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Reclaim Your Life! Because You are Enough!

You’ve Totally Got This! More Than You Think!

Here’s the deal.
The key word in intentional manifesting is intentional. That means that you are in control and working alongside the power of the Universe.

You are a powerhouse within a powerhouse and it is time for you to recognize this.

First pause for a moment and take a look at the image below from the Omega Institute.

Your life is all about energy and energy vibrates.
How you feel is an indication of where you are vibrating.
And Law of Attraction will bring you more of what you are feeling inside.

So where are you hanging out most of the time?

Now I get it, when you don’t manifest what you are truly desiring, and you are working so hard at it, it can be defeating.

Remember these 2 things:
– It either isn’t here YET (divine timing is a thing)
– or you have stuff to grow through

It is never time to give up!
Are you willing to let your perceived defeats define you?
It is time to rise up and break through any limiting beliefs you have held onto in your life.

Childhood was a long time ago.
Middle school was a long time ago.
High school was a long time ago.

You are in charge now.

So let’s all put our big girl panties on and decide who we are going to be, and what we are going to create in this life.

So if you have been hanging out in the vibration of guilt, apathy or fear, it is time to move on up the scale.

And I am here to help you! Here are 5 ways to begin moving up the scales to a higher vibration that brings everything to you like a magnet:

1.  Forgive Yourself – Ease up, stop judging yourself, stop berating yourself, stop beating yourself up for your thoughts, fears and any past actions. You are a different person now. You learned from the past and that is not who you are anymore. Start to notice when you have those mean ego thoughts and just say, “I’ve got this ego, you can take the back seat now.”

2.  Create a list of all the accomplishments you have ever made in your life. Begin with graduating grade school! Yes! And keep going, adding in all the times you held a loved one in your arms while they went through a difficult time. I know you are a rock star! Now you have to begin believing it too! Let the mistakes go. We have all made them, big and small. Move over defeating thoughts and welcome in the high-fivin praise for every big and little thing you have contributed to.

3.  Make it part of your daily routine to meditate, exercise and eat high vibrational food. If you have not meditated before then listen to guided meditations, every day. Even if you can’t quiet your mind keep doing it. And you don’t need to train for a marathon, just begin to take care of the home your soul lives in. Show love and respect for this body you chose for this temporary journey. The more you move up the scales of vibration, the more you actually want to do this and feed your body good, healthy food. You will begin to notice the difference in your feelings on the days you follow a healthy routine.

4.  Read/listen to inspirational topics. Podcasts are big now and if you don’t know about them, it is time for you to learn. Find out about podcasts and at the very least listen to Youtube videos while you get ready in the morning, or while you drive to work. Feed your mind with high vibing material.

5.  Hang out with high vibing people. Go to classes to meet some of these people. Take yoga classes, sound vibration classes, meditation classes, and creative classes like painting lessons (had to throw that in there 🙂  But this is where people that are working on raising their vibration and becoming more self-aware hang out.

It is time to reclaim your life! It is time to do the daily work to bring your vibration up higher and higher. And when you do, you automatically bring those you love up the scale with you. That ripple effect is powerful!

And here is one more bonus suggestion – if you are truly committed to this journey of self-discovery – read my book, The Creation Guild.

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

P.S. – If you want one on one coaching I have openings available now. We can work through all this together this summer. Jump start your manifesting and begin to live the life of your dreams. Check out my packages here.

Open post

Freefall Into Your Soul

Freefall Into Your Soul

Hello beautiful!

Are you looking to make a shift in your life? Are you looking to pivot?

Well here is a thought for you.  I want you to feel deep inside, way down into the depths of your heart.

What is your heart yearning for? Is it more love? More peace? More freedom? More acceptance?

Well you are not alone. And here is the answer for you, for all of those yearnings.

When you say YES to your soul everything gains momentum in the positive direction!
When you make a decision and commit, everything comes together!

Have you noticed this before?

I had this conversation with my sister recently. We were talking about how much we just rise up when we are forced to. Every single time in life when I have been backed into a corner, I rise up and things always work out. I look deep within my heart and say, “You’ve got this girl.” I go for it, but IT is always what my heart is yearning for.

