES, the Universe responds instantly.

This link has all the details, success stories and payment options

Have a beautifully creative week!

Love Janice

Open post

Money As Love – From Limited to Overflow

Money as Energy – from limited to overflow

Hey Creator!

Are you focused on manifesting your dreams but they just seem to always be out of reach?
My topic for you today is: spontaneous memories, especially those childhood memories.

The reason I want to focus on them is because these old memories that come up seemingly out of the blue, are actually opportunities to look at our beliefs and where they came from. Your beliefs are the powerhouse to your manifestations!

Taking some time to reflect on memories that randomly appear in your thoughts, can give you the secret code to unlock old limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from manifesting just what you want.

This past week I had a spontaneous memory. I don’t know what unlocked this memory as I had completely forgotten it up until that moment.

I remembered my father asking me to go get his checkbook off the dresser for him. I seem to remember being told not to open it, just to go fetch it for him. Being a young child, perhaps about 8 years old, I did what I was asked but also peeked inside.

And there, for the first time in my young life I saw the number, the amount of money in his bank account.
There was the number. It represented a limit.
Seeing this number jolted me.
I distinctly remember it hit me that it was a limited number and now looking back it was the first time I thought, ‘what if it’s not enough?’ And my trust in my father’s ability to care for my needs was shaken.

Up until then I just thought of money as flow. Money flowed in, I knew it came from ‘payday,’ and my parents took care of my needs.

But this was a bit of a ‘reality’ check for me. Now I saw the money as limited.
No longer flowing, but limited.
I never said anything to anyone, but the energetic impact was there.

And so how did this moment impact me at the energetic level? What belief did I form from it?
That money comes in, from paychecks, and there is a limited amount until the next paycheck.

Awareness is so beautiful! Now I know what I am working with and I can begin to change this belief.

Logic & Miracles
Shifting your belief requires a logical shift in mindset. A decision to change my perspective.
Then as the miracles occur, this brings the belief into my heart and it is rooted there.

What if I focus on the belief I had prior to that experience? The belief that money just flowed in when needed?
If I truly believe that money flows in when needed, then it will only come when I need it.

So let’s take it a step further.

If I believe money flows continuously into my life because the Universe loves me, then I am stepping into overflow, moving beyond money as a need, but as an energy of love flowing to me all the time, supporting me and my life. If I see the Universe as an infinite source of this energy for everyone, more than enough for everyone, then there is no lack and no holding back.

Now money is love flowing to me, and there are no limits to love.
Would you limit the love you have for your loved ones? For your own child? Would you hold it back and just give your child enough love to get them by? No, of course not. It just flows and the more love you give, the more flows in.

It is limitless. The love of the Universe is flowing to you, it doesn’t wait for you to need more love – it just continuously flows. And this love is abundance in all forms; money, health, loving relationships, full support in the desires of your heart.

Would you like to bask in this energy of love for awhile with me?
Come join me to paint your own angel wing as a reminder, hanging on your wall exuding this energy of overflow out into your home, that you are supported by the Universe, loved by the Universe and there is no lack. When you open to this belief, everything is able to flow to you easily, as light as the wings of an angel.
CALLING ALL ANGELS is a live painting workshop happening Tuesday evening. Click here to see more.

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

Open post

There Must Be More Than This!

Seriously? There Must Be More Than This!

Hey there Creator!

Do you remember when you reached that pivotal point in your life when you said, “There has to be more to life then this?”

One morning I was sitting in my car waiting for the windows to defrost. I was on my way to work, feeling completely exhausted and the day hadn’t even started yet.

I remember thinking how I just couldn’t keep going like this. I couldn’t keep pushing my body each day. I knew I would end up sick if I did. Then I thought, if I only had 10 years left in my life, is this what I would be doing?

And my next thought was, “Angels please help me, there must be another way.”