Here is an example that just came up this week.

My son called me to let me know he and a couple of his friends were planning a roadtrip to Tofino. He booked the week off, not quite knowing if he could actually afford to take the time off work right now. But he really wanted to go, and his heart and soul were totally calling to him to go. He was so ready for a break from everything in life.

So he committed and booked the time off, trusting it would work out some way. The next day new orders came in to his work which allowed him to work a extra hours before he goes, and even when he gets back from his trip. All just lined up for him, because his heart was calling and he followed the inspiration.

Recently my husband had a minor heart attack (it’s okay he is doing great now).
But it did mean he had to be off work for almost a month. And his company does not have short term sick pay. (Ugh!)

After stressing a little bit, I got over it and just said, “Okay let’s do this! We are going to be fine and that is all there is to it. I’m ready Universe, I trust you are always there to support us and I am listening.”

And do you know what? Our monthly income did not change even though he was off work.

How? I’m not sure, but the ‘how’ does not matter.

What does matter is that you hold the clear intention, have complete trust and follow the inspiration without any doubt in your mind. That is committment, a knowing that it is going to happen.

And when you do this for you….for your own soul…when you commit and finally free fall into your soul, everything in your life begins to come together. There is more ease, more flow, more peace. 

There is so much less stress, tightness, anxiety, stuggle.

Stressing about how it is going to happen, worrying about the number of different possible negative outcomes that may arrive at your door is a complete waste of time.

Stay in the moment. Stay centered in your inner knowing.
Listen closely to this inner voice because it knows the way far better than you do.

How do you hear that voice?
It begins with silence.
Sittling quietly with yourself.
Being in the creative flow through writing, or doing creative work of some form.
The voice comes through music, your art, your complete presence.

Your work with your inner self has to be your number one priority. You have to begin to put yourself, your inner peace first, no matter what. You have to stop and sit in the silence through meditation, daily. You have to take care of your body, your vessel, through movement and healthy eating.

There are no shortcuts. It is dedication and it is practice.
And we need to teach our children how to do this by being an example for them.

Begin with you. Free fall into your soul. Discover the many layers to this world.
And you will begin to live a life beyond your dreams.

Spirit Junkie Masterclass taught me this. It grounded me into my soul.
The doors close on June 20th at 7:00pm and will not open again until June 2020.
I hope you were able to catch my live video on Soulfully Aligned Women where I explained my experience of SJMC and all the extra bonuses I am adding in, on top of Gabby Bernstein’s bonuses for everyone who signs up under this link:

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

Open post

Creative Flow to a Never Ending Waterfall

How to Unleash the Power of You

Hello my friends,

This week in my Facebook live videos, I put these questions out to you:

What is your story around abundance?
What is your story around how far you will allow yourself to go?

(If you missed these be sure to join my Facebook groups, Soulfully Aligned Women, or Visioning with Intention)

I know I still have residual limiting beliefs around earning through my passion.
I still have limiting beliefs around who would pay me for this?
And around accepting money for something that comes so easy for me, especially when it doesn’t feel like work at all.

But here’s the thing, your gifts are given to you from the Universe to bring to this world.
This is how you help make our world a beautiful place.
Your passion is powerful and absolutley encouraged by spirit.
Your gifts are lighthouses guiding you to your path,
and burning desires lead to great personal expansion.

So my next questions are:
Where are you holding back in your life?
Aren’t you tired of holding back? 

It is time for you to rise up and own your power.
Aren’t you tired of checking yourself continually?
Aren’t you tired of not shining your full light?

It takes more work to hide it than it does to let it shine.

It takes courage and commitment to let your creative flow become a never ending waterfall.

What are the stories and dramas holding you back?
Why are you playing small?
How does it serve you?
How does it serve the world?

If you don’t bring the energy now…when?

We need you and your gifts. You need to shine, in whatever way that is for you.
What would feel really good to let loose in your life?
If you were living a life that was fully aligned with your power, what would it look like?
What would you be doing today?

Unleash the power within – 100%
No editing, no filtering.
Fully be you – fully embrace that power!

Is your heart yearning for more but you don’t know what that is?
And are you not sure what this would look like for you?

Then Art, Heart & Soul Weekend Retreat is exactly for you. And you know it already.
Get into clarity about your purpose, your mission, your life!
You will get committed to your life and begin showing up in a new way!
You will take your life to a new level!

And if you really want to be there, but can’t make it work then The Dream Mandala Workshop is what you need. Work at your own pace, but in a guided format with me, to get clarity around your heart’s desires. Fire up your alignment and creative flow through meditations, journal questions and finally creating your own Dream Mandala with your own personal visions for your life within it, taking your intentional manifesting to a higher vibration! Summer Solstice naturally syncs up the power of the Universe with our own intentions infusing this energy into our Dream Mandalas.

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

Open post

Love Always Answers

Powerful Intentions and Surrendering

Good Morning Friend!

Let’s just talk about powerful intentions and surrendering at the same time.

How exactly do we do this?
How do we stay fired up each day holding our vision for our creations in our minds, yet do that surrendering thing?

If you are new here, you may not know how many times I have said that you are a powerful creator. You are.

You hold within you the energy that creates worlds.
When you align your intention up with your heart, completely trust your creative flow within you and get all fired up, you can powerfully create in your life.

You already begin each day meditating.
You center your heart.
You feel this flow in your body.
This is how you create in your life.

But there is a higher power that goes beyond this.
We are a shadow of this higher power, just a little portion of it.
And we have the ability to channel this into our creations.

But there is even more…a greater pool, a greater mass, a brighter sun.
And this is guiding the bigger plan.

When you wonder why your creations are not manifesting, there may be a bigger plan in the works.

This is the power that guides all the pieces of the puzzle into their perfect place.
This is the power that weaves everything together.
All the little coincidences, and synchronicities that you could never have imagined happening, all falling into place in perfect timing.

This power is also guiding you and your life. 

Sometimes it can be very difficult to see far enough into the bigger picture.
It may be hard to differentiate between our heart’s desires and our ego’s desires.

But your higher power knows. And this is where you need to trust. Hold the faith.

The Universe will give you alll things that do not block your way to the light.
And will take nothing of you as long as you have need of it.

But our own personality, our small self, may not be able to see the bigger picture, and will fight against this.

As we are dreaming our life into manifestations, connecting with our heart each day in meditation, it is important to be willing to do whatever is needed to bring these dreams to life, to be willing to rise up, but also to hold them lightly.

Be willing to shift. Be willing to let things go.
Be willing to accept the bigger plan of the Universe.
Trust in your higher power.
Be open to allowing the inspiration to guide you each step of the way.

We don’t have a vision to see into the future but the Universe knows the perfect unfolding for us, in both time and material manifestations.

Hold lightly, relax but keep your intention clear in your heart and mind.
It is coming.

And know that what you call to you with love will come to you.
Love always answers.

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

P.S. – It is June and Summer Solstice will soon be here. This is the perfect energetic time to create your Dream Mandala. Click the picture below to learn more about this online course.

Click here to join my Facebook group Soulfully Aligned Women for more support & tips from me and other women who are soulfully connected.
Not a Woman? That’s awesome!
I created a Facebook group that includes everyone – because our world needs balance!
Join Visioning with Intention where you will find my free Visioning with Intention course.

Open post

Finding Your Internal Magnificence!

How to Live Authentically

There is a lot of talk out there about living authentically. But what does this really mean?

I believe to live authentically means you know who you are. You are fiercely aligned with your heart, and each step you take is taken with intentional awareness.

This intentional awareness is not a place to reach, but rather a process of becoming.

It begins with recognizing your own internal magnificence, aknowledging your spirit within. Knowing you are no more or no less valuable than anyone else.

You are here to express yourself. No more cowering away from who you are.
You are going to shine bright and fly freely, soaring above all the scrambling for energy below you.

Are you truly believing you are spirit within? Everything begins here, because when you can hold this belief firmly in your heart…a knowing within your heart…then everything in your life shifts and you begin to live your life in a completely different way.