That was the moment I shifted from living a life to keep everyone happy, to the beginning of living a life for me; living my life, my one sacred journey that is mine alone. 

And everything in my life changed. It was like my guides and angels all jumped up and down cheering that finally we could get on with what my life purpose was about!

Have you made that decision yet? Have you fully committed to your life journey? Not the one that keeps you in your role of wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister….but the one that lights up your soul!

This is not selfish. This is purpose. And when you make that clear intention that it gets to be about you, it benefits everyone around you in so many ways, ways you may never truly know. But the light ripples out and creates shifts. Your shift may just give someone else close to you permission to shift too.

You are here to help anchor in the light for our world, and you know you are doing this when your heart lights up with excitement and joy. This is your life.

The other day I was very deep in meditation and felt a beautiful angelic presence with me. So I began asking some questions. The first question will may make you giggle a bit.

Lately I have been wondering about doing some kind of cleanse for my body to be able to receive messages more clearly, perhaps a juice cleanse or something, and here was the answer:

You may do cleanses to feel good. But you never need anything to receive us. Your intention to receive is all that is needed. You do not need to do anything else, the ability to receive is equally available to all, regardless of their physical body. Do what you need to do to help your body feel good. But it will not hinder or enhance your ability to commune with us.

Well that was good to know! I really don’t do well without food!

Then I asked if there was a message I could give for those who are on the edge of joining The Creative Mystic? What would be the message for them? And here is what came through:

When you open to receive, you open the gates of love to flow in. You receive so much more of everything good in your life. Who wouldn’t want this? For every being who joins us in wanting more, in setting intention to grow, you will be rewarded beyond your expectation. Your body will feel wrapped in love, a soft warm glow, your light will expand releasing the tightness and gripping in your world. You will begin to flow with ease and grace manifesting whatever you put your attention to. We encourage you to stay connected to your guides as this begins to emerge in your life with such rapid speed and ease. Your connection with your purpose will be your guidance system. It will be your compass as you drive more quickly through your life then ever before. We are here to guide your course in love. 

This was a beautiful message for all of you. I laughed a bit when the term ‘your guidance system’ came through as I know that is what Abraham Hicks calls it. But the message came through so quickly as I was writing that I did not have time to search my brain for a different word. It was appropriate.

And when I reread the part ‘we are here to guide your course in love’ I had first assumed they meant each persons’ path, but then realized they also meant The Creative Mystic course!

I know we will not be journeying through these next 6 months alone. Each of us in this course will be clearly guided. And our combined energy and intention will take us to levels we have not been before. I am as excited to get started as everyone who has already registered.

There are 11 women already in this course. Will you join us? We begin this Saturday August 1st and I am very excited for our first call together. Don’t question anymore, if you heart is calling click here now

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

Open post

Four Steps to Healing Your Relationship With Money

Learn More About Attracting Abundance to Your Life!

How is Your Relationship with Money?

This full moon energy is shining light on some shadows in my heart. I could feel it rising in my heart. I could physically feel it. They are there. HIding. Just minor little shadows but they were beginning to wiggle around and bubble up.

How will I respond to them now? Normally I let them fester for days.
But not anymore. I don’t want to feel this way. It only takes me a few hours to shift now.

So I turn that full moon light to shine on them fully?
What are these fears? What am I feeling? Are they mine or the collective?

I feel a frustration. I feel angry. I feel it is not just me, but many feel this way.
Things feel stuck. They are not moving forward the way intended. There is a scarcity energy, a feeling of lack.

A feeling of not being supported by the Universe.
Why? I work hard. I am trying to stay connected. I listen for guidance. I follow my heart. Why does it have to be so hard?

Sound familiar?
The biggest fear: I can not follow my dream because the financial abundance is just not there. I will have to give up on my dreams.

You are not alone with this fear. And when that fear bubbles up from time to time, the memories of feeling unloved, unsupported all come flooding back. I know, I have been there many times.

I’ve wanted to take these memories and pull them from my heart, the way Gandalf pulled his memories from his brain and dropped them in the cauldron, in Harry Potter.

I just wanted these shadows gone from my heart. I wanted to let the light in. I wanted to hand them over to the Universe.

Yet I was angry with the Universe. Our relationship with this money issue has been very rocky. I often felt like the Universe was holding out on me. And like an arguement with a lover, I wanted to be in the loving arms of the Universe, but my ego would hold me back.

My mind would yell, “I’ve been doing my part! Where have you helped!” And these words made my heart ache more. Evidently wrong direction.

“Help me release these hurts so light can flow in. Help me feel abundant with love and support.” This feels better. The right direction. “Show me. Please show me.”

I am sharing with you what I have experienced and learned over the years of co-creating with that divine energy flow and how I have struggled with money, lack and scarcity over and over in my life.

This I have learned from A Course in Miracles: When any relationship is not working, it has to experience a radical shift of the goal of that relationship.

If your relationship with money is not peaceful and loving then there is a need to re-examine the goal.

If you were dating money, you probably would have broken up with it a long time ago.

Money has been unpredictable, unreliable, hard to get, loving at times and then abandoning at other times, elusive, non-commital, even abusive in leading you on, giving you hope and then snatching it away again. Has it turned its back on you when you needed it the most? Yes, if money was my lover I would have left it long ago.

But every relationship involves two. What is your goal in the relationship? Do you just want to use money? Does everything in your world revolve around getting more from money? To get groceries, you need that next paycheque. To have some fun or go on a holiday, you either have to hoard money, or rent it out with credit. Have you been a good lover to money? Have you treasured it, respected it and held it within a holy love?

A Course in Miracles says: The meaning of a holy relationship is the expression of the holy instant in living in this world. And the holy instant is the moment you let go of the ego’s drama.

When any relationship allows love to be the goal, rather than the ego, then each person (aspect) in the relationship can rise up to their greatest potential. But when your goals are not aligned with love, even when we try to believe they are, the relationship will be tumultuous.

How can you apply this to your relationship with money? What is your ultimate goal in your relationship with money? Control? Do you want to control it?

Money is energy and can not be controlled. But it can be attracted.
When you align with love money flows and is attracted to you.
Let’s be honest, who isn’t attracted to love?

Here are the steps to attract more money into your life:

1.  Clarify your goal for the relationship – what do I want to come of this? What is it for? The clarification of the goal belongs at the beginning to determine the outcome.

2.  Stand in faith. Align with love and trust, let go of the gripping. See it done. As a course in miracles says, “Only what you have not given, can be lacking in any situation…Your faith must grow to meet the goal that has been set. The goal’s reality will call this forth, for you will see that peace and faith will not come separately.”

3.  Treat every form of abundance that flows into your life with reverence and respect. I hear over and over from my guides, “Make every act a sacred act.”

4.  Come back to your goal over and over to remain in the communion with your intention.

This will bring your relationship with money back into a beautiful, loving space. Be sure to watch the Abundance Party video here to learn even more abundance tips!

Create your life with intention!

Love Janice

Open post

The Artist Within – How to go to the next level of creating!

The Artist Within – How to move through the creative blocks!

Hello my friends,

There is a certain point in creating that doesn’t feel so good.
But it is a necessary stage.
And it is not just for the literal creative arts such as writers, musicians and artists.

It is for you too!

You know it when it hits. It comes just before the big, new, creative inspiration comes through.

You feel sluggish, and unfocused, like you are just muddling around in life. You feel like you have no goal to get you excited. Clarity eludes you. You don’t quite know what you want. And you feel unsupported, alone and moody.

You know this place. And many times we try to fill it or cover it up with shopping, buying something new or setting the date and purchasing the tickets for that next vacation.

But if you hold on, and follow my steps you will see that this is a beautiful place to be and where you need to be cleaning house because a new growth of creativity is about to flood in.