A Course in Miracles claims that what we have seen around us is only a fraction of what each of us is capable of. And that means that you have as much achievement potential as any great creator, nobel peace prize winner, scientist or anyone else who ever lived.

Marianne Williamson has spoken about authentic living and she led me to these words:

How can you possibly live an authentic life if you think you should be someone other than who you truly are, want something other than what you truly want, or do something other than what you truly want to do. 

Authentic living and believing in yourself and your dreams is about remembering who you are. You are coming home to the core of you. You are coming home to your inner heart, which is connected to your spirit.

To do this requires quieting the voices around you, (and the ones in your head) and just finding that place of peace within. Spending time in meditation, and out in nature.

Communing there regularly, in this beautiful quiet, peaceful place helps you begin the steps of living your authentic life. Your heart will feel it. You will feel this knowing of who you truly are.

And when you are filled with this knowing, then the Law of Attraction begins to work in your favor. You will feel joy when you work and your heart will open to receive all that the Universe has for you.

Find your way there, away from the craziness of your daily pace.
Continually bring yourself back to your authentic heart.
Create the space in your life for this practice.

Join me for Art, Heart & Soul, a weekend away from it all. A weekend to honour yourself, and connect more deeply with your heart. Call me to claim your space. One double bedroom is still available.

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

P.S. – If you want one on one coaching connect with me here for a free mini session

Do you have questions or comments? I would love to hear from you. You can reply to this email or send them to [email protected]
Click here to join my Facebook group Soulfully Aligned Women for more support & tips from me and other women who are soulfully connected.

Not a Woman? That’s awesome!
I created a Facebook group that includes everyone – because our world needs balance!
Join Visioning with Intention where you will find my free Visioning with Intention course.

Please share the love and share this with your friends!

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When Things Get Intense, Try These Two Steps

Two Steps to Get Back Into Your Flow

Have you noticed how much life cycles around? Life is not linear in any way. It is more of a spiral and sometimes it can feel like you are gliding effortlessly through the air, receiving gracefully.

And then at other times life gets tighter, and moving through your days begins to feel like sludge. You may even feel like you have been here before. But it doesn’t have to be this way if you can learn to stay open to receiving.

When you find yourself cycling through old patterns in life, you can learn to see the signals quicker, then shift, with a knowing that you have been here before and you have learned from the past. You are wiser now, with a much more expanded perspective and deeper truths. You know, not only do these times not last, but you are the one in control and you get to decide if a change needs to happen. It is not necessary for you to sludge through the tight times.In this moment you can choose to make a change. 

Speak it out loud to the Universe, “Hey, I’ve been here before and I do not want to go through this again. I am ready for a change!”

You can choose to lighten the load, cultivate positive change and expand even more. And when you realize that you have the power to do this, in any given moment, you embody more of your true light.

The Universe is not outside of you.
The power of that infinite grace is not just all around you, it is what you are made of.
It is your life force.
And the sooner you realize this, the sooner you create a life that is always moving in the direction of feeling good, all the time.

Life doesn’t always turn out the way we planned. There are greater movements going on that you may not yet be aware of.  But when you get to a point in your life when you are not having fun you have probably tightened up your energy and your heart, and you are no longer open to receive.

So here are a couple things you can do:

1.  Ask yourself “What needs to shift, so life is more fun?” I recently felt this. I was doing all the things that I loved but the pace was no longer fun for me. I was being consumed with everything that needed to get done in a day. So I asked myself, “What needed to shift, so I could do more of what I love? How can this be more fun?” In this case I needed more time to be creative. So, after some journaling and contemplating I realized what I could take off my plate, lighten my load, pass on to someone else to take care of. And when I realized what it was…(housecleaning! Yay!)…I was happy to pass that off to someone who could do it for me (and in a much better way too). So what can you take off your plate? How can things shift so you are having more fun each day of your life?

2. The next step is to feel into it. Ask yourself, “If this shift was already done, what would it feel like?”  For me, just realizing I had the option to pass something on to someone else made me feel so much lighter again. Nothing changed in that moment except my perception of my life.