And that is just what I do when I am feeling this lull in between great creative adventures.
I clean house, both physically and within my core.
I consciously create space for the new.

If everything is energy, then each time we create something new our vibration rises up a bit more.
And when we get used to being at that level, then we are ready for the next level.
So when I feel this way I always say to the Universe, “Okay, I think I’m ready for more!”

The Universe is always supporting you even when it doesn’t feel like it.
And I know, you don’t feel very supported when you are in this lull.
But recognize that you are ready for the next adventure now. You are ready to level up!

The most beautiful feeling in the world is when we are in that creative flow. Think about it. Think about the last time you got really excited about something you were going to create in your life.
It is so much fun to be in this creative flow!

The artist within you is strong, creative, and always expanding.
It’s all about creating your next desires and moving to the next level in your life.
Because you expand just like the galaxy is always expanding.

It is the natural creative flow of the life force energy within you. That is why if feels so good!

And the Universe is there, ready to give you the next new adventure in your life.

Now, one more thing…if you have been trying to manifest and it does not seem to be budging for you, you may be working too hard on it. I recently realized this myself. I was getting too caught up in how I wanted things to unfold, and this was causing everything to slow down. I was being too specific and this causes resistance in my manifesting.

And when I took the following steps my manifesting took a giant leap forward and everything went from muddled to clear as the blue sky. And I was reminded just how much we are supported!

And remember, when you are co-creating with the Universe, your heart, your angels, your God, then everything comes to you. You don’t need to look for it, it just shows up in your life.

It only took 4 days of following these steps each morning before my manifestations started flooding in.

Here are the steps:

1.  Go back to how you want to feel, without thinking about how it is going to happen. Journal out the feelings you want to have when you wake up at the beginning of your day. For example: I want to feel energized and excited for my day. I want to jump out of bed excited for my work. I want to love my work and feel so powered up to go to work. I want to have fun with my work, I want to love my co-workers and feel inspired by them. I want to work with people that are always working on becoming better and better people in this world. Do you see how this works? Now try it with having abundance in money, or love, or health. Don’t get into the details of how it will look. Focus on feeling words.

2.  Meditate on letting go of the control. Hand it over to the Universe or your angels. Just see them figuring it all out for you. You are cleaning everything out of your inner house and just floating in the feelings. Let go of all expectation. I have also been using the Ho’Oponopono Prayer. This is a very powerful Hawaiian Prayer. You can look it up to see more about it but here it is:

I am sorry,
Please forgive me,
I love you
I thank you.
Direct this prayer to your own heart. Speak it to your higher power within you. It is incredibly healing. We are usually holding so much guilt, anger, resentment, etc towards ourselves and this blocks our ability to receive the divine love from the Universe. We don’t feel worthy. And yet you are worthy. Not because of anything you have ever done or not done, but because you were born. Period. So begin forgiving yourself and see how much things shift in your life.

3.  Now begin clearing space around you. Your home, your car, your office – clear out anything you no longer need. Open up the space to receive. Open up the flow. Look into some Feng Shui to help with the flow of energy in your home.

4.  Finally, get creative – doodle, paint, draw, garden….anything that feels good. Just allow yourself to create. It doesn’t have to look good. You are not going to save the world with these creations, so lighten up and just let go. Put paint on a canvas and start to move it around, playing with the color and shapes that appear. This is very powerful!

COMING SOON!  I am going to be having some Intuitive Soul Painting Sessions! I am so excited to offer these powerful sessions of creating, guided by our imagination and infused with the intentions of our desires. Paintings that anyone can do! So stay tuned for these to be coming in August!

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

P.S. – If you want one on one vibe sessions I have openings available now. Go to my Vibe Sessions to find out more!

Do you have questions or comments? I would love to hear from you. You can reply to this email or send them to [email protected]

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Join Visioning with Intention where you will find my free Visioning with Intention course.

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