These two steps do something miraculous for you. Even if you don’t make any changes in your life (like hiring a house cleaner), you have shifted your vibration from the problem to feeling like the solution was already done. This change in vibration puts you back on track to manifesting the joy back into your life. And you are now more open to receiving! Receiving inspiration, solutions, and for the Universe to pour wonderful blessings into your life.

Life is not meant to be a struggle.
Life is not all about hard work.
You are the creator of your life. If you are not happy, make the change in your vibration first. The rest will follow.
You get to choose how your life looks and feels.

So…. what do you want? What could shift to give you more ease and fun?

Have a beautiful week of creating your dreams and shining your light!
Love Janice

Open post

Love Pours Forth

Love Pours Forth

Surrending to the Divine Plan of the Universe

Hello Friend!

This week my focus has been on surrendering, releasing and just allowing myself to be, as you may have seen from my video on Soulfully Aligned Women.

One thing I have been doing is listening to a beautiful song called, “Heart of the Universe” by Peter Kater & Snatam Kaur, and it has been very centering for me. It has brought me back home again.

If you are feeling at all confused, foggy or have that feeling of striving creeping in, or ambitious tension then perhaps you need to take time to sink back into your heart presence in this moment, as I did.

Take a look around you. What is happening externally is feedback for you.
It is a direct reflection of what is going on inside you…
Remember external abundace begins with spiritual abundance.

When I relax into the feeling of the moment, surrender and open to receive, then everything becomes crystal clear again.

What is truly important in my heart comes forward once again.

And when I dwell here everything begins to flow again in the direction of my true heart desires.

Surrendering to the will of the Universe – letting go, releasing…trusting is the place of true empowerment.

The ‘zen mind’ or ‘beginner’s mind’ in Zen Buddhism means we are open to receive – open to learn.

When I  think I know how everything needs to unfold and am wanting the Universe to follow my directions, then I am not teachable.
Nothing can flow in. I am blocking the presence of my creative flow.

When I empty my mind, let go of my expectations and make my alignment with my heart my #1 priority, then everything flows and begins to unfold in the direction that is of the highest good for all.

I am stepping back and allowing a higher power within me to lead the way.
This place is where insight and inspirations flow forward.

Dwelling in this space and really sinking into that feeling of complete surrender – that sweet feeling of love and heart centeredness… then instantly love pours forth from the heart of the Universe.

As we recognize that nothing else matters but this feeling of love and peace, and we make this feeling the center of our lives, then everything will flow toward your desires.

And then you become the guiding light in the lives of all your loved ones, shining the way forward.

Affirmation for this week: 
Love pours forth from the heart of the Universe and I am held steady in these divine cosmic arms.

Have a beautiful week of love, trust and surrendering.
Love Janice

My newest retreat information is posted below for my Gather Round the Soul weekend  in January 2019. You can get more information in the events section of this website.. This will be an amazing and beautiful weekend of soul alignment, connecting and setting our intentions for manifesting in the New Year. I truly hope you are able to join me. I am very excited to bring this to you!

P.S. – If you want one on one coaching I have openings available now. Where are you at in your life? Tell me where you are stuck. Tell me how you think I can help.

Open post

How Knowing Your Energetic Minimums Helps You Break Glass Ceilings

Manifesting is energy my friend and energy is love!

When you think of your energetic minimum for money, health, love & relationships what do you think of?

Let me explain…..
We all have an energetic minimum, a bar, that we are unwilling to drop below when it comes to our lifestyle or relationships with others and ourselves.

This is usually an unconscious bar that we hold and bringing our awareness of where our bar is being held is like finding where you are on a roadmap.

You can’t get to where you want to go if you don’t know where you are at. Even a compass won’t help until you locate your position.

So we are going to locate your energetic position in your life and then ourintention and all the work we are doing to clear up our limiting beliefs become our compass to our desired life.

I want to share my experience with this to help you understand:

My energetic minimum for money was tied to my home. I was willing to make enough money to make sure we always had our home. Our bills were always met, we had ‘a roof over our head and food on the table.’

I truly love my home, that is where my heart is.  I love being in my home. I love painting in my studio. I love walking in my yard. It brings me peace and joy. And if you are on my Facebook group, Soulfully Aligned Women, then you know I had deep ingrained fears from my childhood around losing my home.

And so, when it comes to my home my need for money drops into my heart.
I want to shower my home with love. I want to decorate, update, beautify my home because I love it so much.

And so knowing my energetic minimum was at the level of just paying the mortgage so we could live here, I could then consciously raise that bar. I focused on my love for my home and I could really get behind allowing more to flow into my life so I could use the tool of money to bless my home with the love I am feeling.

This exercise can be used in any area of your life; love, money or health.
Where are you energetic bars sitting. Are you ready to bust through the threshold and bring more of what you want into your life?

What if you could raise the bar?
What can you get behind?
For some people it will be traveling, for some it may be designer shoes!

You need to find where money drops into your heart and manifest from there.

So then how do we raise the bar?

1. Choose one area of your life that is funky right now and identify the lowest threshold you are willing to accept. Recognize where your minimum is and feel it in your body. This is the point that if it went any lower you would take passionate action. You would do whatever was needed to bring the bar back up again.

  • For money, think lifestyle
  • For love,, think relationships
  • For health, think independence or mobility

2. Imagine raising this bar up. What would it look like? What would it feel like? Feel it in your body. Every day for 40 days go back to this vision and really feel it in your body.

3.  Each day as you do this pay close attention to the limiting beliefs or doubts that surface. When they do you need to do the work to remove that limiting belief.

The time to break through the barriers holding you back in life has come!
If you can dream it, you can live it.

Have a beautiful week my friend!
Love Janice

If you want one on one coaching I have openings available now in my program.

Where are you at in your life? Tell me where you are stuck. Tell me how you think I can help.

Do you have questions or comments? I would love to hear from you. You can reply to this email or send them to [email protected]

Click here to join my Facebook group Soulfully Aligned Women for more support & tips from me and other women who are soulfully connected.

Open post

The Biggest Obstacle to our Peace

Obstacles to our Peace Part 1

Hello Friend,

To live a creative life is to live a spiritual life.

Let’s not dance around this topic.
Too often we hide our light behind the front of our lives. But we can not live in our fullest light by hiding part of ourselves and we are not only repressing ourselves but we have a responsibility to our world that we are ignoring.

So let’s get brave and talk about it in this safe space. Let’s get it out there now.

What does God mean to you? This traditional Christian term can bring up lots of feelings for us. Some are positive, some not so much. I have had to work through my own issues with this term. So we will often change the name to the Universe, Creative Energy Source, Goddess, Energy Source….and many more.

Or perhaps you are not Christian? There are so many different forms our beliefs take…Buddhist, Muslim, Hinduism, Secular, Islam, Atheist, Traditional Chinese Religion, Primal Indigenous….

Our sense of a higher power is very personal and very sacred to us. Let’s face it, wars are fought over this. I’m not saying you need to shout your beliefs from the rooftops announcing to everyone around you. Nor should you be trying to convince others what they should believe. But you need to get very clear on your own belief. Where are you at with this?

Living in your fullest light and bringing that light to this world means being unapologetic for who you are. It is time for all of us to be fierce and to step fully into that light and live from that space. Our world is starving from a lack of spiritual connection. And we can each create a shift by committing to our own light. We are soulful beings living a physical life. We can not deny this. There is more to this physical life than what we see with our eyes. Your religion or beliefs does not matter, it is what you are serving to the world through your beliefs, that matters.

Let me share my story with you. I have always been a spiritual seeker. Ever since I was a young child I had questions that the adults around me could not answer. I went to several different churches when I was a young girl, not really knowing what I was seeking but searching nonetheless. Nothing really fit for me. My spiritual seeking continued on through my adult years, and after my research and mentoring from others, I soon developed my own relationship with a higher power. I nurtured this relationship and I am committed to this relationship ahead of all others in my life today. This relationship comes first and it is a daily practice.

However, for many years I lived my life from three different lanes;
my work life,
my creative life;
and my quiet spiritual life.
In this way, my power was divided.

It took an event that brought me to my knees to realize I could not live this way anymore. (One day I will talk about that event, but not yet.) What I did realize through it was that I needed to step fully into my power, no more games, no more hiding, no more pretending. It was time to adult in a big way. I knew my spirituality and my creative talents needed to come together fully into my whole life, and that I had something to offer this world through my gifts and abilities.

And with this shift, came a bigger power. A bigger presence in my life.

Now I didn’t run out and tell everyone, even though when this happens you really want to. But I felt a quiet grace move through me, guiding me, inspiring me.

My mission is to stand in full alignment and to create and hold spaces that are safe and available for you to experiment with the light in your own way. I am committed to myself and to you. And through this we will all begin living our lives as co-creators with our higher power. Living a spiritual life.

And so I ask you to sit down with a pen and paper and answer this question for yourself:

What does a higher power mean to you?

To help you get started here is my answer to this question:

I believe there is an infinite force within us and around us. This is the divine essence of all life forms; life force energy. This energy is pure love and potential. We can align and co-create with is divine presence that is greater than us. We can trust and surrender to this power for a life that is guided, inspired and beyond our own imagination. Our role is to nurture this relationship. Be open. This is a presence to lean on instead of doing it all alone.

When you sit quietly and journal your answer to this question it is the beginning to living a life fully empowered in your light. It brings you clarity, and this brings you more strength to commit fully to you.

Next week is Part 2 – Obstacles to Our Peace – A Tool Bag for you to Use.
Many blessings my friend, and have a beautifully creative week,

Love Janice

Open post

How to Remove Limiting Beliefs

Removing Your Blocks

Good Morning Friend!

June has been our month of intentional manifesting of money, love, time and now vibrant health.

How is your health? Are you as vibrant as you would like to be? Do you feel good every day?

As I say this and as you have worked on the areas of money and love, and as you have done your daily meditation, you probably found some areas that areblocked, or not manifesting in the ways you would like.

Say this out loud, “I AM MAGNIFICENT!”

Okay as soon as you said that what thought or reaction came up? Laughter? Guilt? Shame? Do you feel silly saying this? Maybe like you are faking it?

There it is! Shine the flashlight on it! There are your limiting beliefs?

The first time I said it I laughed. And then I could see faces of friends laughing at me, and a voice says, “ya right, go ahead keep dreaming. You’re average”

What is your story about you?
Where did that story come from?
When did this story first emerge in your life?
What needs to be forgiven in order for you to thrive in magnificence? A person, a behavior pattern,

Through forgiveness we express the transformation of fear into love.

What are your stories about your health? Your relationships? Your abundance?

Well it is time to change that old limiting story! That is not who you are anymore!
You have grown and evolved from all those past events and you are a totally different person today.

Here is how to open to the love that will let you shine your magnificence:

In your meditation, envision standing tall and all around you are the people or stories you have created about your life. Image cords running from your body to all these stories. Pull in your creative source energy from the universe in through the top of your head, connecting straight down to the center of the earth. Feel it like a pillar of light strong inside of you. Then when you are ready, with love, and with golden scissors, begin to cut the cords connecting you to all those stories. Thank them each for their lesson but let the cord fall away. This will feel good, releasing and lightening you up. Allow them to fall away with love all around you.

Now say this prayer:

I call on forgiveness to heal this fear based belief system of
(add your limited belief here),
and I welcome the miracle to come in.
I ask that this fear based belief system be released from me
and I can forgive fully. 

Repeat this prayer every day for 30, 40, 90 days, for however long it is needed and you will be busting through blocks and glass ceilings.

The miracle is the shift that will occur that lets the fear fall away and the love fill you up. When you work on this practice you become very powerful at manifesting in your life.

You can’t manifest if you have limiting beliefs bouncing the light away.

Work on one area of your life at a time. The one that is most needed at this time; is it in money, love, time or health?

Forgiveness is an invitation to the Universe, to a spirit greater than you, to come in and guide you. It is a willingness to let go and let GOD. It is surrender.

The Universe will guide you as you open to be willing to forgive. Pay attention to the shifts and express gratitude as you dissolve your limiting beliefs.

Enjoy your week!
Love Janice

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